Peer Reviewed
Julius Caesar (Folio 1, 1623)
The Tragedie of Julius Caesar 113
484For my part, I haue walk'd about the streets,
485Submitting me vnto the perillous Night;
486And thus vnbraced, Caska, as you see,
492It is the part of men, to feare and tremble,
495Cassi. You are dull, Caska:
498You looke pale, and gaze, and put on feare,
503Why Birds and Beasts, from qualitie and kinde,
504Why Old men, Fooles, and Children calculate,
505Why all these things change from their Ordinance,
506Their Natures, and pre-formed Faculties,
508That Heauen hath infus'd them with these Spirits,
509To make them Instruments of feare, and warning,
511Now could I (Caska) name to thee a man,
512Most like this dreadfull Night,
513That Thunders, Lightens, opens Graues, and roares,
514As doth the Lyon in the Capitoll:
515A man no mightier then thy selfe, or me,
519Is it not, Cassius?
520Cassi. Let it be who it is: for Romans now
521Haue Thewes, and Limbes, like to their Ancestors;
522But woe the while, our Fathers mindes are dead,
523And we are gouern'd with our Mothers spirits,
527And he shall weare his Crowne by Sea, and Land,
528In euery place, saue here in Italy.
529Cassi. I know where I will weare this Dagger then;
532Therein, yee Gods, you Tyrants doe defeat.
533Nor Stonie Tower, nor Walls of beaten Brasse,
536But Life being wearie of these worldly Barres,
538If I know this, know all the World besides,
539That part of Tyrannie that I doe beare,
541Cask. So can I:
542So euery Bond-man in his owne hand beares
543The power to cancell his Captiuitie.
545Poore man, I know he would not be a Wolfe,
546But that he sees the Romans are but Sheepe:
547He were no Lyon, were not Romans Hindes.
549Begin it with weake Strawes. What trash is Rome?
551For the base matter, to illuminate
554Before a willing Bond-man: then I know
556And dangers are to me indifferent.
558That is no flearing Tell-tale. Hold, my Hand:
560And I will set this foot of mine as farre,
561As who goes farthest.
562Cassi. There's a Bargaine made.
563Now know you, Caska, I haue mou'd already
564Some certaine of the Noblest minded Romans
565To vnder-goe, with me, an Enterprize,
566Of Honorable dangerous consequence;
567And I doe know by this, they stay for me
568In Pompeyes Porch: for now this fearefull Night,
570And the Complexion of the Element
571Is Fauors, like the Worke we haue in hand,
573Enter Cinna.
576Cassi. 'Tis Cinna, I doe know him by his Gate,
580Cassi. No, it is Caska, one incorporate
581To our Attempts. Am I not stay'd for, Cinna?
582Cinna. I am glad on't.
583What a fearefull Night is this?
587If you could but winne the Noble Brutus
588To our party---
589Cassi. Be you content. Good Cinna, take this Paper,
590And looke you lay it in the Pretors Chayre,
591Where Brutus may but finde it: and throw this
592In at his Window; set this vp with Waxe
593Vpon old Brutus Statue: all this done,
595Is Decius Brutus and Trebonius there?
596Cinna. All, but Metellus Cymber, and hee's gone
599Cassi. That done, repayre to Pompeyes Theater.
600 Exit Cinna.
601Come Caska, you and I will yet, ere day,
602See Brutus at his house: three parts of him
603Is ours alreadie, and the man entire
604Vpon the next encounter, yeelds him ours.
606And that which would appeare Offence in vs,
607His Countenance, like richest Alchymie,
608Will change to Vertue, and to Worthinesse.
609Cassi. Him, and his worth, and our great need of him,
610You haue right well conceited: let vs goe,
611For it is after Mid-night, and ere day,
612We will awake him, and be sure of him.
613 Exeunt.
kk3 Actus