Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Anonymous
Editor: Andrew Griffin
Peer Reviewed

The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)

Enter Leir and Perillus fayntly.
1095Per. Rest on me, my Lord, and stay your selfe,
The way seemes tedious to your aged lymmes.
D4 Leir. Nay,
The History of King Leir
Leir. Nay, rest on me, kind friend, and stay thy selfe,
Thou art as old as I, but more kind.
Per. Ah, good my Lord, it ill befits, that I
1100Should leane vpon the person of a King.
Leir. But it fits worse, that I should bring thee forth,
That had no cause to come along with me.
Through these vncouth paths, and tirefull wayes,
And neuer ease thy faynting limmes a whit.
1105Thou hast left all, I, all to come with me,
And I, for all, haue nought to guerdon thee.
Per. Cease, good my Lord, to aggrauate my woes,
With these kind words, which cuts my heart in two,
To think your will should want the power to do.
1110Leir. Cease, good Perillus, for to call me Lord,
And think me but the shaddow of my selfe.
Per. That honourable title will I giue,
Vnto my Lord, so long as I do liue.
Oh, be of comfort: for I see the place
1115Whereas your daughter keeps her residence.
And loe, in happy time the Cambrian Prince
Is here arriu'd, to gratify our comming.
Enter the Prince of Cambria, Ragan and Nobles: looke
vpon them, and whisper together.
1120Leir. Were I best speak, or sit me downe and dye?
I am asham'd to tell this heauy tale.
Per. Then let me tell it, if you please, my Lord:
Tis shame for them that were the cause thereof.
Cam. What two old men are those that seeme so sad?
1125Me thinks, I should remember well their lookes.
Rag. No, I mistake not, sure it is my father:
I must dissemble kindnesse now of force.
She runneth to him, and kneeles downe, saying:
Father, I bid you welcome, full of griefe,
1130To see your Grace vsde thus vnworthily,
And ill befitting for your reuerend age,
To come on foot a iourney so indurable.
Oh, what disaster chaunce hath bin the cause,
To make your cheeks so hollow, spare and leane?
and his three daughters.
1135He cannot speake for weeping: for Gods loue, come.
Let vs refresh him with some needfull things,
And at more leysure we may better know,
Whence springs the ground of this vnlookt for wo.
Cam. Come, father, e're we any further talke,
1140You shall refresh you after this weary walk. Exeunt, manet Ragan.
Rag. Comes he to me with finger in the eye,
To tell a tale against my sister here?
Whom I do know, he greatly hath abusde:
And now like a contentious crafty wretch,
1145He first begins for to complayne himselfe,
When as himselfe is in the greatest fault.
Ile not be partiall in my sisters cause,
Nor yet beleeue his doting vayne reports:
Who for a trifle (safely) I dare say,
1150Vpon a spleene is stolen thence away:
And here (forsooth) he hopeth to haue harbour,
And to be moan'd and made on like a child:
But ere't be long, his comming he shall curse,
And truely say, he came from bad to worse:
1155Yet will I make fayre weather, to procure
Conuenient meanes, and then ile strike it sure. Exit.