Peer Reviewed
King John (Folio 1, 1623)
1716Scena Secunda.
1717Enter Iohn, Pembroke, Salisbury, and other Lordes.
1719And look'd vpon, I hope, with chearefull eyes.
1722And that high Royalty was nere pluck'd off:
1723The faiths of men, nere stained with reuolt:
1725With any long'd-for-change, or better State.
1727To guard a Title, that was rich before;
1728To gilde refined Gold, to paint the Lilly;
1729To throw a perfume on the Violet,
1730To smooth the yce, or adde another hew
1731Vnto the Raine-bow; or with Taper-light
1735This acte, is as an ancient tale new told,
1738Sal. In this the Anticke, and well noted face
1739Of plaine old forme, is much disfigured,
1741It makes the course of thoughts to fetch about,
1742Startles, and frights consideration :
1747And oftentimes excusing of a fault,
1749As patches set vpon a little breach,
1750Discredite more in hiding of the fault,
1751Then did the fault before it was so patch'd.
1753We breath'd our Councell: but it pleas'd your Highnes
1754To ouer-beare it, and we are all well pleas'd,
1755Since all, and euery part of what we would
The life and death of King John. 15
1760I shall indue you with: Meane time, but aske
1761What you would haue reform'd. that is not well,
1762And well shall you perceiue, how willingly
1763I will both heare, and grant you your requests.
1766Both for my selfe, and them: but chiefe of all
1770Doth moue the murmuring lips of discontent
1771To breake into this dangerous argument.
1772If what in rest you haue, in right you hold,
1773Why then your feares, which (as they say) attend
1775Your tender kinsman, and to choake his dayes
1776With barbarous ignorance, and deny his youth
1777The rich aduantage of good exercise,
1778That the times enemies may not haue this
1780That you haue bid vs aske his libertie,
1781Which for our goods, we do no further aske,
1782Then, whereupon our weale on you depending,
1783Counts it your weale: he haue his liberty.
1784Enter Hubert.
1786To your direction: Hubert, what newes with you?
1788He shew'd his warrant to a friend of mine,
1789The image of a wicked heynous fault
1792And I do fearefully beleeue 'tis done,
1793What we so fear'd he had a charge to do.
1794Sal. The colour of the King doth come, and go
1796Like Heralds 'twixt two dreadfull battailes set:
1799The foule corruption of a sweet childes death.
1801Good Lords, although my will to giue, is liuing,
1802The suite which you demand is gone, and dead.
1803He tels vs Arthur is deceas'd to night.
1805Pem. Indeed we heard how neere his death he was,
1809Thinke you I beare the Sheeres of destiny?
1810Haue I commandement on the pulse of life?
1813So thriue it in your game, and so farewell.
1814Pem. Stay yet (Lord Salisbury) Ile go with thee,
1815And finde th'inheritance of this poore childe,
1816His little kingdome of a forced graue.
1817That blood which ow'd the bredth of all this Ile,
1818Three foot of it doth hold; bad world the while:
1819This must not be thus borne, this will breake out
1823No certaine life atchieu'd by others death:
1824A fearefull eye thou hast. Where is that blood,
1826So foule a skie, cleeres not without a storme,
1827Poure downe thy weather: how goes all in France?
1829For any forraigne preparation,
1830Was leuied in the body of a land.
1831The Copie of your speede is learn'd by them:
1832For when you should be told they do prepare,
1833The tydings comes, that they are all arriu'd.
1834Ioh. Oh where hath our Intelligence bin drunke?
1835Where hath it slept? Where is my Mothers care?
1836That such an Army could be drawne in France,
1837And she not heare of it?
1838Mes. My Liege, her eare
1840Your noble mother; and as I heare, my Lord,
1841The Lady Constance in a frenzie di'de
1842Three dayes before: but this from Rumors tongue
1845O make a league with me, 'till I haue pleas'd
1846My discontented Peeres. What? Mother dead?
1847How wildely then walkes my Estate in France?
1849That thou for truth giu'st out are landed heere?
1850Mes. Vnder the Dolphin.
1851Enter Bastard and Peter of Pomfret.
1855My head with more ill newes: for it is full.
1857Then let the worst vn-heard, fall on your head.
1859Vnder the tide; but now I breath againe
1861To any tongue, speake it of what it will.
1864But as I trauail'd hither through the land,
1867Not knowing what they feare, but full of feare.
1868And here's a Prophet that I brought with me
1869From forth the streets of Pomfret, whom I found
1870With many hundreds treading on his heeles:
1873Your Highnes should deliuer vp your Crowne.
1877And on that day at noone, whereon he sayes
1878I shall yeeld vp my Crowne, let him be hang'd.
1879Deliuer him to safety, and returne,
1881Hear'st thou the newes abroad, who are arriu'd?
1884With eyes as red as new enkindled fire,
1885And others more, going to seeke the graue
b 2 I
16The life and death of King John.
1889I haue a way to winne their loues againe:
1890Bring them before me.
1896Be Mercurie, set feathers to thy heeles,
1897And flye (like thought) from them, to me againe.
1900Go after him: for he perhaps shall neede
1901Some Messenger betwixt me, and the Peeres,
1902And be thou hee.
1903Mes. With all my heart, my Liege.
1904Iohn. My mother dead?
1905Enter Hubert.
1908The other foure, in wondrous motion.
1909Ioh. Fiue Moones?
1912Yong Arthurs death is common in their mouths,
1913And when they talke of him, they shake their heads,
1914And whisper one another in the eare.
1917With wrinkled browes, with nods, with rolling eyes.
1919The whilst his Iron did on the Anuile coole,
1920With open mouth swallowing a Taylors newes,
1921Who with his Sheeres, and Measure in his hand,
1924Told of a many thousand warlike French,
1925That were embattailed, and rank'd in Kent.
1927Cuts off his tale, and talkes of Arthurs death.
1930Thy hand hath murdred him: I had a mighty cause
1934By slaues, that take their humors for a warrant,
1935To breake within the bloody house of life,
1936And on the winking of Authoritie
1937To vnderstand a Law; to know the meaning
1938Of dangerous Maiesty, when perchance it frownes
1942Is to be made, then shall this hand and Seale
1944How oft the sight of meanes to do ill deeds,
1945Make deeds ill done? Had'st not thou beene by,
1946A fellow by the hand of Nature mark'd,
1948This murther had not come into my minde.
1950Finding thee fit for bloody villanie:
1951Apt, liable to be employ'd in danger,
1952I faintly broke with thee of Arthurs death:
1953And thou, to be endeered to a King,
1955Hub. My Lord.
1958Or turn'd an eye of doubt vpon my face;
1959As bid me tell my tale in expresse words:
1961And those thy feares, might haue wrought feares in me.
1966The deed, which both our tongues held vilde to name.
1968My Nobles leaue me, and my State is braued,
1969Euen at my gates, with rankes of forraigne powres;
1971This kingdome, this Confine of blood, and breathe
1972Hostilitie, and ciuill tumult reignes
1975Ile make a peace betweene your soule, and you.
1976Yong Arthur is aliue: This hand of mine
1977Is yet a maiden, and an innocent hand.
1979Within this bosome, neuer entred yet
1980The dreadfull motion of a murderous thought,
1981And you haue slander'd Nature in my forme,
1982Which howsoeuer rude exteriorly,
1983Is yet the couer of a fayrer minde,
1984Then to be butcher of an innocent childe.
1986Throw this report on their incensed rage,
1987And make them tame to their obedience.
1988Forgiue the Comment that my passion made
1989Vpon thy feature, for my rage was blinde,
1990And foule immaginarie eyes of blood
1991Presented thee more hideous then thou art.
1993The angry Lords, with all expedient hast,