Peer Reviewed
King John (Folio 1, 1623)
The life and death of King John. 19
2266By making many: Oh it grieues my soule,
2268To be a widdow-maker: oh, and there
2269Where honourable rescue, and defence
2270Cries out vpon the name of Salisbury.
2272That for the health and Physicke of our right,
2273We cannot deale but with the very hand
2275And is't not pitty, (oh my grieued friends)
2280Her Enemies rankes? I must withdraw, and weepe
2282To grace the Gentry of a Land remote,
2283And follow vnacquainted colours heere:
2284What heere? O Nation that thou couldst remoue,
2285That Neptunes Armes who clippeth thee about,
2286Would beare thee from the knowledge of thy selfe,
2287And cripple thee vnto a Pagan shore,
2289The bloud of malice, in a vaine of league,
2293Doth make an earth-quake of Nobility:
2294Oh, what a noble combat hast fought
2296Let me wipe off this honourable dewe,
2298My heart hath melted at a Ladies teares,
2299Being an ordinary Inundation:
2302Startles mine eyes, and makes me more amaz'd
2303Then had I seene the vaultie top of heauen
2304Figur'd quite ore with burning Meteors.
2305Lift vp thy brow (renowned Salisburie)
2306And with a great heart heaue away this storme:
2308That neuer saw the giant-world enrag'd,
2309Nor met with Fortune, other then at feasts,
2315Enter Pandulpho.
2316And euen there, methinkes an Angell spake,
2317Looke where the holy Legate comes apace,
2318To giue vs warrant from the hand of heauen,
2320With holy breath.
2321Pand. Haile noble Prince of France:
2322The next is this: King Iohn hath reconcil'd
2325The great Metropolis and Sea of Rome:
2326Therefore thy threatning Colours now winde vp,
2328That like a Lion fostered vp at hand,
2329It may lie gently at the foot of peace,
2330And be no further harmefull then in shewe.
2332I am too high-borne to be proportied
2333To be a secondary at controll,
2335To any Soueraigne State throughout the world.
2339And now 'tis farre too huge to be blowne out
2340With that same weake winde, which enkindled it:
2341You taught me how to know the face of right,
2342Acquainted me with interest to this Land,
2343Yea, thrust this enterprize into my heart,
2344And come ye now to tell me Iohn hath made
2346I (by the honour of my marriage bed)
2347After yong Arthur, claime this Land for mine,
2348And now it is halfe conquer'd, must I backe,
2349Because that Iohn hath made his peace with Rome?
2350Am I Romes slaue? What penny hath Rome borne?
2351What men prouided? What munition sent
2352To vnder-prop this Action? Is't not I
2353That vnder-goe this charge? Who else but I,
2354And such as to my claime are liable,
2357Viue le Roy, as I haue bank'd their Townes?
2358Haue I not heere the best Cards for the game
2359To winne this easie match, plaid for a Crowne?
2360And shall I now giue ore the yeelded Set?
2365As to my ample hope was promised,
2366Before I drew this gallant head of warre,
2369Euen in the iawes of danger, and of death:
2371Enter Bastard.
2372Bast. According to the faire-play of the world,
2374My holy Lord of Millane, from the King
2375I come to learne how you haue dealt for him:
2377And warrant limited vnto my tongue.
2379And will not temporize with my intreaties:
2381Bast. By all the bloud that euer fury breath'd,
2383For thus his Royaltie doth speake in me:
2385This apish and vnmannerly approach,
2390From out the circle of his Territories.
2391That hand which had the strength, euen at your dore,
2392To cudgell you, and make you take the hatch,
2393To diue like Buckets in concealed Welles,
2394To crowch in litter of your stable plankes,
2395To lye like pawnes, lock'd vp in chests and truncks,