Peer Reviewed
Hamlet (Folio 1, 1623)
The Tragedie of Hamlet 273
2693a Progresse through the guts of a Begger.
2694King. Where is Polonius.
2702Which we do tender, as we deerely greeue
2705The Barke is readie, and the winde at helpe,
2706Th'Associates tend, and euery thing at bent
2707For England.
2708Ham. For England?
2709King. I Hamlet.
2710Ham. Good.
2713England. Farewell deere Mother.
2714King. Thy louing Father Hamlet.
2715Hamlet. My Mother: Father and Mother is man and
2717for England. Exit
2718King. Follow him at foote,
2719Tempt him with speed aboord:
2720Delay it not, Ile haue him hence to night.
2721Away, for euery thing is Seal'd and done
2723And England, if my loue thou holdst at ought,
2725Since yet thy Cicatrice lookes raw and red
2726After the Danish Sword, and thy free awe
2728Our Soueraigne Processe, which imports at full
2730The present death of Hamlet. Do it England,
2731For like the Hecticke in my blood he rages,
2732And thou must cure me: Till I know 'tis done,
2733How ere my happes, my ioyes were ne're begun. Exit
2734 Enter Fortinbras with an Armie.
2736Tell him that by his license, Fortinbras
2737Claimes the conueyance of a promis'd March
2738Ouer his Kingdome. You know the Rendeuous:
2739If that his Maiesty would ought with vs,
2741And let him know so.
2742Cap. I will doo't, my Lord.
2744 Enter Queene and Horatio.
2747will needs be pittied.
2750There's trickes i'th'world, and hems, and beats her heart,
2754The hearers to Collection; they ayme at it,
2755And botch the words vp fit to their owne thoughts,
2756Which as her winkes, and nods, and gestures yeeld them,
2757Indeed would make one thinke there would be thought,
2758Though nothing sure, yet much vnhappily.
2761In ill breeding minds. Let her come in.
2766 Enter Ophelia distracted.
2768Qu. How now Ophelia?
Ophe. How should I your true loue know from another one?
2772Ophe. Say you? Nay pray you marke.
He is dead and gone Lady, he is dead and gone,
2775 Enter King.
2776Qu. Nay but Ophelia.
2777Ophe. Pray you marke.
White his Shrow'd as the Mountaine Snow.
2779Qu. Alas, looke heere my Lord.
Which bewept to the graue did not go,
2782With true-loue showres.
2783King. How do ye, pretty Lady?
2785a Bakers daughter. Lord, wee know what we are, but
2786know not what we may be. God be at your Table.
2787King. Conceit vpon her Father.
2788Ophe. Pray you let's haue no words of this: but when
To morrow is S. Valentines day, all in the morning betime,
2791And I a Maid at your Window, to be your Valentine.
2792 Then vp he rose, & don'd his clothes, & dupt the chamber dore,
2793Let in the Maid, that out a Maid, neuer departed more.
2794King. Pretty Ophelia.
2795Ophe. Indeed la? without an oath Ile make an end ont.
By gis, and by S. Charity,
2798Yong men wil doo't, if they come too't,
2799By Cocke they are too blame.
2800Quoth she before you tumbled me,
2801You promis'd me to Wed:
2802So would I ha done by yonder Sunne,
2803And thou hadst not come to my bed.
2807lay him i'th'cold ground: My brother shall knowe of it,
2809Coach: Goodnight Ladies: Goodnight sweet Ladies:
2810Goodnight, goodnight. Exit.
2812Giue her good watch I pray you:
2814All from her Fathers death. Oh Gertrude, Gertrude,
2817Next your Sonne gone, and he most violent Author
2818Of his owne iust remoue: the people muddied,
2820For good Polonius death; and we haue done but greenly
2821In hugger mugger to interre him. Poore Ophelia
2822Diuided from her selfe, and her faire Iudgement,
pp3 Without