Peer Reviewed
Julius Caesar (Folio 1, 1623)
1Actus Primus. Scoena Prima.
2Enter Flauius, Murellus, and certaine Commoners
3ouer the Stage.
5HEnce: home you idle Creatures, get you home:
6Is this a Holiday? What, know you not
7(Being Mechanicall) you ought not walke
8Vpon a labouring day, without the signe
9Of your Profession? Speake, what Trade art thou?
10Car. Why Sir, a Carpenter.
11Mur. Where is thy Leather Apron, and thy Rule?
13You sir, what Trade are you?
15but as you would say, a Cobler.
19Fla. What Trade thou knaue? Thou naughty knaue,
20what Trade?
22if you be out Sir, I can mend you.
24sawcy Fellow?
26Fla. Thou art a Cobler, art thou?
29ters; but withal I am indeed Sir, a Surgeon to old shooes:
30when they are in great danger, I recouer them. As pro-
31per men as euer trod vpon Neats Leather, haue gone vp-
32on my handy-worke.
33Fla. But wherefore art not in thy Shop to day?
38Mur. Wherefore reioyce?
39What Conquest brings he home?
40What Tributaries follow him to Rome,
41To grace in Captiue bonds his Chariot Wheeles?
43O you hard hearts, you cruell men of Rome,
44Knew you not Pompey many a time and oft?
45Haue you climb'd vp to Walles and Battlements,
46To Towres and Windowes? Yea, to Chimney tops,
47Your Infants in your Armes, and there haue sate
48The liue-long day, with patient expectation,
50And when you saw his Chariot but appeare,
52That Tyber trembled vnderneath her bankes
53To heare the replication of your sounds,
54Made in her Concaue Shores?
55And do you now put on your best attyre?
56And do you now cull out a Holyday?
57And do you now strew Flowers in his way,
58That comes in Triumph ouer Pompeyes blood?
59Be gone,
60Runne to your houses, fall vpon your knees,
61Pray to the Gods to intermit the plague
62That needs must light on this Ingratitude.
63Fla. Go, go, good Countrymen, and for this fault
65Draw them to Tyber bankes, and weepe your teares
68 Exeunt all the Commoners.
71Go you downe that way towards the Capitoll,
72This way will I: Disrobe the Images,
73If you do finde them deckt with Ceremonies.
75You know it is the Feast of Lupercall.
76Fla. It is no matter, let no Images
78And driue away the Vulgar from the streets;
79So do you too, where you perceiue them thicke.
81Will make him flye an ordinary pitch,