Peer Reviewed
Julius Caesar (Folio 1, 1623)
116The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
871Which busie care drawes, in the braines of men;
873Enter Portia.
874Por. Brutus, my Lord.
876It is not for your health, thus to commit
877Your weake condition, to the raw cold morning.
878Por. Nor for yours neither. Y'haue vngently Brutus
879Stole from my bed: and yesternight at Supper
882And when I ask'd you what the matter was,
883You star'd vpon me, with vngentle lookes.
884I vrg'd you further, then you scratch'd your head,
885And too impatiently stampt with your foote:
887But with an angry wafter of your hand
888Gaue signe for me to leaue you: So I did,
889Fearing to strengthen that impatience
890Which seem'd too much inkindled; and withall,
892Which sometime hath his houre with euery man.
893It will not let you eate, nor talke, nor sleepe;
895As it hath much preuayl'd on your Condltion,
896I should not know you Brutus. Deare my Lord,
897Make me acquainted with your cause of greefe.
898Bru. I am not well in health, and that is all.
900He would embrace the meanes to come by it.
903To walke vnbraced, and sucke vp the humours
904Of the danke Morning? What, is Brutus sicke?
906To dare the vile contagion of the Night?
907And tempt the Rhewmy, and vnpurged Ayre,
910Which by the Right and Vertue of my place
911I ought to know of: And vpon my knees,
912I charme you, by my once commended Beauty,
913By all your vowes of Loue, and that great Vow
914Which did incorporate and make vs one,
915That you vnfold to me, your selfe; your halfe
916Why you are heauy: and what men to night
917Haue had resort to you: for heere haue beene
919Euen from darknesse.
920Bru. Kneele not gentle Portia.
922Within the Bond of Marriage, tell me Brutus,
923Is it excepted, I should know no Secrets
924That appertaine to you? Am I your Selfe,
925But as it were in sort, or limitation?
926To keepe with you at Meales, comfort your Bed,
927And talke to you sometimes? Dwell I but in the Suburbs
928Of your good pleasure? If it be no more,
929Portia is Brutus Harlot, not his Wife.
930Bru. You are my true and honourable Wife,
931As deere to me, as are the ruddy droppes
934I graunt I am a Woman; but withall,
935A Woman that Lord Brutus tooke to Wife:
936I graunt I am a Woman; but withall,
937A Woman well reputed: Cato's Daughter.
938Thinke you, I am no stronger then my Sex
942Giuing my selfe a voluntary wound
943Heere, in the Thigh: Can I beare that with patience,
944And not my Husbands Secrets?
945Bru. O ye Gods!
946Render me worthy of this Noble Wife. Knocke.
947Harke, harke, one knockes: Portia go in a while,
949The secrets of my Heart.
950All my engagements, I will construe to thee,
953Enter Lucius and Ligarius.
954Lucius, who's that knockes.
960To weare a Kerchiefe? Would you were not sicke.
962Any exploit worthy the name of Honor.
963Bru. Such an exploit haue I in hand Ligarius,
964Had you a healthfull eare to heare of it.
965Cai. By all the Gods that Romans bow before,
967Braue Sonne, deriu'd from Honourable Loines,
969My mortified Spirit. Now bid me runne,
971Yea get the better of them. What's to do?
972Bru. A peece of worke,
973That will make sicke men whole.
976I shall vnfold to thee, as we are going,
977To whom it must be done.
978Cai. Set on your foote,
979And with a heart new-fir'd, I follow you,
981That Brutus leads me on. Thunder
983Thunder & Lightning.
984Enter Iulius Caesar in his Night-gowne.
985Caesar. Nor Heauen, nor Earth,
986Haue beene at peace to night:
987Thrice hath Calphurnia, in her sleepe cryed out,
989Enter a Seruant.
990Ser. My Lord.
992And bring me their opinions of Successe.
994Enter Calphurnia.