Peer Reviewed
King John (Folio 1, 1623)
1569Actus Quartus, Scaena prima.
1570Enter Hubert and Executioners.
1572Within the Arras: when I strike my foot
1576Exec. I hope your warrant will beare out the deed.
1578Yong Lad come forth; I haue to say with you.
1579Enter Arthur.
1580Ar. Good morrow Hubert.
1581Hub. Good morrow, little Prince.
1583To be more Prince, as may be: you are sad.
1584Hub. Indeed I haue beene merrier.
1585Art. 'Mercie on me:
1587Yet I remember, when I was in France,
1588Yong Gentlemen would be as sad as night
1590So I were out of prison, and kept Sheepe
1591I should be as merry as the day is long:
1592And so I would be heere, but that I doubt
1594He is affraid of me, and I of him:
1596No in deede is't not: and I would to heauen
1598Hub. If I talke to him, with his innocent prate
1599He will awake my mercie, which lies dead:
1604I warrant I loue you more then you do me.
1606Reade heere yong Arthnr. How now foolish rheume?
1607Turning dispitious torture out of doore?
1609Out at mine eyes, in tender womanish teares.
1610Can you not reade it? Is it not faire writ?
1612Must you with hot Irons, burne out both mine eyes?
1614Art. And will you?
1615Hub. And I will.
1616Art. Haue you the heart? When your head did but
1617 ake,
1618I knit my hand-kercher about your browes
1620And I did neuer aske it you againe:
1621And with my hand, at midnight held your head;
1622And like the watchfull minutes, to the houre,
1623Still and anon cheer'd vp the heauy time;
1624Saying, what lacke you? and where lies your greefe?
1625Or what good loue may I performe for you?
1627And nere haue spoke a louing word to you:
1629Nay, you may thinke my loue was craftie loue,
1630And call it cunning. Do, and if you will,
b If
14The life and death of King John.
1632Why then you must. Will you put out mine eyes?
1634So much as frowne on you.
1636And with hot Irons must I burne them out.
1637Ar. Ah, none but in this Iron Age, would do it:
1638The Iron of it selfe, though heate red hot,
1639Approaching neere these eyes, would drinke my teares,
1640And quench this fierie indignation,
1641Euen in the matter of mine innocence:
1643But for containing fire to harme mine eye:
1644Are you more stubborne hard, then hammer'd Iron?
1645And if an Angell should haue come to me,
1646And told me Hubert should put out mine eyes,
1647I would not haue beleeu'd him: no tongue but Huberts.
1648Hub. Come forth: Do as I bid you do.
1654For heauen sake Hubert let me not be bound:
1655Nay heare me Hubert, driue these men away,
1656And I will sit as quiet as a Lambe.
1658Nor looke vpon the Iron angerly:
1660What euer torment you do put me too.
1663Art. Alas, I then haue chid away my friend,
1664He hath a sterne looke, but a gentle heart:
1665Let him come backe, that his compassion may
1666Giue life to yours.
1670Art. O heauen: that there were but a moth in yours,
1676Art. Hubert, the vtterance of a brace of tongues,
1677Must needes want pleading for a paire of eyes:
1678Let me not hold my tongue: let me not Hubert,
1679Or Hubert, if you will cut out my tongue,
1680So I may keepe mine eyes. O spare mine eyes,
1682Loe, by my troth, the Instrument is cold,
1683And would not harme me.
1684Hub. I can heate it, Boy.
1686Being create for comfort, to be vs'd
1688There is no malice in this burning cole,
1689The breath of heauen, hath blowne his spirit out,
1691Hub. But with my breath I can reuiue it Boy.
1693And glow with shame of your proceedings, Hubert:
1694Nay, it perchance will sparkle in your eyes:
1695And, like a dogge that is compell'd to fight,
1696Snatch at his Master that doth tarre him on.
1698Deny their office: onely you do lacke
1700Creatures of note for mercy, lacking vses.
1702For all the Treasure that thine Vnckle owes,
1704With this same very Iron, to burne them out.
1705Art. O now you looke like Hubert. All this while
1706You were disguis'd.
1708Your Vnckle must not know but you are dead.
1711That Hubert for the wealth of all the world,
1712Will not offend thee.
1713Art. O heauen! I thanke you Hubert.
1715Much danger do I vndergo for thee. Exeunt