Not Peer Reviewed
Henry The Eighth (Folio 1, 1623)
The Life of King Henry the Eight.
719I am beholding to you: cheere your neighbours:
720Ladies you are not merry; Gentlemen,
721Whose fault is this?
723In their faire cheekes my Lord, then wee shall haue 'em,
724Talke vs to silence.
726My Lord Sands.
727San. Yes, if I make my play:
728Heer's to your Ladiship, and pledge it Madam:
729For tis to such a thing.
731Drum and Trumpet, Chambers dischargd.
732San. I told your Grace, they would talke anon.
733Card. What's that?
735Card. What warlike voyce,
736And to what end is this? Nay, Ladies, feare not;
737By all the lawes of Warre y'are priuiledg'd.
738 Enter a Seruant.
739Cham. How now, what is't?
740Seru. A noble troupe of Strangers,
742And hither make, as great Embassadors
743From forraigne Princes.
744Card. Good Lord Chamberlaine,
745Go, giue 'em welcome; you can speake the French tongue
746And pray receiue 'em Nobly, and conduct 'em
747Into our presence, where this heauen of beauty
748Shall shine at full vpon them. Some attend him.
749All rise, and Tables remou'd.
750You haue now a broken Banket, but wee'l mend it.
751A good digestion to you all; and once more
752I showre a welcome on yee: welcome all.
753Hoboyes. Enter King and others as Maskers, habited like
754Shepheards, vsher'd by the Lord Chamberlaine. They
755passe directly before the Cardinall and gracefully sa-
756lute him.
757A noble Company: what are their pleasures?
759To tell your Grace: That hauing heard by fame
761This night to meet heere they could doe no lesse,
763But leaue their Flockes, and vnder your faire Conduct
764Craue leaue to view these Ladies, and entreat
765An houre of Reuels with 'em.
766Card. Say, Lord Chamberlaine,
767They haue done my poore house grace:
768For which I pay 'em a thousand thankes,
769And pray 'em take their pleasures.
770Choose Ladies, King and An Bullen.
772Till now I neuer knew thee.
773 Musicke, Dance.
774Card. My Lord.
775Cham. Your Grace.
776Card. Pray tell 'em thus much from me:
778More worthy this place then my selfe, to whom
779(If I but knew him) with my loue and duty
781Cham. I will my Lord.
784There is indeed, which they would haue your Grace
785Find out, and he will take it.
787By all your good leaues Gentlemen; heere Ile make
788My royall choyce.
789Kin. Ye haue found him Cardinall,
790You hold a faire Assembly; you doe well Lord:
791You are a Churchman, or Ile tell you Cardinall,
792I should iudge now vnhappily.
793Card. I am glad
795Kin. My Lord Chamberlaine,
796Prethee come hither, what faire Ladie's that?
798Sir Thomas Bullens Daughter, the Viscount Rochford,
799One of her Highnesse women.
801I were vnmannerly to take you out,
802And not to kisse you. A health Gentlemen,
803Let it goe round.
804Card. Sir Thomas Louell, is the Banket ready
805I'th'Priuy Chamber?
806Lou. Yes, my Lord.
807Card. Your Grace
808I feare, with dancing is a little heated.
809Kin. I feare too much.
811In the next Chamber.
812Kin. Lead in your Ladies eu'ry one: Sweet Partner,
814Good my Lord Cardinall: I haue halfe a dozen healths,
816To lead 'em once againe, and then let's dreame
818Exeunt with Trumpets.
819Actus Secundus. Scena Prima.
820Enter two Gentlemen at seuerall Doores.
823Eu'n to the Hall, to heare what shall become
824Of the great Duke of Buckingham.
826That labour Sir. All's now done but the Ceremony
827Of bringing backe the Prisoner.
8282. Were you there?
8291. Yes indeed was I.
8322. Is he found guilty?
8331. Yes truely is he,
834And condemn'd vpon't.
8361. So are a number more.
8381. Ile tell you in a little. The great Duke
839Came to the Bar; where, to his accusations
840He pleaded still not guilty, and alleadged
842The Kings Atturney on the contrary,
843Vrg'd on the Examinations, proofes, confessions