Peer Reviewed
Julius Caesar (Folio 1, 1623)
2601Alarum. Enter Brutus, Messala, Cato, Lucillius,
2602and Flauius.
2603Bru. Yet Country-men: O yet, hold vp your heads.
2605I will proclaime my name about the Field.
2606I am the Sonne of Marcus Cato, hoe.
2607A Foe to Tyrants, and my Countries Friend.
2608I am the Sonne of Marcus Cato, hoe.
2609Enter Souldiers, and fight.
2610And I am Brutus, Marcus Brutus, I,
2611Brutus my Countries Friend: Know me for Brutus.
2612Luc. O yong and Noble Cato, art thou downe?
2613Why now thou dyest, as brauely as Titinius,
2614And may'st be honour'd, being Cato's Sonne.
2616Luc. Onely I yeeld to dye:
2618Kill Brutus, and be honour'd in his death.
2620Enter Antony.
26212. Sold. Roome hoe: tell Antony, Brutus is tane.
26221. Sold. Ile tell thee newes. Heere comes the Generall,
2623Brutus is tane, Brutus is tane my Lord.
2624Ant. Where is hee?
2626I dare assure thee, that no Enemy
2627Shall euer take aliue the Noble Brutus:
2629When you do finde him, or aliue, or dead,
2630He will be found like Brutus, like himselfe.
2633Giue him all kindnesse. I had rather haue
2634Such men my Friends, then Enemies. Go on,
2635And see where Brutus be aliue or dead,
2636And bring vs word, vnto Octauius Tent:
2637How euery thing is chanc'd. Exeunt.