Not Peer Reviewed
Hamlet (Modern, Quarto 1)
Hamlet is shipped for England. Fare him well.
God grant it may. Heav'ns keep my Hamlet safe!
Alas, dear heart! And on the other side
Oh, see where the young Ofelia is!
How should I your true love know
he is dead and gone.
How is't with you, sweet Ofelia?
Well, God yield you.
And will he not come again?
13.40.1Exit Ofelia.
A pretty wretch! This is a change indeed.
[To his followers, who are offstage] Stay there until I come.--
Who hath murdered him? Speak. I'll not
True, but not by him.
By whom? By heav'n, I'll be resolved.
13.53.1 [The Queen attempts to restrain him.]
Let him go, Gertred. Away! I fear him not.
To his good friends thus wide I'll ope mine arms
Why, now you speak like a most loving son.
Who's this, Ofelia? O my dear sister!
Well, God-a-mercy. I ha' been gathering of flowers.
A document in madness. Thoughts, remembrance!
There is fennel for you. I would ha' giv'n you
13.87.1[She sings]
Thoughts and afflictions, torments worse than hell!
Nay, love, I pray you make no words of this now.
13.94.1[She sings]
And donned his clothes,
[She sings]
13.113.1Exit Ofelia.
Grief upon grief! My father murdered,
Content you, good Laertes, for a time,
You have prevailed, my lord. Awhile I'll strive
No more of that. Ere many days be done,