Peer Reviewed
Julius Caesar (Folio 1, 1623)
1Actus Primus. Scoena Prima.
2Enter Flauius, Murellus, and certaine Commoners
3ouer the Stage.
5HEnce: home you idle Creatures, get you home:
6Is this a Holiday? What, know you not
7(Being Mechanicall) you ought not walke
8Vpon a labouring day, without the signe
9Of your Profession? Speake, what Trade art thou?
10Car. Why Sir, a Carpenter.
11Mur. Where is thy Leather Apron, and thy Rule?
13You sir, what Trade are you?
15but as you would say, a Cobler.
19Fla. What Trade thou knaue? Thou naughty knaue,
20what Trade?
22if you be out Sir, I can mend you.
24sawcy Fellow?
26Fla. Thou art a Cobler, art thou?
29ters; but withal I am indeed Sir, a Surgeon to old shooes:
30when they are in great danger, I recouer them. As pro-
31per men as euer trod vpon Neats Leather, haue gone vp-
32on my handy-worke.
33Fla. But wherefore art not in thy Shop to day?
38Mur. Wherefore reioyce?
39What Conquest brings he home?
40What Tributaries follow him to Rome,
41To grace in Captiue bonds his Chariot Wheeles?
43O you hard hearts, you cruell men of Rome,
44Knew you not Pompey many a time and oft?
45Haue you climb'd vp to Walles and Battlements,
46To Towres and Windowes? Yea, to Chimney tops,
47Your Infants in your Armes, and there haue sate
48The liue-long day, with patient expectation,
50And when you saw his Chariot but appeare,
52That Tyber trembled vnderneath her bankes
53To heare the replication of your sounds,
54Made in her Concaue Shores?
55And do you now put on your best attyre?
56And do you now cull out a Holyday?
57And do you now strew Flowers in his way,
58That comes in Triumph ouer Pompeyes blood?
59Be gone,
60Runne to your houses, fall vpon your knees,
61Pray to the Gods to intermit the plague
62That needs must light on this Ingratitude.
63Fla. Go, go, good Countrymen, and for this fault
65Draw them to Tyber bankes, and weepe your teares
68 Exeunt all the Commoners.
71Go you downe that way towards the Capitoll,
72This way will I: Disrobe the Images,
73If you do finde them deckt with Ceremonies.
75You know it is the Feast of Lupercall.
76Fla. It is no matter, let no Images
78And driue away the Vulgar from the streets;
79So do you too, where you perceiue them thicke.
81Will make him flye an ordinary pitch,
84Enter Caesar, Antony for the Course, Calphurnia, Portia, De-
85cius, Cicero, Brutus, Cassius, Caska, a Soothsayer: af-
86ter them Murellus and Flauius.
87Caes. Calphurnia.
89Caes. Calphurnia.
90Calp. Heere my Lord.
92When he doth run his course. Antonio.
95To touch Calphurnia: for our Elders say,
110The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
96The Barren touched in this holy chace,
100Caes. Set on, and leaue no Ceremony out.
102Caes. Ha? Who calles?
107Sooth. Beware the Ides of March.
108Caes. What man is that?
113Sooth. Beware the Ides of March.
115Sennet. Exeunt. Manet Brut. & Cass.
117Brut. Not I.
118Cassi. I pray you do.
120Of that quicke Spirit that is in Antony:
122Ile leaue you.
124I haue not from your eyes, that gentlenesse
125And shew of Loue, as I was wont to haue:
127Ouer your Friend, that loues you.
129Be not deceiu'd: If I haue veyl'd my looke,
130I turne the trouble of my Countenance
131Meerely vpon my selfe. Vexed I am
133Conceptions onely proper to my selfe,
135But let not therefore my good Friends be greeu'd
136(Among which number Cassius be you one)
138Then that poore Brutus with himselfe at warre,
139Forgets the shewes of Loue to other men.
141By meanes whereof, this Brest of mine hath buried
142Thoughts of great value, worthy Cogitations.
143Tell me good Brutus, Can you see your face?
146By some other things.
148And it is very much lamented Brutus,
149That you haue no such Mirrors, as will turne
150Your hidden worthinesse into your eye,
152I haue heard,
155And groaning vnderneath this Ages yoake,
156Haue wish'd, that Noble Brutus had his eyes.
157Bru. Into what dangers, would you
158Leade me Cassius?
160For that which is not in me?
161Cas. Therefore good Brutus, be prepar'd to heare:
165That of your selfe, which you yet know not of.
166And be not iealous on me, gentle Brutus:
167Were I a common Laughter, or did vse
168To stale with ordinary Oathes my loue
169To euery new Protester: if you know,
170That I do fawne on men, and hugge them hard,
171And after scandall them: Or if you know,
173To all the Rout, then hold me dangerous.
174Flourish, and Shout.
175Bru. What meanes this Showting?
177For their King.
178Cassi. I, do you feare it?
181But wherefore do you hold me heere so long?
182What is it, that you would impart to me?
183If it be ought toward the generall good,
184Set Honor in one eye, and Death i'th other,
185And I will looke on both indifferently:
187The name of Honor, more then I feare death.
188Cassi. I know that vertue to be in you Brutus,
189As well as I do know your outward fauour.
191I cannot tell, what you and other men
193I had as liefe not be, as liue to be
196We both haue fed as well, and we can both
197Endure the Winters cold, as well as hee.
198For once, vpon a Rawe and Gustie day,
199The troubled Tyber, chafing with her Shores,
201Leape in with me into this angry Flood,
202And swim to yonder Point? Vpon the word,
203Accoutred as I was, I plunged in,
204And bad him follow: so indeed he did.
205The Torrent roar'd, and we did buffet it
208But ere we could arriue the Point propos'd,
211Did from the Flames of Troy, vpon his shoulder
214Is now become a God, and Cassius is
215A wretched Creature, and must bend his body,
217He had a Feauer when he was in Spaine,
218And when the Fit was on him, I did marke
220His Coward lippes did from their colour flye,
223I, and that Tongue of his, that bad the Romans
224Marke him, and write his Speeches in their Bookes,
225Alas, it cried, Giue me some drinke Titinius,
The Tragedie of Julius Caesar 111
226As a sicke Girle: Ye Gods, it doth amaze me,
229And beare the Palme alone.
230Shout. Flourish.
235Like a Colossus, and we petty men
236Walke vnder his huge legges, and peepe about
239The fault (deere Brutus) is not in our Starres,
240But in our Selues, that we are vnderlings.
243Write them together: Yours, is as faire a Name:
244Sound them, it doth become the mouth aswell:
245Weigh them, it is as heauy: Coniure with 'em,
247Now in the names of all the Gods at once,
251When went there by an Age, since the great Flood,
252But it was fam'd with more then with one man?
253When could they say (till now) that talk'd of Rome,
254That her wide Walkes incompast but one man?
255Now is it Rome indeed, and Roome enough
256When there is in it but one onely man.
257O! you and I, haue heard our Fathers say,
258There was a Brutus once, that would haue brook'd
259Th'eternall Diuell to keepe his State in Rome,
260As easily as a King.
261Bru. That you do loue me, I am nothing iealous:
262What you would worke me too, I haue some ayme:
263How I haue thought of this, and of these times
265I would not so (with loue I might intreat you)
266Be any further moou'd: What you haue said,
268I will with patience heare, and finde a time
270Till then, my Noble Friend, chew vpon this:
271Brutus had rather be a Villager,
272Then to repute himselfe a Sonne of Rome
273Vnder these hard Conditions, as this time
274Is like to lay vpon vs.
275Cassi. I am glad that my weake words
277Enter Caesar and his Traine.
278Bru. The Games are done,
281Plucke Caska by the Sleeue,
283What hath proceeded worthy note to day.
286And all the rest, looke like a chidden Traine;
287Calphurnia's Cheeke is pale, and Cicero
289As we haue seene him in the Capitoll
291Cassi. Caska will tell vs what the matter is.
292Caes. Antonio.
294Caes. Let me haue men about me, that are fat,
296Yond Cassius has a leane and hungry looke,
297He thinkes too much: such men are dangerous.
299He is a Noble Roman, and well giuen.
300Caes. Would he were fatter; But I feare him not:
301Yet if my name were lyable to feare,
302I do not know the man I should auoyd
304He is a great Obseruer, and he lookes
305Quite through the Deeds of men. He loues no Playes,
309That could be mou'd to smile at any thing.
310Such men as he, be neuer at hearts ease,
311Whiles they behold a greater then themselues,
312And therefore are they very dangerous.
313I rather tell thee what is to be fear'd,
315Come on my right hand, for this eare is deafe,
316And tell me truely, what thou think'st of him.
317 Exeunt Caesar and his Traine.
319with me?
320Bru. I Caska, tell vs what hath chanc'd to day
Cask. Why you were with him, were you not?
325offer'd him, he put it by with the backe of his hand thus,
326and then the people fell a shouting.
328Cask. Why for that too.
330Cask. Why for that too.
332Cask. I marry was't, and hee put it by thrice, euerie
333time gentler then other; and at euery putting by, mine
336Cask. Why Antony.
337Bru. Tell vs the manner of it, gentle Caska.
338Caska. I can as well bee hang'd as tell the manner of
339it: It was meere Foolerie, I did not marke it. I sawe
340Marke Antony offer him a Crowne, yet 'twas not a
341Crowne neyther, 'twas one of these Coronets: and as I
342told you, hee put it by once: but for all that, to my thin-
343king, he would faine haue had it. Then hee offered it to
344him againe: then hee put it by againe: but to my think-
346he offered it the third time; hee put it the third time by,
347and still as hee refus'd it, the rabblement howted, and
348clapp'd their chopt hands, and threw vppe their sweatie
352downe at it: And for mine owne part, I durst not laugh,
353for feare of opening my Lippes, and receyuing the bad
kk2 Cassi.
112The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
356Cask. He fell downe in the Market-place, and foam'd
361Cask. I know not what you meane by that, but I am
365tre, I am no true man.
367Cask. Marry, before he fell downe, when he perceiu'd
368the common Heard was glad he refus'd the Crowne, he
369pluckt me ope his Doublet, and offer'd them his Throat
370to cut: and I had beene a man of any Occupation, if I
371would not haue taken him at a word, I would I might
372goe to Hell among the Rogues, and so hee fell. When
375it was his infirmitie. Three or foure Wenches where I
377all their hearts: But there's no heed to be taken of them;
379no lesse.
381Cask. I.
385Cask. Nay, and I tell you that, Ile ne're looke you
387at one another, and shooke their heads: but for mine
388owne part, it was Greeke to me. I could tell you more
389newes too: Murrellus and Flauius, for pulling Scarffes
391There was more Foolerie yet, if I could remem-
392ber it.
394Cask. No, I am promis'd forth.
395Cassi. Will you Dine with me to morrow?
396Cask. I, if I be aliue, and your minde hold, and your
397Dinner worth the eating.
400Brut. What a blunt fellow is this growne to be?
401He was quick Mettle, when he went to Schoole.
402Cassi. So is he now, in execution
403Of any bold, or Noble Enterprize,
404How-euer he puts on this tardie forme:
405This Rudenesse is a Sawce to his good Wit,
407With better Appetite.
409For this time I will leaue you:
411I will come home to you: or if you will,
412Come home to me, and I will wait for you.
414 Exit Brutus.
415Well Brutus, thou art Noble: yet I see,
416Thy Honorable Mettle may be wrought
417From that it is dispos'd: therefore it is meet,
418That Noble mindes keepe euer with their likes:
421If I were Brutus now, and he were Cassius,
422He should not humor me. I will this Night,
423In seuerall Hands, in at his Windowes throw,
424As if they came from seuerall Citizens,
425Writings, all tending to the great opinion
426That Rome holds of his Name: wherein obscurely
430 Exit.
431Thunder, and Lightning. Enter Caska,
432and Cicero.
436Shakes, like a thing vnfirme? O Cicero,
438Haue riu'd the knottie Oakes, and I haue seene
439Th'ambitious Ocean swell, and rage, and foame,
440To be exalted with the threatning Clouds:
441But neuer till to Night, neuer till now,
443Eyther there is a Ciuill strife in Heauen,
448Held vp his left Hand, which did flame and burne
449Like twentie Torches ioyn'd; and yet his Hand,
452Against the Capitoll I met a Lyon,
453Who glaz'd vpon me, and went surly by,
454Without annoying me. And there were drawne
455Vpon a heape, a hundred gastly Women,
459Euen at Noone-day, vpon the Market place,
463For I beleeue, they are portentous things
464Vnto the Clymate, that they point vpon.
469Cask. He doth: for he did bid Antonio
470Send word to you, he would be there to morrow.
471Cic. Good-night then, Caska:
472This disturbed Skie is not to walke in.
474Enter Cassius.
475Cassi. Who's there?
476Cask. A Romane.
477Cassi. Caska, by your Voyce.
478Cask. Your Eare is good.
479Cassius, what Night is this?
The Tragedie of Julius Caesar 113
484For my part, I haue walk'd about the streets,
485Submitting me vnto the perillous Night;
486And thus vnbraced, Caska, as you see,
492It is the part of men, to feare and tremble,
495Cassi. You are dull, Caska:
498You looke pale, and gaze, and put on feare,
503Why Birds and Beasts, from qualitie and kinde,
504Why Old men, Fooles, and Children calculate,
505Why all these things change from their Ordinance,
506Their Natures, and pre-formed Faculties,
508That Heauen hath infus'd them with these Spirits,
509To make them Instruments of feare, and warning,
511Now could I (Caska) name to thee a man,
512Most like this dreadfull Night,
513That Thunders, Lightens, opens Graues, and roares,
514As doth the Lyon in the Capitoll:
515A man no mightier then thy selfe, or me,
519Is it not, Cassius?
520Cassi. Let it be who it is: for Romans now
521Haue Thewes, and Limbes, like to their Ancestors;
522But woe the while, our Fathers mindes are dead,
523And we are gouern'd with our Mothers spirits,
527And he shall weare his Crowne by Sea, and Land,
528In euery place, saue here in Italy.
529Cassi. I know where I will weare this Dagger then;
532Therein, yee Gods, you Tyrants doe defeat.
533Nor Stonie Tower, nor Walls of beaten Brasse,
536But Life being wearie of these worldly Barres,
538If I know this, know all the World besides,
539That part of Tyrannie that I doe beare,
541Cask. So can I:
542So euery Bond-man in his owne hand beares
543The power to cancell his Captiuitie.
545Poore man, I know he would not be a Wolfe,
546But that he sees the Romans are but Sheepe:
547He were no Lyon, were not Romans Hindes.
549Begin it with weake Strawes. What trash is Rome?
551For the base matter, to illuminate
554Before a willing Bond-man: then I know
556And dangers are to me indifferent.
558That is no flearing Tell-tale. Hold, my Hand:
560And I will set this foot of mine as farre,
561As who goes farthest.
562Cassi. There's a Bargaine made.
563Now know you, Caska, I haue mou'd already
564Some certaine of the Noblest minded Romans
565To vnder-goe, with me, an Enterprize,
566Of Honorable dangerous consequence;
567And I doe know by this, they stay for me
568In Pompeyes Porch: for now this fearefull Night,
570And the Complexion of the Element
571Is Fauors, like the Worke we haue in hand,
573Enter Cinna.
576Cassi. 'Tis Cinna, I doe know him by his Gate,
580Cassi. No, it is Caska, one incorporate
581To our Attempts. Am I not stay'd for, Cinna?
582Cinna. I am glad on't.
583What a fearefull Night is this?
587If you could but winne the Noble Brutus
588To our party---
589Cassi. Be you content. Good Cinna, take this Paper,
590And looke you lay it in the Pretors Chayre,
591Where Brutus may but finde it: and throw this
592In at his Window; set this vp with Waxe
593Vpon old Brutus Statue: all this done,
595Is Decius Brutus and Trebonius there?
596Cinna. All, but Metellus Cymber, and hee's gone
599Cassi. That done, repayre to Pompeyes Theater.
600 Exit Cinna.
601Come Caska, you and I will yet, ere day,
602See Brutus at his house: three parts of him
603Is ours alreadie, and the man entire
604Vpon the next encounter, yeelds him ours.
606And that which would appeare Offence in vs,
607His Countenance, like richest Alchymie,
608Will change to Vertue, and to Worthinesse.
609Cassi. Him, and his worth, and our great need of him,
610You haue right well conceited: let vs goe,
611For it is after Mid-night, and ere day,
612We will awake him, and be sure of him.
613 Exeunt.
kk3 Actus
114The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
614Actus Secundus.
615Enter Brutus in his Orchard.
616Brut. What Lucius, hoe?
617I cannot, by the progresse of the Starres,
620When Lucius, when? awake, I say: what Lucius?
621Enter Lucius.
622Luc. Call'd you, my Lord?
623Brut. Get me a Tapor in my Study, Lucius:
624When it is lighted, come and call me here.
628But for the generall. He would be crown'd:
629How that might change his nature, there's the question?
630It is the bright day, that brings forth the Adder,
631And that craues warie walking: Crowne him that,
632And then I graunt we put a Sting in him,
633That at his will he may doe danger with.
637More then his Reason. But 'tis a common proofe,
638That Lowlynesse is young Ambitions Ladder,
639Whereto the Climber vpward turnes his Face:
640But when he once attaines the vpmost Round,
641He then vnto the Ladder turnes his Backe,
645Will beare no colour, for the thing he is,
646Fashion it thus; that what he is, augmented,
648And therefore thinke him as a Serpents egge,
649Which hatch'd, would as his kinde grow mischieuous;
650And kill him in the shell.
651Enter Lucius.
653Searching the Window for a Flint, I found
655It did not lye there when I went to Bed.
656 Giues him the Letter.
657Brut. Get you to Bed againe, it is not day:
659Luc. I know not, Sir.
660Brut. Looke in the Calender, and bring me word.
662Brut. The exhalations, whizzing in the ayre,
663Giue so much light, that I may reade by them.
664 Opens the Letter, and reades.
668Such instigations haue beene often dropt,
669Where I haue tooke them vp:
670Shall Rome, &c. Thus must I piece it out:
671Shall Rome stand vnder one mans awe? What Rome?
673The Tarquin driue, when he was call'd a King.
677Thy full Petition at the hand of Brutus.
678Enter Lucius.
680 Knocke within.
683I haue not slept.
684Betweene the acting of a dreadfull thing,
686Like a Phantasma, or a hideous Dreame:
687The Genius, and the mortall Instruments
688Are then in councell; and the state of a man,
691Enter Lucius.
694Brut. Is he alone?
695Luc. No, Sir, there are moe with him.
696Brut. Doe you know them?
697Luc. No, Sir, their Hats are pluckt about their Eares,
698And halfe their Faces buried in their Cloakes,
699That by no meanes I may discouer them,
700By any marke of fauour.
701Brut. Let 'em enter:
704When euills are most free? O then, by day
705Where wilt thou finde a Cauerne darke enough,
707Hide it in Smiles, and Affabilitie:
708For if thou path thy natiue semblance on,
709Not Erebus it selfe were dimme enough,
710To hide thee from preuention.
711Enter the Conspirators, Cassius, Caska, Decius,
712Cinna, Metellus, and Trebonius.
714Good morrow Brutus, doe we trouble you?
715Brut. I haue beene vp this howre, awake all Night:
716Know I these men, that come along with you?
717Cass. Yes, euery man of them; and no man here
718But honors you: and euery one doth wish,
719You had but that opinion of your selfe,
720Which euery Noble Roman beares of you.
721This is Trebonius.
722Brut. He is welcome hither.
723Cass. This, Decius Brutus.
724Brut. He is welcome too.
725Cass. This, Caska; this, Cinna; and this, Metellus
727Brut. They are all welcome.
729Betwixt your Eyes, and Night?
733Cask. No.
734Cin. O pardon, Sir, it doth; and yon grey Lines,
735That fret the Clouds, are Messengers of Day.
737Heere, as I point my Sword, the Sunne arises,
738Which is a great way growing on the South,
The Tragedie of Julius Caesar 115
739Weighing the youthfull Season of the yeare.
740Some two moneths hence, vp higher toward the North
742Stands as the Capitoll, directly heere.
743Bru. Giue me your hands all ouer, one by one.
745Brut. No, not an Oath: if not the Face of men,
748And euery man hence, to his idle bed:
749So let high-sighted-Tyranny range on,
750Till each man drop by Lottery. But if these
752To kindle Cowards, and to steele with valour
753The melting Spirits of women. Then Countrymen,
755To pricke vs to redresse? What other Bond,
757And will not palter? And what other Oath,
759That this shall be, or we will fall for it.
760Sweare Priests and Cowards, and men Cautelous
763Such Creatures as men doubt; but do not staine
764The euen vertue of our Enterprize,
766To thinke, that or our Cause, or our Performance
767Did neede an Oath. When euery drop of blood
768That euery Roman beares, and Nobly beares
774Cask. Let vs not leaue him out.
775Cyn. No, by no meanes.
776Metel. O let vs haue him, for his Siluer haires
777Will purchase vs a good opinion:
778And buy mens voyces, to commend our deeds:
781But all be buried in his Grauity.
782Bru. O name him not; let vs not breake with him,
783For he will neuer follow any thing
784That other men begin.
785Cas. Then leaue him out.
788Cas. Decius well vrg'd: I thinke it is not meet,
791A shrew'd Contriuer. And you know, his meanes
793As to annoy vs all: which to preuent,
796To cut the Head off, and then hacke the Limbes:
797Like Wrath in death, and Enuy afterwards:
799Let's be Sacrificers, but not Butchers Caius:
801And in the Spirit of men, there is no blood:
805Let's kill him Boldly, but not Wrathfully:
809Stirre vp their Seruants to an acte of Rage,
812Which so appearing to the common eyes,
813We shall be call'd Purgers, not Murderers.
814And for Marke Antony, thinke not of him:
817Cas. Yet I feare him,
822And that were much he should: for he is giuen
824Treb. There is no feare in him; let him not dye,
825For he will liue, and laugh at this heereafter.
826Clocke strikes.
827Bru. Peace, count the Clocke.
829Treb. 'Tis time to part.
830Cass But it is doubtfull yet,
832For he is Superstitious growne of late,
833Quite from the maine Opinion he held once,
834Of Fantasie, of Dreames, and Ceremonies:
835It may be, these apparant Prodigies,
836The vnaccustom'd Terror of this night,
838May hold him from the Capitoll to day.
840I can ore-sway him: For he loues to heare,
841That Vnicornes may be betray'd with Trees,
842And Beares with Glasses, Elephants with Holes,
843Lyons with Toyles, and men with Flatterers.
844But, when I tell him, he hates Flatterers,
846Let me worke:
847For I can giue his humour the true bent;
848And I will bring him to the Capitoll.
849Cas. Nay, we will all of vs, be there to fetch him.
853Who rated him for speaking well of Pompey;
854I wonder none of you haue thought of him.
855Bru. Now good Metellus go along by him:
856He loues me well, and I haue giuen him Reasons,
857Send him but hither, and Ile fashion him.
858Cas. The morning comes vpon's:
859Wee'l leaue you Brutus,
863Let not our lookes put on our purposes,
864But beare it as our Roman Actors do,
865With vntyr'd Spirits, and formall Constancie,
867Manet Brutus.
869Enioy the hony-heauy-Dew of Slumber:
116The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
871Which busie care drawes, in the braines of men;
873Enter Portia.
874Por. Brutus, my Lord.
876It is not for your health, thus to commit
877Your weake condition, to the raw cold morning.
878Por. Nor for yours neither. Y'haue vngently Brutus
879Stole from my bed: and yesternight at Supper
882And when I ask'd you what the matter was,
883You star'd vpon me, with vngentle lookes.
884I vrg'd you further, then you scratch'd your head,
885And too impatiently stampt with your foote:
887But with an angry wafter of your hand
888Gaue signe for me to leaue you: So I did,
889Fearing to strengthen that impatience
890Which seem'd too much inkindled; and withall,
892Which sometime hath his houre with euery man.
893It will not let you eate, nor talke, nor sleepe;
895As it hath much preuayl'd on your Condltion,
896I should not know you Brutus. Deare my Lord,
897Make me acquainted with your cause of greefe.
898Bru. I am not well in health, and that is all.
900He would embrace the meanes to come by it.
903To walke vnbraced, and sucke vp the humours
904Of the danke Morning? What, is Brutus sicke?
906To dare the vile contagion of the Night?
907And tempt the Rhewmy, and vnpurged Ayre,
910Which by the Right and Vertue of my place
911I ought to know of: And vpon my knees,
912I charme you, by my once commended Beauty,
913By all your vowes of Loue, and that great Vow
914Which did incorporate and make vs one,
915That you vnfold to me, your selfe; your halfe
916Why you are heauy: and what men to night
917Haue had resort to you: for heere haue beene
919Euen from darknesse.
920Bru. Kneele not gentle Portia.
922Within the Bond of Marriage, tell me Brutus,
923Is it excepted, I should know no Secrets
924That appertaine to you? Am I your Selfe,
925But as it were in sort, or limitation?
926To keepe with you at Meales, comfort your Bed,
927And talke to you sometimes? Dwell I but in the Suburbs
928Of your good pleasure? If it be no more,
929Portia is Brutus Harlot, not his Wife.
930Bru. You are my true and honourable Wife,
931As deere to me, as are the ruddy droppes
934I graunt I am a Woman; but withall,
935A Woman that Lord Brutus tooke to Wife:
936I graunt I am a Woman; but withall,
937A Woman well reputed: Cato's Daughter.
938Thinke you, I am no stronger then my Sex
942Giuing my selfe a voluntary wound
943Heere, in the Thigh: Can I beare that with patience,
944And not my Husbands Secrets?
945Bru. O ye Gods!
946Render me worthy of this Noble Wife. Knocke.
947Harke, harke, one knockes: Portia go in a while,
949The secrets of my Heart.
950All my engagements, I will construe to thee,
953Enter Lucius and Ligarius.
954Lucius, who's that knockes.
960To weare a Kerchiefe? Would you were not sicke.
962Any exploit worthy the name of Honor.
963Bru. Such an exploit haue I in hand Ligarius,
964Had you a healthfull eare to heare of it.
965Cai. By all the Gods that Romans bow before,
967Braue Sonne, deriu'd from Honourable Loines,
969My mortified Spirit. Now bid me runne,
971Yea get the better of them. What's to do?
972Bru. A peece of worke,
973That will make sicke men whole.
976I shall vnfold to thee, as we are going,
977To whom it must be done.
978Cai. Set on your foote,
979And with a heart new-fir'd, I follow you,
981That Brutus leads me on. Thunder
983Thunder & Lightning.
984Enter Iulius Caesar in his Night-gowne.
985Caesar. Nor Heauen, nor Earth,
986Haue beene at peace to night:
987Thrice hath Calphurnia, in her sleepe cryed out,
989Enter a Seruant.
990Ser. My Lord.
992And bring me their opinions of Successe.
994Enter Calphurnia.
The Tragedie of Julius Caesar 117
1001Yet now they fright me: There is one within,
1005And Graues haue yawn'd, and yeelded vp their dead;
1007In Rankes and Squadrons, and right forme of Warre
1008Which drizel'd blood vpon the Capitoll:
1009The noise of Battell hurtled in the Ayre:
1010Horsses do neigh, and dying men did grone,
1013And I do feare them.
1014Caes. What can be auoyded
1015Whose end is purpos'd by the mighty Gods?
1019The Heauens themselues blaze forth the death of Princes
1020Caes. Cowards dye many times before their deaths,
1021The valiant neuer taste of death but once:
1022Of all the Wonders that I yet haue heard,
1024Seeing that death, a necessary end
1025Will come, when it will come.
1026Enter a Seruant.
1027What say the Augurers?
1029Plucking the intrailes of an Offering forth,
1036We heare two Lyons litter'd in one day,
1037And I the elder and more terrible,
1039Calp. Alas my Lord,
1041Do not go forth to day: Call it my feare,
1042That keepes you in the house, and not your owne.
1045Let me vpon my knee, preuaile in this.
1047And for thy humor, I will stay at home.
1048Enter Decius.
1051I come to fetch you to the Senate house.
1052Caes. And you are come in very happy time,
1053To beare my greeting to the Senators,
1054And tell them that I will not come to day:
1056I will not come to day, tell them so Decius.
1060To be afear'd to tell Gray-beards the truth:
1067Because I loue you, I will let you know.
1068Calphurnia heere my wife, stayes me at home:
1070Which like a Fountaine, with an hundred spouts
1071Did run pure blood: and many lusty Romans
1072Came smiling, & did bathe their hands in it:
1074And euils imminent; and on her knee
1075Hath begg'd, that I will stay at home to day.
1077It was a vision, faire and fortunate:
1078Your Statue spouting blood in many pipes,
1084Caes. And this way haue you well expounded it.
1086And know it now, the Senate haue concluded
1089Their mindes may change. Besides, it were a mocke
1091Breake vp the Senate, till another time:
1096To your proceeding, bids me tell you this:
1097And reason to my loue is liable.
1099I am ashamed I did yeeld to them.
1100Giue me my Robe, for I will go.
1101Enter Brutus, Ligarius, Metellus, Caska, Trebo-
1102nius, Cynna, and Publius.
1103And looke where Publius is come to fetch me.
1105Caes. Welcome Publius.
1107Good morrow Caska: Caius Ligarius,
1109As that same Ague which hath made you leane.
1110What is't a Clocke?
1113Enter Antony.
1114See, Antony that Reuels long a-nights
1115Is notwithstanding vp. Good morrow Antony.
1117Caes. Bid them prepare within:
1118I am too blame to be thus waited for.
1119Now Cynna, now Metellus: what Trebonius,
1120I haue an houres talke in store for you:
1121Remember that you call on me to day:
1122Be neere me, that I may remember you.
1126And we (like Friends) will straight way go together.
1128The heart of Brutus earnes to thinke vpon. Exeunt
1129Enter Artemidorus.
Caesar, beware of Brutus, take heede of Cassius; come not
kk5 neere
118The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
1131 neere Caska, haue an eye to Cynna, trust not Trebonius, marke
1132well Metellus Cymber, Decius Brutus loues thee not: Thou
1133hast wrong'd Caius Ligarius. There is but one minde in all
1135mortall, looke about you: Security giues way to Conspiracie.
1136The mighty Gods defend thee.
1137Thy Louer, Artemidorus.
1139And as a Sutor will I giue him this:
1140My heart laments, that Vertue cannot liue
1141Out of the teeth of Emulation.
1143If not, the Fates with Traitors do contriue. Exit.
1144Enter Portia and Lucius.
1146Stay not to answer me, but get thee gone.
1148Luc. To know my errand Madam.
1149Por. I would haue had thee there and heere agen
1152Set a huge Mountaine 'tweene my Heart and Tongue:
1153I haue a mans minde, but a womans might:
1154How hard it is for women to keepe counsell.
1155Art thou heere yet?
1157Run to the Capitoll, and nothing else?
1159Por. Yes, bring me word Boy, if thy Lord look well,
1160For he went sickly forth: and take good note
1162Hearke Boy, what noyse is that?
1163Luc. I heare none Madam.
1165I heard a bussling Rumor like a Fray,
1166And the winde brings it from the Capitoll.
1167Luc. Sooth Madam, I heare nothing.
1168Enter the Soothsayer.
1171Por. What is't a clocke?
1172Sooth. About the ninth houre Lady.
1181wards him?
1182Sooth. None that I know will be,
1183Much that I feare may chance:
1184Good morrow to you: heere the street is narrow:
1186Of Senators, of Praetors, common Sutors,
1187Will crowd a feeble man (almost) to death:
1188Ile get me to a place more voyd, and there
1191Aye me! How weake a thing
1192The heart of woman is? O Brutus,
1193The Heauens speede thee in thine enterprize.
1194Sure the Boy heard me: Brutus hath a suite
1196Run Lucius, and commend me to my Lord,
1197Say I am merry; Come to me againe,
1199Actus Tertius.
1201Enter Caesar, Brutus, Cassius, Caska, Decius, Metellus, Tre-
1202bonius, Cynna, Antony, Lepidus, Artimedorus, Pub-
1203lius, and the Soothsayer.
1204Caes. The Ides of March are come.
1213Caes. What, is the fellow mad?
1214Pub. Sirra, giue place.
1216Come to the Capitoll.
1218Cassi. What enterprize Popillius?
1219Popil. Fare you well.
1225Brutus what shall be done? If this be knowne,
1231Cassi. Trebonius knowes his time: for look you Brutus
1232He drawes Mark Antony out of the way.
1233Deci. Where is Metellus Cimber, let him go,
1240Metellus Cymber throwes before thy Seate
1241An humble heart.
1244Might fire the blood of ordinary men,
1246Into the lane of Children. Be not fond,
1248That will be thaw'd from the true quality
1249With that which melteth Fooles, I meane sweet words,
1251Thy Brother by decree is banished:
1252If thou doest bend, and pray, and fawne for him,
1253I spurne thee like a Curre out of my way:
1256Metel. Is there no voyce more worthy then my owne,
The Tragedie of Julius Caesar 119
1258For the repealing of my banish'd Brother?
1260Desiring thee, that Publius Cymber may
1261Haue an immediate freedome of repeale.
1262Caes. What Brutus?
1264As lowe as to thy foote doth Cassius fall,
1265To begge infranchisement for Publius Cymber.
1266Caes. I could be well mou'd, if I were as you,
1267If I could pray to mooue, Prayers would mooue me:
1268But I am constant as the Northerne Starre,
1270There is no fellow in the Firmament.
1271The Skies are painted with vnnumbred sparkes,
1272They are all Fire, and euery one doth shine:
1273But, there's but one in all doth hold his place.
1274So, in the World; 'Tis furnish'd well with Men,
1276Yet in the number, I do know but One
1277That vnassayleable holds on his Ranke,
1278Vnshak'd of Motion: and that I am he,
1279Let me a little shew it, euen in this:
1283Caes. Hence: Wilt thou lift vp Olympus?
1286Cask. Speake hands for me.
1287 They stab Caesar.
1289Cin. Liberty, Freedome; Tyranny is dead,
1290Run hence, proclaime, cry it about the Streets.
1291Cassi. Some to the common Pulpits, and cry out
1292Liberty, Freedome, and Enfranchisement.
1295Cask. Go to the Pulpit Brutus.
1297Bru. Where's Publius?
1298Cin. Heere, quite confounded with this mutiny.
1300Should chance---
1302There is no harme intended to your person,
1307But we the Doers.
1308Enter Trebonius.
1309Cassi. Where is Antony?
1311Men, Wiues, and Children, stare, cry out, and run,
1312As it were Doomesday.
1314That we shall dye we know, 'tis but the time
1315And drawing dayes out, that men stand vpon.
1320His time of fearing death. Stoope Romans, stoope,
1322Vp to the Elbowes, and besmeare our Swords:
1323Then walke we forth, euen to the Market place,
1324And wauing our red Weapons o're our heads,
1325Let's all cry Peace, Freedome, and Liberty.
1327Shall this our lofty Scene be acted ouer,
1328In State vnborne, and Accents yet vnknowne?
1330That now on Pompeyes Basis lye along,
1331No worthier then the dust?
1333So often shall the knot of vs be call'd,
1334The Men that gaue their Country liberty.
1336Cassi. I, euery man away.
1337Brutus shall leade, and we will grace his heeles
1339Enter a Seruant.
1340Bru. Soft, who comes heere? A friend of Antonies.
1342Thus did Mark Antony bid me fall downe,
1346Say, I loue Brutus, and I honour him;
1348If Brutus will vouchsafe, that Antony
1352So well as Brutus liuing; but will follow
1353The Fortunes and Affayres of Noble Brutus,
1354Thorough the hazards of this vntrod State,
1357I neuer thought him worse:
1360Depart vntouch'd.
1366Enter Antony.
1367Bru. But heere comes Antony:
1368Welcome Mark Antony.
1370Are all thy Conquests, Glories, Triumphes, Spoiles,
1371Shrunke to this little Measure? Fare thee well.
1372I know not Gentlemen what you intend,
1376Of halfe that worth, as those your Swords; made rich
1377With the most Noble blood of all this World.
1378I do beseech yee, if you beare me hard,
1384The Choice and Master Spirits of this Age.
1385Bru. O Antony! Begge not your death of vs:
1386Though now we must appeare bloody and cruell,
kk6 And
120The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
1390Our hearts you see not, they are pittifull:
1391And pitty to the generall wrong of Rome,
1394To you, our Swords haue leaden points Marke Antony:
1395Our Armes in strength of malice, and our Hearts
1396Of Brothers temper, do receiue you in,
1397With all kinde loue, good thoughts, and reuerence.
1400Bru. Onely be patient, till we haue appeas'd
1402And then, we will deliuer you the cause,
1404Haue thus proceeded.
1406Let each man render me his bloody hand.
1408Next Caius Cassius do I take your hand;
1409Now Decius Brutus yours; now yours Metellus;
1410Yours Cinna; and my valiant Caska, yours;
1414That one of two bad wayes you must conceit me,
1415Either a Coward, or a Flatterer.
1417If then thy Spirit looke vpon vs now,
1418Shall it not greeue thee deerer then thy death,
1419To see thy Antony making his peace,
1420Shaking the bloody fingers of thy Foes?
1422Had I as many eyes, as thou hast wounds,
1424It would become me better, then to close
1425In tearmes of Friendship with thine enemies.
1426Pardon me Iulius, heere was't thou bay'd braue Hart,
1428Sign'd in thy Spoyle, and Crimson'd in thy Lethee.
1430And this indeed, O World, the Hart of thee.
1431How like a Deere, stroken by many Princes,
1432Dost thou heere lye?
1433Cassi. Mark Antony.
1436Then, in a Friend, it is cold Modestie.
1438But what compact meane you to haue with vs?
1439Will you be prick'd in number of our Friends,
1440Or shall we on, and not depend on you?
1441Ant. Therefore I tooke your hands, but was indeed
1443Friends am I with you all, and loue you all,
1451And am moreouer sutor, that I may
1452Produce his body to the Market-place,
1453And in the Pulpit as becomes a Friend,
1454Speake in the Order of his Funerall.
1456Cassi. Brutus, a word with you:
1457You know not what you do; Do not consent
1458That Antony speake in his Funerall:
1459Know you how much the people may be mou'd
1460By that which he will vtter.
1461Bru. By your pardon:
1467Haue all true Rites, and lawfull Ceremonies,
1468It shall aduantage more, then do vs wrong.
1469Cassi. I know not what may fall, I like it not.
1476In the same Pulpit whereto I am going,
1477After my speech is ended.
1479I do desire no more.
1481Manet Antony.
1482O pardon me, thou bleeding peece of Earth:
1483That I am meeke and gentle with these Butchers.
1484Thou art the Ruines of the Noblest man
1485That euer liued in the Tide of Times.
1487Ouer thy wounds, now do I Prophesie,
1488(Which like dumbe mouthes do ope their Ruby lips,
1489To begge the voyce and vtterance of my Tongue)
1492Shall cumber all the parts of Italy:
1496Their Infants quartered with the hands of Warre:
1497All pitty choak'd with custome of fell deeds,
1499With Ate by his side, come hot from Hell,
1501Cry hauocke, and let slip the Dogges of Warre,
1503With Carrion men, groaning for Buriall.
1504Enter Octauio's Seruant.
1506Ser. I do Marke Antony.
1508Ser. He did receiue his Letters, and is comming,
1509And bid me say to you by word of mouth---
1511Ant. Thy heart is bigge: get thee a-part and weepe:
1514Began to water. Is thy Master comming?
1517And tell him what hath chanc'd:
1518Heere is a mourning Rome, a dangerous Rome,
The Tragedie of Julius Caesar 121
1522Into the Market place: There shall I try
1523In my Oration, how the People take
1527Lend me your hand. Exeunt
1528Enter Brutus and goes into the Pulpit, and Cassi-
1529us, with the Plebeians.
1531Bru. Then follow me, and giue me Audience friends.
1533And part the Numbers:
1540When seuerally we heare them rendred.
1543Romans, Countrey-men, and Louers, heare mee for my
1547your Senses, that you may the better Iudge. If there bee
1555as he was Fortunate, I reioyce at it; as he was Valiant, I
1556honour him: But, as he was Ambitious, I slew him. There
1557is Teares, for his Loue: Ioy, for his Fortune: Honor, for
1558his Valour: and Death, for his Ambition. Who is heere
1562is heere so vile, that will not loue his Countrey? If any,
1564All. None Brutus, none.
1567on of his death, is inroll'd in the Capitoll: his Glory not
1570Enter Mark Antony, with Caesars body.
1571Heere comes his Body, mourn'd by Marke Antony, who
1573nefit of his dying, a place in the Cõmonwealth, as which
1577my death.
1578All. Liue Brutus, liue, liue.
1583Shall be Crown'd in Brutus.
1585With Showts and Clamors.
1586Bru. My Country-men.
15881. Peace ho.
1589Bru. Good Countrymen, let me depart alone,
1593(By our permission) is allow'd to make.
1594I do intreat you, not a man depart,
15961 Stay ho, and let vs heare Mark Antony.
15973 Let him go vp into the publike Chaire,
1598Wee'l heare him: Noble Antony go vp.
16053 Nay that's certaine:
1606We are blest that Rome is rid of him.
1608Ant. You gentle Romans.
1609All. Peace hoe, let vs heare him.
1610An. Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears:
1612The euill that men do, liues after them,
1613The good is oft enterred with their bones,
1616If it were so, it was a greeuous Fault,
1618Heere, vnder leaue of Brutus, and the rest
1619(For Brutus is an Honourable man,
1620So are they all; all Honourable men)
1622He was my Friend, faithfull, and iust to me;
1623But Brutus sayes, he was Ambitious,
1624And Brutus is an Honourable man.
1625He hath brought many Captiues home to Rome,
1630Yet Brutus sayes, he was Ambitious:
1631And Brutus is an Honourable man.
1632You all did see, that on the Lupercall,
1633I thrice presented him a Kingly Crowne,
1634Which he did thrice refuse. Was this Ambition?
1635Yet Brutus sayes, he was Ambitious:
1636And sure he is an Honourable man.
1638But heere I am, to speake what I do know;
1639You all did loue him once, not without cause,
1640What cause with-holds you then, to mourne for him?
llv 4 Marke
122The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
16494. Mark'd ye his words? he would not take ye Crown,
1650Therefore 'tis certaine, he was not Ambitious.
16533. There's not a Nobler man in Rome then Antony.
1657And none so poore to do him reuerence.
1659Your hearts and mindes to Mutiny and Rage,
1661Who (you all know) are Honourable men.
1662I will not do them wrong: I rather choose
1663To wrong the dead, to wrong my selfe and you,
1664Then I will wrong such Honourable men.
1666I found it in his Closset, 'tis his Will:
1667Let but the Commons heare this Testament:
1668(Which pardon me) I do not meane to reade,
1670And dip their Napkins in his Sacred Blood;
1671Yea, begge a haire of him for Memory,
1672And dying, mention it within their Willes,
1673Bequeathing it as a rich Legacie
1674Vnto their issue.
16754 Wee'l heare the Will, reade it Marke Antony.
1679You are not Wood, you are not Stones, but men:
1681It will inflame you, it will make you mad:
1682'Tis good you know not that you are his Heires,
1683For if you should, O what would come of it?
16844 Read the Will, wee'l heare it Antony:
1688I feare I wrong the Honourable men,
16904 They were Traitors: Honourable men?
16922 They were Villaines, Murderers: the Will, read the
1694Ant. You will compell me then to read the Will:
1696And let me shew you him that made the Will:
1697Shall I descend? And will you giue me leaue?
1698All. Come downe.
1705All. Stand backe: roome, beare backe.
1707You all do know this Mantle, I remember
1709'Twas on a Summers Euening in his Tent,
1710That day he ouercame the Neruij.
1711Looke, in this place ran Cassius Dagger through:
1712See what a rent the enuious Caska made:
1713Through this, the wel-beloued Brutus stabb'd,
1714And as he pluck'd his cursed Steele away:
1717If Brutus so vnkindely knock'd, or no:
1722Ingratitude, more strong then Traitors armes,
1724And in his Mantle, muffling vp his face,
1725Euen at the Base of Pompeyes Statue
1727O what a fall was there, my Countrymen?
1728Then I, and you, and all of vs fell downe,
1730O now you weepe, and I perceiue you feele
1731The dint of pitty: These are gracious droppes.
1732Kinde Soules, what weepe you, when you but behold
17373. O wofull day!
17384. O Traitors, Villaines!
17402. We will be reueng'd: Reuenge
1742Let not a Traitor liue.
1743Ant. Stay Country-men.
17441. Peace there, heare the Noble Antony.
17452. Wee'l heare him, wee'l follow him, wee'l dy with
1749They that haue done this Deede, are honourable.
1750What priuate greefes they haue, alas I know not,
1751That made them do it: They are Wise, and Honourable,
1753I come not (Friends) to steale away your hearts,
1754I am no Orator, as Brutus is;
1755But (as you know me all) a plaine blunt man
1756That loue my Friend, and that they know full well,
1757That gaue me publike leaue to speake of him:
1758For I haue neyther writ nor words, nor worth,
1759Action, nor Vtterance, nor the power of Speech,
1761I tell you that, which you your selues do know,
1763And bid them speake for me: But were I Brutus,
1764And Brutus Antony, there were an Antony
1765Would ruffle vp your Spirits, and put a Tongue
1768All. Wee'l Mutiny.
1773Ant. Why Friends, you go to do you know not what:
1775Alas you know not, I must tell you then:
1776You haue forgot the Will I told you of.
1779To euery Roman Citizen he giues,
2 Ple.
The Tragedie of Julius Caesar 123
1783Ant. Heare me with patience.
1784All. Peace hoe
1785Ant. Moreouer, he hath left you all his Walkes,
1786His priuate Arbors, and new-planted Orchards,
1787On this side Tyber, he hath left them you,
1788And to your heyres for euer: common pleasures
1789To walke abroad, and recreate your selues.
17911. Ple. Neuer, neuer: come, away, away:
1792Wee'l burne his body in the holy place,
1794Take vp the body.
17963. Ple. Plucke downe Benches.
17974. Ple. Plucke downe Formes, Windowes, any thing.
1798 Exit Plebeians.
1800Take thou what course thou wilt.
1801How now Fellow?
1802Enter Seruant.
1804Ant. Where is hee?
1807He comes vpon a wish. Fortune is merry,
1808And in this mood will giue vs any thing.
1810Are rid like Madmen through the Gates of Rome.
1813Enter Cinna the Poet, and after him the Plebeians.
1815And things vnluckily charge my Fantasie:
1816I haue no will to wander foorth of doores,
1817Yet something leads me foorth.
18181. What is your name?
18192. Whether are you going?
18203. Where do you dwell?
18214. Are you a married man, or a Batchellor?
18231. I, and breefely.
1826Cin. What is my name? Whether am I going? Where
1827do I dwell? Am I a married man, or a Batchellour? Then
1831rie: you'l beare me a bang for that I feare: proceede di-
18341. As a Friend, or an Enemy?
1835Cinna. As a friend.
18374. For your dwelling: breefely.
1838Cinna. Breefely, I dwell by the Capitoll.
1840Cinna. Truly, my name is Cinna.
1842Cinna. I am Cinna the Poet, I am Cinna the Poet.
18464. It is no matter, his name's Cinna, plucke but his
1847name out of his heart, and turne him going.
18483. Teare him, tear him; Come Brands hoe, Firebrands:
1851 Exeunt all the Plebeians.
1852Actus Quartus.
1853Enter Antony, Octauius, and Lepidus.
1857Octa. Pricke him downe Antony.
1862Fetch the Will hither, and we shall determine
1869One of the three to share it?
1870Octa. So you thought him,
1871And tooke his voyce who should be prickt to dye
1872In our blacke Sentence and Proscription.
1874And though we lay these Honours on this man,
1878Either led or driuen, as we point the way:
1879And hauing brought our Treasure, where we will,
1880Then take we downe his Load, and turne him off
1882And graze in Commons.
1883Octa. You may do your will:
1884But hee's a tried, and valiant Souldier.
1886I do appoint him store of Prouender.
1887It is a Creature that I teach to fight,
1889His corporall Motion, gouern'd by my Spirit,
1891He must be taught, and train'd, and bid go forth:
1892A barren spirited Fellow; one that feeds
1893On Obiects, Arts, and Imitations.
1895Begin his fashion. Do not talke of him,
1896But as a property: and now Octauius,
1899Therefore let our Alliance be combin'd,
ll2 And
124The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
1905And bayed about with many Enemies,
1908Drum. Enter Brutus, Lucillius, and the Army. Titinius
1909and Pindarus meete them.
1910Bru. Stand ho.
1911Lucil. Giue the word ho, and Stand.
1913Lucil. He is at hand, and Pindarus is come
1916In his owne change, or by ill Officers,
1918Things done, vndone: But if he be at hand
1920Pin. I do not doubt
1921But that my Noble Master will appeare
1922Such as he is, full of regard, and Honour.
1923Bru. He is not doubted. A word Lucillius
1924How he receiu'd you: let me be resolu'd.
1927Nor with such free and friendly Conference
1928As he hath vs'd of old.
1930A hot Friend, cooling: Euer note Lucillius,
1931When Loue begins to sicken and decay
1932It vseth an enforced Ceremony.
1933There are no trickes, in plaine and simple Faith:
1934But hollow men, like Horses hot at hand,
1936 Low March within.
1937But when they should endure the bloody Spurre,
1938They fall their Crests, and like deceitfull Iades
1939Sinke in the Triall. Comes his Army on?
1940Lucil. They meane this night in Sardis to be quarter'd:
1941The greater part, the Horse in generall
1942Are come with Cassius.
1943Enter Cassius and his Powers.
1944Bru. Hearke, he is arriu'd:
1945March gently on to meete him.
1946Cassi. Stand ho.
1952Bru. Iudge me you Gods; wrong I mine Enemies?
1955And when you do them---
1957Speake your greefes softly, I do know you well.
1958Before the eyes of both our Armies heere
1959(Which should perceiue nothing but Loue from vs)
1960Let vs not wrangle. Bid them moue away:
1961Then in my Tent Cassius enlarge your Greefes,
1962And I will giue you Audience.
1963Cassi. Pindarus,
1964Bid our Commanders leade their Charges off
1965A little from this ground.
1966Bru. Lucillius, do you the like, and let no man
1967Come to our Tent, till we haue done our Conference.
1968Let Lucius and Titinius guard our doore. Exeunt
1969Manet Brutus and Cassius.
1970Cassi. That you haue wrong'd me, doth appear in this:
1971You haue condemn'd, and noted Lucius Pella
1972For taking Bribes heere of the Sardians;
1973Wherein my Letters, praying on his side,
1979Are much condemn'd to haue an itching Palme,
1981To Vndeseruers.
1982Cassi. I, an itching Palme?
1983You know that you are Brutus that speakes this,
1986And Chasticement doth therefore hide his head.
1988Bru. Remember March, the Ides of March remẽmber:
1990What Villaine touch'd his body, that did stab,
1991And not for Iustice? What? Shall one of Vs,
1997I had rather be a Dogge, and bay the Moone,
1998Then such a Roman.
1999Cassi. Brutus, baite not me,
2000Ile not indure it: you forget your selfe
2001To hedge me in. I am a Souldier, I,
2003To make Conditions.
2005Cassi. I am.
2008Haue minde vpon your health: Tempt me no farther.
2013Shall I be frighted, when a Madman stares?
2015Bru. All this? I more: Fret till your proud hart break.
2016Go shew your Slaues how Chollericke you are,
2017And make your Bondmen tremble. Must I bouge?
2019Vnder your Testie Humour? By the Gods,
2021Though it do Split you. For, from this day forth,
2022Ile vse you for my Mirth, yea for my Laughter
2024Cassi. Is it come to this?
2026Let it appeare so; make your vaunting true,
2028I shall be glad to learne of Noble men.
2029Cass. You wrong me euery way:
2030You wrong me Brutus:
2031I saide, an Elder Souldier, not a Better.
2032Did I say Better?
2033Bru. If you did, I care not.
The Tragedie of Julius Caesar 125
2037Bru. No.
2043There is no terror Cassius in your threats:
2045That they passe by me, as the idle winde,
2047For certaine summes of Gold, which you deny'd me,
2048For I can raise no money by vile meanes:
2049By Heauen, I had rather Coine my Heart,
2050And drop my blood for Drachmaes, then to wring
2051From the hard hands of Peazants, their vile trash
2053To you for Gold to pay my Legions,
2054Which you deny'd me: was that done like Cassius?
2056When Marcus Brutus growes so Couetous,
2058Be ready Gods with all your Thunder-bolts,
2059Dash him to peeces.
2060Cassi. I deny'd you not.
2061Bru. You did.
2062Cassi. I did not. He was but a Foole
2063That brought my answer back. Brutus hath riu'd my hart:
2065But Brutus makes mine greater then they are.
2067Cassi. You loue me not.
2068Bru. I do not like your faults.
2070Bru. A Flatterers would not, though they do appeare
2071As huge as high Olympus.
2074For Cassius is a-weary of the World:
2075Hated by one he loues, brau'd by his Brother,
2076Check'd like a bondman, all his faults obseru'd,
2077Set in a Note-booke, learn'd, and con'd by roate
2078To cast into my Teeth. O I could weepe
2079My Spirit from mine eyes. There is my Dagger,
2080And heere my naked Breast: Within, a Heart
2081Deerer then Pluto's Mine, Richer then Gold:
2082If that thou bee'st a Roman, take it foorth.
2083I that deny'd thee Gold, will giue my Heart:
2087Bru. Sheath your Dagger:
2090O Cassius, you are yoaked with a Lambe
2091That carries Anger, as the Flint beares fire,
2093And straite is cold agen.
2095To be but Mirth and Laughter to his Brutus,
2096When greefe and blood ill temper'd, vexeth him?
2099Bru. And my heart too.
2100Cassi. O Brutus!
2101Bru. What's the matter?
2102Cassi. Haue not you loue enough to beare with me,
2103When that rash humour which my Mother gaue me
2104Makes me forgetfull.
2106When you are ouer-earnest with your Brutus,
2107Hee'l thinke your Mother chides, and leaue you so.
2108Enter a Poet.
2110There is some grudge betweene 'em, 'tis not meete
2111They be alone.
2114Cas. How now? What's the matter?
2118Cas. Ha, ha, how vildely doth this Cynicke rime?
2121Brut. Ile know his humor, when he knowes his time:
2123Companion, hence.
2125Bru. Lucillius and Titinius bid the Commanders
2126Prepare to lodge their Companies to night.
2128Immediately to vs.
2129Bru. Lucius, a bowle of Wine.
2133If you giue place to accidentall euils.
2135Cas. Ha? Portia?
2136Bru. She is dead.
2141And greefe, that yong Octauius with Mark Antony
2147Cas. O ye immortall Gods!
2148Enter Boy with Wine, and Tapers.
2149Bru. Speak no more of her: Giue me a bowl of wine,
2152Fill Lucius, till the Wine ore-swell the Cup:
2153I cannot drinke too much of Brutus loue.
2154Enter Titinius and Messala.
2155Brutus. Come in Titinius:
2156Welcome good Messala:
2159Cass. Portia, art thou gone?
2160Bru. No more I pray you.
2161Messala, I haue heere receiued Letters,
2162That yong Octauius, and Marke Antony
2163Come downe vpon vs with a mighty power,
2164Bending their Expedition toward Philippi.
ll3 Mess.
126The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
2166Bru. With what Addition.
2168Octauius, Antony, and Lepidus,
2169Haue put to death, an hundred Senators.
2170Bru. Therein our Letters do not well agree:
2172By their proscriptions, Cicero being one.
2173Cassi. Cicero one?
2175Had you your Letters from your wife, my Lord?
2177Messa. Nor nothing in your Letters writ of her?
2181Heare you ought of her, in yours?
2182Messa. No my Lord.
2183Bru. Now as you are a Roman tell me true.
2184Messa. Then like a Roman, beare the truth I tell,
2188I haue the patience to endure it now.
2190Cassi. I haue as much of this in Art as you,
2191But yet my Nature could not beare it so.
2192Bru. Well, to our worke aliue. What do you thinke
2193Of marching to Philippi presently.
2194Cassi. I do not thinke it good.
2196Cassi. This it is:
2197'Tis better that the Enemie seeke vs,
2202The people 'twixt Philippi, and this ground
2204For they haue grug'd vs Contribution.
2205The Enemy, marching along by them,
2206By them shall make a fuller number vp,
2207Come on refresht, new added, and encourag'd:
2209If at Philippi we do face him there,
2210These people at our backe.
2211Cassi. Heare me good Brother.
2213That we haue tride the vtmost of our Friends:
2214Our Legions are brim full, our cause is ripe,
2215The Enemy encreaseth euery day,
2216We at the height, are readie to decline.
2217There is a Tide in the affayres of men,
2218Which taken at the Flood, leades on to Fortune:
2219Omitted, all the voyage of their life,
2220Is bound in Shallowes, and in Miseries.
2223Or loose our Ventures.
2224Cassi. Then with your will go on: wee'l along
2225Our selues, and meet them at Philippi.
2226Bru. The deepe of night is crept vpon our talke,
2228Which we will niggard with a little rest:
2229There is no more to say.
2230Cassi. No more, good night,
2231Early to morrow will we rise, and hence.
2232Enter Lucius.
2234Good night Titinius: Noble, Noble Cassius,
2235Good night, and good repose.
2236Cassi. O my deere Brother:
2237This was an ill beginning of the night:
2239Let it not Brutus.
2240Enter Lucius with the Gowne.
2241Bru. Euery thing is well.
2242Cassi. Good night my Lord.
2243Bru. Good night good Brother.
2244Tit. Messa. Good night Lord Brutus.
2246Giue me the Gowne. Where is thy Instrument?
2247Luc. Heere in the Tent.
2249Poore knaue I blame thee not, thou art ore-watch'd.
2250Call Claudio, and some other of my men,
2252Luc. Varrus, and Claudio.
2253Enter Varrus and Claudio.
2254Var. Cals my Lord?
2259And watch your pleasure.
2263I put it in the pocket of my Gowne.
2265Bru. Beare with me good Boy, I am much forgetfull.
2266Canst thou hold vp thy heauie eyes a-while,
2269Bru. It does my Boy:
2270I trouble thee too much, but thou art willing.
2271Luc. It is my duty Sir.
2273I know yong bloods looke for a time of rest.
2276I will not hold thee long. If I do liue,
2277I will be good to thee.
2278Musicke, and a Song.
2280Layest thou thy Leaden Mace vpon my Boy,
2281That playes thee Musicke? Gentle knaue good night:
2282I will not do thee so much wrong to wake thee:
2284Ile take it from thee, and (good Boy) good night.
2286Where I left reading? Heere it is I thinke.
2287Enter the Ghost of Caesar.
2288How ill this Taper burnes. Ha! Who comes heere?
2289I thinke it is the weakenesse of mine eyes
2291It comes vpon me: Art thou any thing?
2294Speake to me, what thou art.
2295Ghost. Thy euill Spirit Brutus?
The Tragedie of Julius Caesar 127
2299Ghost. I, at Philippi.
2302Ill Spirit, I would hold more talke with thee.
2303Boy, Lucius, Varrus, Claudio, Sirs: Awake:
2307Lucius, awake.
2308Luc. My Lord.
2311Luc. My Lord, I do not know that I did cry.
2313Luc. Nothing my Lord.
2314Bru. Sleepe againe Lucius: Sirra Claudio, Fellow,
2315Thou: Awake.
2316Var. My Lord.
2317Claeu. My Lord.
2319Both. Did we my Lord?
2322Clau. Nor I my Lord.
2324Bid him set on his Powres betimes before,
2325And we will follow.
2327Actus Quintus.
2328Enter Octauius, Antony, and their Army.
2330You said the Enemy would not come downe,
2331But keepe the Hilles and vpper Regions:
2332It proues not so: their battailes are at hand,
2333They meane to warne vs at Philippi heere:
2334Answering before we do demand of them.
2336Wherefore they do it: They could be content
2337To visit other places, and come downe
2338With fearefull brauery: thinking by this face
2339To fasten in our thoughts that they haue Courage;
2340But 'tis not so.
2341Enter a Messenger.
2342Mes. Prepare you Generals,
2343The Enemy comes on in gallant shew:
2344Their bloody signe of Battell is hung out,
2345And something to be done immediately.
2347Vpon the left hand of the euen Field.
2348Octa. Vpon the right hand I, keepe thou the left.
2356Make forth, the Generals would haue some words.
2357Oct. Stirre not vntill the Signall.
2359Octa. Not that we loue words better, as you do.
2364Cassi. Antony,
2365The posture of your blowes are yet vnknowne;
2366But for your words, they rob the Hibla Bees,
2367And leaue them Hony-lesse.
2370For you haue stolne their buzzing Antony,
2374You shew'd your teethes like Apes,
2375And fawn'd like Hounds,
2377Whil'st damned Caska, like a Curre, behinde
2381If Cassius might haue rul'd.
2383The proofe of it will turne to redder drops:
2385When thinke you that the Sword goes vp againe?
2388Haue added slaughter to the Sword of Traitors.
2391Octa. So I hope:
2392I was not borne to dye on Brutus Sword.
2394Yong-man, thou could'st not dye more honourable.
2396Ioyn'd with a Masker, and a Reueller.
2398Octa. Come Antony: away:
2399Defiance Traitors, hurle we in your teeth.
2400If you dare fight to day, come to the Field;
2401If not, when you haue stomackes.
2402 Exit Octauius, Antony, and Army
2404And swimme Barke:
2405The Storme is vp, and all is on the hazard.
2406Bru. Ho Lucillius, hearke, a word with you.
2407 Lucillius and Messala stand forth.
2408Luc. My Lord.
2414(As Pompey was) am I compell'd to set
2415Vpon one Battell all our Liberties.
2416You know, that I held Epicurus strong,
2417And his Opinion: Now I change my minde,
2418And partly credit things that do presage.
2419Comming from Sardis, on our former Ensigne
2420Two mighty Eagles fell, and there they pearch'd,
2421Gorging and feeding from our Soldiers hands,
128The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
2422Who to Philippi heere consorted vs:
2423This Morning are they fled away, and gone,
2424And in their steeds, do Rauens, Crowes, and Kites
2425Fly ore our heads, and downward looke on vs
2427A Canopy most fatall, vnder which
2428Our Army lies, ready to giue vp the Ghost.
2430Cassi. I but beleeue it partly,
2432To meete all perils, very constantly.
2435The Gods to day stand friendly, that we may
2436Louers in peace, leade on our dayes to age.
2439If we do lose this Battaile, then is this
2441What are you then determined to do?
2443By which I did blame Cato, for the death
2444Which he did giue himselfe, I know not how:
2445But I do finde it Cowardly, and vile,
2446For feare of what might fall, so to preuent
2447The time of life, arming my selfe with patience,
2449That gouerne vs below.
2451You are contented to be led in Triumph
2452Thorow the streets of Rome.
2454Thinke not thou Noble Romane,
2455That euer Brutus will go bound to Rome,
2456He beares too great a minde. But this same day
2457Must end that worke, the Ides of March begun.
2458And whether we shall meete againe, I know not:
2459Therefore our euerlasting farewell take:
2460For euer, and for euer, farewell Cassius,
2462If not, why then this parting was well made.
2463Cassi. For euer, and for euer, farewell Brutus:
2464If we do meete againe, wee'l smile indeede;
2465If not, 'tis true, this parting was well made.
2466Bru. Why then leade on. O that a man might know
2469And then the end is knowne. Come ho, away. Exeunt.
2472Vnto the Legions, on the other side.
2473 Lowd Alarum.
2474Let them set on at once: for I perceiue
2475But cold demeanor in Octauio's wing:
2480My selfe haue to mine owne turn'd Enemy:
2481This Ensigne heere of mine was turning backe,
2482I slew the Coward, and did take it from him.
2485Tooke it too eagerly: his Soldiers fell to spoyle,
2486Whil'st we by Antony are all inclos'd.
2487Enter Pindarus.
2489Mark Antony is in your Tents my Lord:
2491Cassi. This Hill is farre enough. Looke, look Titinius
2493Tit. They are, my Lord.
2496Till he haue brought thee vp to yonder Troopes
2498Whether yond Troopes, are Friend or Enemy.
2500Cassi. Go Pindarus, get higher on that hill,
2501My sight was euer thicke: regard Titinius,
2502And tell me what thou not'st about the Field.
2504And where I did begin, there shall I end,
2505My life is run his compasse. Sirra, what newes?
2506Pind. Aboue. O my Lord.
2507Cassi. What newes?
2509With Horsemen, that make to him on the Spurre,
2511Now Titinius. Now some light: O he lights too.
2513And hearke, they shout for ioy.
2514Cassi. Come downe, behold no more:
2515O Coward that I am, to liue so long,
2517Enter Pindarus.
2520That whatsoeuer I did bid thee do,
2522Now be a Free-man, and with this good Sword
2524Stand not to answer: Heere, take thou the Hilts,
2525And when my face is couer'd, as 'tis now,
2527Euen with the Sword that kill'd thee.
2528Pin. So, I am free,
2529Yet would not so haue beene
2531Farre from this Country Pindarus shall run,
2532Where neuer Roman shall take note of him.
2533Enter Titinius and Messala.
2535Is ouerthrowne by Noble Brutus power,
2536As Cassius Legions are by Antony.
2538Messa. Where did you leaue him.
2540With Pindarus his Bondman, on this Hill.
2541Messa. Is not that he that lyes vpon the ground?
2542Titin. He lies not like the Liuing. O my heart!
2543Messa. Is not that hee?
The Tragedie of Julius Caesar 129
2548The Sunne of Rome is set. Our day is gone,
2549Clowds, Dewes, and Dangers come; our deeds are done:
2552O hatefull Error, Melancholies Childe:
2554The things that are not? O Error soone conceyu'd,
2555Thou neuer com'st vnto a happy byrth,
2556But kil'st the Mother that engendred thee.
2557Tit. What Pindarus? Where art thou Pindarus?
2559The Noble Brutus, thrusting this report
2561For piercing Steele, and Darts inuenomed,
2562Shall be as welcome to the eares of Brutus,
2563As tydings of this sight.
2565And I will seeke for Pindarus the while:
2567Did I not meet thy Friends, and did not they
2568Put on my Browes this wreath of Victorie,
2571But hold thee, take this Garland on thy Brow,
2572Thy Brutus bid me giue it thee, and I
2573Will do his bidding. Brutus, come apace,
2575By your leaue Gods: This is a Romans part,
2577Alarum. Enter Brutus, Messala, yong Cato,
2578Strato, Volumnius, and Lucillius.
2580Messa. Loe yonder, and Titinius mourning it.
2581Bru. Titinius face is vpward.
2584Thy Spirit walkes abroad, and turnes our Swords
2585In our owne proper Entrailes. Low Alarums.
2586Cato. Braue Titinius,
2587Looke where he haue not crown'd dead Cassius.
2589The last of all the Romans, far thee well:
2590It is impossible, that euer Rome
2591Should breed thy fellow. Friends I owe mo teares
2595His Funerals shall not be in our Campe,
2597And come yong Cato, let vs to the Field,
2598Labio and Flauio set our Battailes on:
2599'Tis three a clocke, and Romans yet ere night,
2601Alarum. Enter Brutus, Messala, Cato, Lucillius,
2602and Flauius.
2603Bru. Yet Country-men: O yet, hold vp your heads.
2605I will proclaime my name about the Field.
2606I am the Sonne of Marcus Cato, hoe.
2607A Foe to Tyrants, and my Countries Friend.
2608I am the Sonne of Marcus Cato, hoe.
2609Enter Souldiers, and fight.
2610And I am Brutus, Marcus Brutus, I,
2611Brutus my Countries Friend: Know me for Brutus.
2612Luc. O yong and Noble Cato, art thou downe?
2613Why now thou dyest, as brauely as Titinius,
2614And may'st be honour'd, being Cato's Sonne.
2616Luc. Onely I yeeld to dye:
2618Kill Brutus, and be honour'd in his death.
2620Enter Antony.
26212. Sold. Roome hoe: tell Antony, Brutus is tane.
26221. Sold. Ile tell thee newes. Heere comes the Generall,
2623Brutus is tane, Brutus is tane my Lord.
2624Ant. Where is hee?
2626I dare assure thee, that no Enemy
2627Shall euer take aliue the Noble Brutus:
2629When you do finde him, or aliue, or dead,
2630He will be found like Brutus, like himselfe.
2633Giue him all kindnesse. I had rather haue
2634Such men my Friends, then Enemies. Go on,
2635And see where Brutus be aliue or dead,
2636And bring vs word, vnto Octauius Tent:
2637How euery thing is chanc'd. Exeunt.
2638Enter Brutus, Dardanius, Clitus, Strato,
2639and Volumnius.
2643He came not backe: he is or tane, or slaine.
2645It is a deed in fashion. Hearke thee, Clitus.
2646Clit. What I, my Lord? No, not for all the World.
2647Brut. Peace then, no words.
2649Brut. Hearke thee, Dardanius.
2651Clit. O Dardanius.
2652Dard. O Clitus.
2654Dard. To kill him, Clitus: looke he meditates.
2656That it runnes ouer euen at his eyes.
2659Brut. Why this, Volumnius:
2661Two seuerall times by Night: at Sardis, once;
2663I know my houre is come.
2667Our Enemies haue beat vs to the Pit: Low Alarums.
2668It is more worthy, to leape in our selues,
2669Then tarry till they push vs. Good Volumnius,
2670Thou know'st, that we two went to Schoole together:
2671Euen for that our loue of old, I prethee
2672Hold thou my Sword Hilts, whilest I runne on it.
2674 Alarum still.
Clit. Fly,
130The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
2676Bru. Farewell to you, and you, and you Volumnius.
2678Farewell to thee, to Strato, Countrymen:
2679My heart doth ioy, that yet in all my life,
2680I found no man, but he was true to me.
2682More then Octauius, and Marke Antony,
2684So fare you well at once, for Brutus tongue
2686Night hangs vpon mine eyes, my Bones would rest,
2687That haue but labour'd, to attaine this houre.
2688Alarum. Cry within, Flye, flye, flye.
2690Bru. Hence: I will follow:
2691I prythee Strato, stay thou by thy Lord,
2694Hold then my Sword, and turne away thy face,
2695While I do run vpon it. Wilt thou Strato?
2700Lucillius, and the Army.
2701Octa. What man is that?
2704The Conquerors can but make a fire of him:
2705For Brutus onely ouercame himselfe,
2706And no man else hath Honor by his death.
2710Fellow, wilt thou bestow thy time with me?
2714Stra. I held the Sword, and he did run on it.
2720He, onely in a generall honest thought,
2721And common good to all, made one of them.
2722His life was gentle, and the Elements
2723So mixt in him, that Nature might stand vp,
2724And say to all the world; This was a man.
2727Within my Tent his bones to night shall ly,
2728Most like a Souldier ordered Honourably:
2729So call the Field to rest, and let's away,
2730To part the glories of this happy day.
Exeunt omnes.