Author: William ShakespeareEditor: Timothy BillingsNot Peer Reviewed
Love's Labor's Lost (Folio 1, 1623)
138 Loues Labour's lost
2015And euery one his Loue-feat will aduance,
2016Vnto his
seuerall Mi
sse: which they'll know
2017By fauours
seuerall, which they did be
2018Queen. And will they
so? the Gallants
shall be ta
2019For Ladies; we will euery one be ma
2020And not a man of them
shall haue the grace
spight of
sute, to
see a Ladies face.
Rosaline, this Fauour thou
shalt weare,
2023And then the King will court thee for his Deare:
2024Hold, take thou this my
sweet, and giue me thine,
Berowne take me for
2026And change your Fauours too,
shall your Loues
2027Woo contrary, deceiu'd by the
se remoues.
2028Rosa. Come on then, weare the fauours mo
st in
2029Kath. But in this changing, What is your intent?
2030Queen. The e
ct of my intent is to cro
sse theirs:
2031They doe it but in mocking merriment,
2032And mocke for mocke is onely my intent.
seuerall coun
sels they vnbo
2034To Loues mi
stooke, and
so be mockt withall.
2035Vpon the next occa
sion that we meete,
2036With Vi
sages di
splayd to talke and greete.
2037Ros. But
shall we dance, if they de
sire vs too't?
2038Quee. No, to the death we will not moue a foot,
2039Nor to their pen'd
speech render we no grace:
2040But while 'tis
spoke, each turne away his face.
2041Boy. Why that contempt will kill the keepers heart,
2042And quite diuorce his memory from his part.
2043Quee. Therefore I doe it, and I make no doubt,
2044The re
st will ere come in, if he be out.
2045Theres no
sport, as
sport by
sport orethrowne:
2046To make theirs ours, and ours none but our owne.
shall we
stay mocking entended game,
2048And they well mockt, depart away with
Sound. 2049Boy. The Trompet
sounds, be ma
skt, the ma
2051Enter Black moores with musicke, the Boy with a speech,
2052and the rest of the Lords disguised. All haile, the richest Beauties on the earth
2054Ber. Beauties no richer then rich Ta
A holy parcell of the fairest dames that euer turn'd
2056their backes to mortall viewes .
2057The Ladies turne their backes to him. 2058Ber. Their eyes villaine, their eyes.
That euer turn'd their eyes to mortall viewes.
2061Boy. True, out indeed.
Out of your fauours heauenly spirits vouchsafe
2064Ber. Once to behold, rogue.
Once to behold with your Sunne beamed eyes,
2066With your Sunne beamed eyes .
2067Boy. They will not an
swer to that Epythite,
2068You were be
st call it Daughter beamed eyes.
2069Pag. They do not marke me, and that brings me out.
2070Bero. Is this your perfe
sse? be gon you rogue.
2071Rosa. What would the
2072Know their mindes
2073If they doe
speake our language, 'tis our will
some plaine man recount their purpo
2075Know what they would?
2076Boyet. What would you with the Princes
? 2077Ber. Nothing but peace, and gentle vi
2078Ros. What would they,
say they?
2079Boy. Nothing but peace, and gentle vi
2080Rosa. Why that they haue, and bid them
so be gon.
2081Boy. She
saies you haue it, and you may be gon.
2082Kin. Say to her we haue mea
sur'd many miles,
2083To tread a Mea
sure with you on the gra
2084Boy. They
say that they haue mea
sur'd many a mile,
2085To tread a Mea
sure with you on this gra
2086Rosa. It is not
so. A
ske them how many inches
2087Is in one mile? If they haue mea
sur'd manie,
2088The mea
sure then of one is ea
slie told.
2089Boy. If to come hither, you haue mea
sur'd miles,
2090And many miles: the Prince
sse bids you tell,
2091How many inches doth
fill vp one mile?
2092Ber. Tell her we mea
sure them by weary
2093Boy. She heares her
2094Rosa. How manie wearie
2095Of many wearie miles you haue ore-gone,
2096Are numbred in the trauell of one mile?
2097Bero. We number nothing that we
spend for you,
2098Our dutie is
so rich,
so in
2099That we may doe it
still without accompt.
safe to
shew the
shine of your face,
2101That we
sauages) may wor
ship it.
2102Rosa. My face is but a Moone and clouded too.
2103Kin. Ble
ssed are clouds, to doe as
such clouds do.
safe bright Moone, and the
se thy
stars to
se clouds remooued
) vpon our waterie eyne.
2106Rosa. O vaine peticioner, beg a greater matter,
2107Thou now reque
sts but Moone
shine in the water.
2108Kin. Then in our mea
sure, vouch
safe but one change.
2109Thou bid
st me begge, this begging is not
2110Rosa. Play mu
sicke then: nay you mu
st doe it
2111Not yet no dance: thus change I like the Moone.
2112Kin. Will you not dance? How come you thus e
- 2114Rosa. You tooke the Moone at full, but now
2116Kin. Yet
she is the Moone, and I the Man.
2117Rosa. The mu
sick playes, vouch
some motion to
2118it: Our eares vouch
safe it.
2119Kin. But your legges
should doe it.
2120Ros. Since you are
strangers, & come here by chance,
2121Wee'll not be nice, take hands, we will not dance.
2122Kin. Why take you hands then?
2123Rosa. Onelie to part friends.
sweet hearts, and
so the Mea
sure ends.
2125Kin. More mea
sure of this mea
sure, be not nice.
2126Rosa. We can a
fford no more at
such a price.
2127Kin. Pri
se your
selues: What buyes your companie?
2128Rosa. Your ab
sence onelie.
2129Kin. That can neuer be.
2130Rosa. Then cannot we be bought: and
so adue,
2131Twice to your Vi
sore, and halfe once to you.
2132Kin. If you denie to dance, let's hold more chat.
2133Ros. In priuate then.
2134Kin. I am be
st pleas'd with that.
2135Be. White handed Mi
stris, one
sweet word with thee.
2136Qu. Hony, and Milke, and Suger: there is three.
2137Ber. Nay then two treyes, an if you grow
so nice
2138Methegline, Wort, and Malm
sey; well runne dice:
2139There's halfe a dozen
2140Qu. Seuenth
sweet adue,
since you can cogg,
2141Ile play no more with you.
2142Ber. One word in
2143Qu. Let it not be
2144Ber. Thou greeu'
st my gall.
M3v Queen.