and his three daughters.
2281King. Nor neuer like impiety was done,
2282Since the creation of the world begun.
2283Leir. And now I am con
straind to
seeke reliefe
2284Of her, to whom I haue bin
so vnkind;
se cen
sure, if it do award me death,
2286I mu
st confe
she payes me but my due:
2287But if
shew a louing daughters part,
2288It comes of God and her, not my de
2289Cor. No doubt
she will, I dare be
she will.
2290Leir. How know you that, not knowing what
she is?
2291Cor. My
selfe a father haue a great way hence,
sde me as ill as euer you did her;
2293Yet, that his reuerend age I once might
2294Ide creepe along, to meet him on my knee.
2295Leir. O, no mens children are vnkind but mine.
2296Cor. Condemne not all, becau
se of others crime:
2297But looke, deare father, looke, behold and
2298Thy louing daughter
speaketh vnto thee.
She kneeles. 2299Leir. O,
stand thou vp, it is my part to kneele,
2300And aske forgiuene
sse for my former faults.
he kneeles. 2301Cor. O, if you wi
sh I
should inioy my breath,
2302Deare father ri
se, or I receiue my death.
he riseth. 2303Leir. Then I will ri
se, to
satisfy your mind,
2304But kneele againe, til pardon be re
he kneeles. 2305Cor. I pardon you: the word be
seemes not me:
2306But I do
so, for to ea
se your knee.
2307You gaue me life, you were the cau
se that I
2308Am what I am, who el
se had neuer bin.
2309Leir. But you gaue life to me and to my friend,
se dayes had el
se, had an vntimely end.
2311Cor. You brought me vp, when as I was but young,
2312And far vnable for to helpe my
2313Leir. I ca
st thee forth, when as thou wa
st but young,
2314And far vnable for to helpe thy
2315Cor. God, world and nature
say I do you wrong,
2316That can indure to
see you kneele
so long.
2317King. Let me breake o
ff this louing controuer
2318Which doth reioyce my very
soule to
2319Good father, ri
she is your louing daughter,
He riseth. H4 And