Peer Reviewed
Hamlet (Folio 1, 1623)
The Tragedie of Hamlet. 259
3474Ile doo't. Dost thou come heere to whine;
3475To outface me with leaping in her Graue?
3476Be buried quicke with her, and so will I.
3477And if thou prate of Mountaines; let them throw
3478Millions of Akers on vs; till our ground
3479Sindging his pate against the burning Zone,
3480Make Ossa like a wart. Nay, and thoul't mouth,
3481Ile rant as well as thou.
3483And thus awhile the fit will worke on him:
3484Anon as patient as the female Doue,
3485When that her golden Cuplet are disclos'd;
3487Ham. Heare you Sir:
3489I loud' you euer; but it is no matter:
3490Let Hercules himselfe doe what he may,
3491The Cat will Mew, and Dogge will haue his day. Exit.
3492Kin. I pray you good Horatio wait vpon him,
3496This Graue shall haue a liuing Monument:
3498Till then, in patience our proceeding be. Exeunt.
3499 Enter Hamlet and Horatio.
3501You doe remember all the Circumstance.
3502Hor. Remember it my Lord?
3504That would not let me sleepe; me thought I lay
3508When our deare plots do paule, and that should teach vs,
3509There's a Diuinity that shapes our ends,
3510Rough-hew them how we will.
3512Ham. Vp from my Cabin
3515Finger'd their Packet, and in fine, withdrew
3516To mine owne roome againe, making so bold,
3517(My feares forgetting manners) to vnseale
3518Their grand Commission, where I found Horatio,
3519Oh royall knauery: An exact command,
3521Importing Denmarks health, and Englands too,
3522With hoo, such Bugges and Goblins in my life,
3524No not to stay the grinding of the Axe,
3528But wilt thou heare me how I did proceed?
3530Ham. Being thus benetted round with Villaines,
3531Ere I could make a Prologue to my braines,
3532They had begun the Play. I sate me downe,
3533Deuis'd a new Commission, wrote it faire,
3534I once did hold it as our Statists doe,
3536How to forget that learning: but Sir now,
3537It did me Yeomans seruice: wilt thou know
3539Hor. I, good my Lord.
3541As England was his faithfull Tributary,
3544And stand a Comma 'tweene their amities,
3546That on the view and know of these Contents,
3547Without debatement further, more or lesse,
3549Not shriuing time allowed.
3551Ham. Why, euen in that was Heauen ordinate;
3552I had my fathers Signet in my Purse,
3553Which was the Modell of that Danish Seale:
3554Folded the Writ vp in forme of the other,
3556The changeling neuer knowne: Now, the next day
3557Was our Sea Fight, and what to this was sement,
3558Thou know'st already.
3560Ham. Why man, they did make loue to this imployment
3561They are not neere my Conscience; their debate
3562Doth by their owne insinuation grow:
3563'Tis dangerous, when the baser nature comes
3565Of mighty opposites.
3566Hor. Why, what a King is this?
3568He that bath kil'd my King, and whor'd my Mother,
3569Popt in betweene th'election and my hopes,
3570Throwne out his Angle for my proper life,
3572To quit him with this arme? And is't not to be damn'd
3573To let this Canker of our nature come
3574In further euill.
3578The interim's mine, and a mans life's no more
3580That to Laertes I forgot my selfe;
3582The Portraiture of his; Ile count his fauours:
3583But sure the brauery of his griefe did put me
3584Into a Towring passion.
3585Hor. Peace, who comes heere?
3586 Enter young Osricke.
3589Hor. No my good Lord.
3591know him: he hath much Land, and fertile; let a Beast
3598your Bonet to his right vse, 'tis for the head.
3600Ham. No, beleeue mee 'tis very cold, the winde is