Peer Reviewed
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
The true Chronicle Historie of King
Leir and his three daughters.
1Enter King Leir and Nobles.
6Doth ride in triumph 'mōgst the Cherubins;
7Let vs request your graue aduice, my Lords,
9For whom our care is specially imployd,
10As nature bindeth to aduaunce their states,
11In royall marriage with some princely mates:
12For wanting now their mothers good aduice,
13Vnder whose gouernment they haue receyued
14A perfit patterne of a vertuous life:
17Although our selues doe dearely tender them,
18Yet are we ignorant of their affayres:
22And course of time hath cancelled the date
23Of further issue from our withered loynes:
24One foote already hangeth in the graue,
25And age hath made deepe furrowes in my face:
26The world of me, I of the world am weary,
28And thinke vpon the welfare of my soule:
30Then by resigning vp the Crowne from me,
31In equall dowry to my daughters three.
32Skalliger. A worthy care, my Liege, which well declares,
33The zeale you bare vnto our quondam Queene:
I cen-