Not Peer Reviewed
Henry The Eighth (Folio 1, 1623)
The Life of King Henry the Eight.
2768Actus Quintus. Scena Prima.
2769Enter Gardiner Bishop of Winchester, a Page with a Torch
2770before him, met by Sir Thomas Louell.
2771Gard. It's one a clocke Boy, is't not.
2774Not for delights: Times to repayre our Nature
2775With comforting repose, and not for vs
2777Whether so late?
2778Lou. Came you from the King, my Lord?
2779Gar. I did Sir Thomas, and left him at Primero
2780With the Duke of Suffolke.
2782Before he go to bed. Ile take my leaue.
2783Gard. Not yet Sir Thomas Louell: what's the matter?
2785No great offence belongs too't, giue your Friend
2787(As they say Spirits do) at midnight, haue
2790Lou. My Lord, I loue you;
2792Much waightier then this worke. The Queens in Labor
2793They say in great Extremity, and fear'd
2794Shee'l with the Labour, end.
2796I pray for heartily, that it may finde
2797Good time, and liue: but for the Stocke Sir Thomas,
2798I wish it grubb'd vp now.
2799Lou. Me thinkes I could
2801Shee's a good Creature, and sweet-Ladie do's
2803Gard. But Sir, Sir,
2804Heare me Sir Thomas, y'are a Gentleman
2805Of mine owne way. I know you Wise, Religious,
2806And let me tell you, it will ne're be well,
2807'Twill not Sir Thomas Louell, tak't of me,
2808Till Cranmer, Cromwel, her two hands, and shee
2809Sleepe in their Graues.
2811The most remark'd i'th'Kingdome: as for Cromwell,
2813O'th'Rolles, and the Kings Secretary. Further Sir,
2814Stands in the gap and Trade of moe Preferments,
2815With which the Lime will loade him. Th'Archbyshop
2816Is the Kings hand, and tongue, and who dare speak
2818Gard. Yes, yes, Sir Thomas,
2819There are that Dare, and I my selfe haue ventur'd
2820To speake my minde of him: and indeed this day,
2821Sir (I may tell it you) I thinke I haue
2822Incenst the Lords o'th'Councell, that he is
2823(For so I know he is, they know he is)
2825That does infect the Land: with which, they moued
2826Haue broken with the King, who hath so farre
2827Giuen eare to our Complaint, of his great Grace,
2829Our Reasons layd before him, hath commanded
2830To morrow Morning to the Councell Boord
2831He be conuented. He's a ranke weed Sir Thomas,
2833I hinder you too long: Good night, Sir Thomas.
2834Exit Gardiner and Page.
2836Enter King and Suffolke.
2837King. Charles, I will play no more to night,
2838My mindes not on't, you are too hard for me.
2839Suff. Sir, I did neuer win of you before.
2840King. But little Charles,
2841Nor shall not when my Fancies on my play.
2842Now Louel, from the Queene what is the Newes.
2844What you commanded me, but by her woman,
2847Most heartily to pray for her.
2849To pray for her? What, is she crying out?
2851Almost each pang, a death.
2852King. Alas good Lady.
2854With gentle Trauaile, to the gladding of
2855Your Highnesse with an Heire.
2856King. 'Tis midnight Charles,
2857Prythee to bed, and in thy Prayres remember
2858Th'estate of my poore Queene. Leaue me alone,
2859For I must thinke of that, which company
2860Would not be friendly too.
2862A quiet night, and my good Mistris will
2863Remember in my Prayers.
2865Well Sir, what followes?
2866Enter Sir Anthony Denny.
2868As you commanded me.
2869King. Ha? Canterbury?
2870Den. I my good Lord.
2871King. 'Tis true: where is he Denny?
2873King. Bring him to Vs.
2875I am happily come hither.
2876Enter Cranmer and Denny.
2878Ha? I haue said. Be gone.
2879What? Exeunt Louell and Denny.
2880Cran. I am fearefull: Wherefore frownes he thus?
2882King. How now my Lord?
2883You do desire to know wherefore
2884I sent for you.
2885Cran. It is my dutie
2888My good and gracious Lord of Canterburie:
2889Come, you and I must walke a turne together:
2890I haue Newes to tell you.
2891Come, come, giue me your hand.
2892Ah my good Lord, I greeue at what I speake,
2893And am right sorrie to repeat what followes.
2894I haue, and most vnwillingly of late