Not Peer Reviewed
A Lover's Complaint (Quarto, 1609)
153Of proofs new bleeding which remaind the foile
157Or forc'd examples gainst her owne content
158To put the by-past perrils in her way?
161By blunting vs to make our wits more keene.
163That wee must curbe it vppon others proofe,
165For feare of harmes that preach in our behoofe;
166O appetite from iudgement stand aloofe!
167The one a pallate hath that needs will taste,
170And knew the patternes of his foule beguiling,
171Heard where his plants in others Orchards grew,
172Saw how deceits were guilded in his smiling,
173Knew vowes, were euer brokers to defiling,
174Thought Characters and words meerly but art,
175And bastards of his foule adulterat heart.
177Till thus hee gan besiege me :Gentle maid
179And be not of my holy vowes affraid,
181For feasts of loue I haue bene call'd vnto
182Till now did nere inuite nor neuer vow.
K 4