2630.1[Scene 32] [Video Sc.32] 32.0.12631Alarums and excursions, then sound victory 32.0.2Enter Leir, PERIL2632LUS, Gallia, Cordella, and Mumford Thanks be to God: your foes are overcome,
32.22634And you again possessed of your right.
First to the heavens, next, thanks to you, my son,
32.42636By whose good means I repossess the same,
32.52637Which if it please you to accept yourself,
32.62638With all my heart I will resign to you,
32.72639For it is yours by right, and none of mine.
32.82640First, have you raised, at your own charge, a power
32.92641Of valiant soldiers -- this comes all from you --
32.102642Next have you ventured your own person's scathe,
32.112643And lastly, worthy Gallia never stained,
32.122644My kingly title I by thee have gained.
Thank heavens, not me; my zeal to you is such,
32.142646Command my utmost, I will never grutch.
He that with all kind love entreats his queen
32.162648Will not be to her father unkind seen.
Ah, my Cordella, now I call to mind
32.182650The modest answer which I took unkind;
32.192651But now I see, I am no whit beguiled,
32.202652Thou loved'st me dearly, and as ought a child.
32.212653And thou, Perillus, partner once in woe,
32.222654Thee to requite, the best I can, I'll do;
32.232655Yet all I can, ay, were it ne'er so much,
32.242656Were not sufficient, thy true love is such.
32.252657Thanks, worthy Mumford, to thee last of all,
32.262658Not greeted last 'cause thy desert was small,
32.272659No, thou hast lion-like laid on today,
32.282660Chasing the Cornwall king and Cambria,
32.292661Who with my daughters -- "daughters," did I say? --
32.302662To save their lives, the fugitives did play.
32.312663Come son and daughter, who did me advance,
32.322664Repose with me awhile, and then for France.