Not Peer Reviewed
A Lover's Complaint (Quarto, 1609)
177Till thus hee gan besiege me :Gentle maid
179And be not of my holy vowes affraid,
181For feasts of loue I haue bene call'd vnto
182Till now did nere inuite nor neuer vow.
184Are errors of the blood none of the mind:
185Loue made them not, with acture they may be,
186Where neither Party is nor trew nor kind,
189By how much of me their reproch containes,
193Or any of my leisures euer Charmed,
194Harme haue I done to them but nere was harmed,
195Kept hearts in liueries, but mine owne was free,
196And raignd commaunding in his monarchy.
198Of palyd pearles and rubies red as blood:
203Encampt in hearts but fighting outwardly.
206I haue receau'd from many a seueral faire,
207Their kind acceptance, wepingly beseecht,
208With th'annexions of faire gems inricht,
210Each stones deare Nature, worth and quallity.