Peer Reviewed
Henry V (Modern, Quarto)
The Chronicle History of Henry the Fifth, with his battle fought at Agincourt in France, together with Ancient Pistol
142.1[Scene 1]
4Shall I call in th'ambassadors, my liege?
Not yet, my cousin, till we be resolved
God and his angels guard your sacred throne,
Sure we thank you. 156And good my lord, proceed:
Then hear me, gracious sovereign, and you peers,
May we with right and conscience make this claim?
The sin upon my head, dread sovereign.
We must not only arm us against the French,
The Marches, gracious sovereign, 288shall be sufficient
We do not mean the coursing sneakers only,
She hath been then more feared than hurt, my lord,
There is a saying very old and true:
It follows then the cat must stay at home,
1.117Like music.
True: therefore doth heaven divide
Call in the messenger sent from the dauphin, --
1.150.1[Exit attendant.]
Pleaseth your majesty to give us leave
We are no tyrant, but a Christian king,
Then this in fine the dauphin saith:
What treasure, uncle?
Tennis balls, my liege.
We are glad the dauphin is so pleasant with us.
This was a merry message.
We hope to make the sender blush at it.
504.1[Scene 2]
Good morrow, Corporal Nym.
Good morrow, Lieutenant Bardolph.
What, is Ancient Pistol and thee friends yet?
I cannot tell; things must be as 511they may: 235I dare not fight, but I will wink and hold out 512mine iron. 236It is a simple one, but what though? It will 513serve to toast cheese, 237and it will endure cold as another man's 514sword will, 238and there's the humor of it.
I must do as I may. 527Though patience be a tired mare, 242yet she'll plod, and some say knives have edges, 525243and men may sleep, and have their throats about them 526244at that time, and there is the humor of it.
Come, i'faith, I'll bestow a breakfast to make Pistol 246and thee friends. 590What a plague should we carry knives 591247to cut our own throats?
I'faith, I'll live as long as I may, that's the 519certain of it. 249And when I cannot live any longer, I'll do 520as I may, 250and there's my rest, and the rendezvous of it.
How do you, my host?
Base slave, call'st thou me host? 256Now by 535Gad's lugs I swear I scorn the title, 257nor shall my Nell keep 536lodging.
No, by my troth not I, 259for we cannot bed nor board 538half a score honest gentlewomen 260that live 539honestly by the prick of their needle, 261but it is 540thought straight we keep a bawdy-house.
2.12.1[Nym draws his sword.]
262540.1O Lord, here's Corporal Nym's! 541Now shall 263we have willful 542adultery and murder committed. 547264Good Corporal Nym, show the valor of a man 265and 548put up your sword.
What dost thou push, thou prick-eared cur 546of Iceland?
Will you shog off? I would have you solus.
"Solus," egregious dog? That "solus" 552in thy throat, 270and in thy lungs, 553and which is worse, within 271thy messful mouth! I 554do retort that "solus" in thy 272bowels, and in thy jaw, perdie: for I can talk, 273and 555Pistol's flashing fiery cock is up.
I am not Barbasom; you cannot conjure me. 275I 557have an humor, Pistol, to knock you indifferently well. 276An you 558fall foul with me, Pistol, I'll scour you with my 559277rapier in fair terms. If you will walk 560off a little, 278I'll prick your guts a little in good terms, 561279and there's the humor of it.
O braggart vile, and damnèd furious wight, 563281the grave doth gape, and groaning 282death is near, 564therefore exhale.
An oath of mickle might, and fury shall abate.
2.20.1[They sheathe their swords.]
Couple gorge is the word; I thee defy 574again! 290A damnèd hound, think'st thou my spouse to get? 575291No! To the powdering tub of 576infamy, 292fetch forth the lazar kite of Cressid's kind, 293Doll 577Tearsheet, she by name, and her espouse. 294I have, and I 578will hold the quondam Quickly 295for the only she, and 579Paco! There, it is enough.
Hostess, you must come straight to my 582master, 298and you, Host Pistol. 583-- Good Bardolph, 299put thy nose between the sheets, and do 584the office of a warming-pan.
By my troth, he'll yield the crow a pudding one 587of these days. 588301I'll go to him. Husband, you'll come?
2.24.1[Exeunt Boy and Hostess.]
Come, Pistol, be friends. 602303Nym, prithee be friends. 603An if thou wilt not, be 304enemies with me too.
[To Pistol] I shall have my eight shillings I won of you 595at beating?
Base is the slave that pays.
That now I will have, and there's the humor of it.
As manhood shall compound.
2.29.1They draw [their swords].
Sword is an oath, and oaths must have their course.
2.31.1[Sheathes his sword.]
A noble shalt thou have, and ready pay, 314and 606liquor likewise will give to thee, 315and friendship 607shall combind, and brotherhood. 316I'll live by Nym as 608Nym shall live by me: 317is not this just? For I shall 609sutler be 318unto the camp, and profit will accrue.
I shall have my noble?
In cash most truly paid.
Why there's the humor of it.
As ever you came of men, come in. 616324Sir John, poor soul, is so troubled 325with a 617burning tashan contigian fever, 'tis wonderful.
Let us condole the knight, for lambkins, we will live.
626.1[Scene 3]
Before God, my lord, his grace is too bold to trust 330these traitors.
They shall be apprehended by and by.
Ay, but the man that was his bedfellow,
Oh, the Lord of Masham.
Now sirs, the wind's fair, and we will aboard.
No doubt, my liege, if each man do his best.
Never was monarch better feared and loved
Even those that were your father's enemies
We therefore have great cause of thankfulness,
So service shall with steelèd sinews shine,
Uncle of Exeter, 669enlarge the man
That is mercy, but too much security.
Oh, let us yet be merciful.
So may your highness, and punish too.
You show great mercy if you give him life,
Alas, your too much care and love of me
Me one, my lord.
So did you me, my sovereign.
And me, my lord.
[Giving them papers] Then Richard Earl of Cambridge, there is yours.
I do confess my fault, 706and do submit me
To which we all appeal.
The mercy which was quit in us but late
I arrest thee of high treason, 421by the name of 775Richard, Earl of Cambridge. 776422I arrest thee of high treason, 423by the name of 777Henry, Lord of Masham. 778424I arrest thee of high treason, 425by the name of Thomas 779Grey, knight of Northumberland.
Our purposes God justly hath discovered,
God quit you in his mercy. Hear your sentence:
822.1[Scene 4]
I prithee, sweetheart, let me bring 825thee so far as Staines.
No fur, no fur.
Well, Sir John is gone. God be with him.
Ay, he is in Arthur's 833bosom, if ever any were. 834455He went away as if it were a chrisomed 835child, 456between twelve and one, 457just 836at turning of the tide. 838458His nose was 839as sharp as a pen; 459for when I saw him fumble with 837the sheets, 460and talk of flowers, and smile upon his 838.1fingers' ends, 461I knew there was no way but one. 462"How now, 840Sir John?" quoth I, 463and he 841cried three times, "God, God, God." 464Now I, 842to comfort him, bade him not think of God; 465I 843hope there was no 844such need. 466Then he bade me put more clothes at his 845feet: 467and I felt to them, and they 846were as cold as any stone; 468and to his knees, and they were as cold as any stone; 469and so 847upward, and upward, and all was as cold as any stone.
They say he cried out on sack.
Ay, that he did.
And of women.
No, that he did not.
Yes, that he did, and he said they were devils 853incarnate.
Indeed, carnation was a 855color he never loved.
Well, he did cry out on 857women.
Indeed, he did in some sort handle women, 859478but then he was rheumatic, and talked of the whore of 860Babylon.
Hostess, do you remember he saw a flea stand 481upon 862Bardolph's nose, and said it was a black soul 482burning 863in hell fire?
[To Hostess]Clear up thy crystals. 869488Look to my chattels and my movables. 870489Trust none: the word is pitch and pay, 871490men's words are wafer cakes, 491and Holdfast 872is the only dog, my dear, 492therefore Cophetua be thy counselor. -- 878493[To the others] Touch her soft lips and part.
[Kisses her] Farewell, hostess.
Keep fast thy buggle boe.
884.1[Scene 5]
My gracious lord, 903'tis meet we all go forth,
Oh, peace, Prince Dauphin; you deceive yourself. --
Well, think we Harry strong,
My lord, here is an ambassador
Bid him come in.
5.24.1[Exit Constable.]
My gracious father, 964cut up this English short.
From our brother England?
From him, and thus he greets your majesty:
5.40.1[Offers the French King a paper]
If not, what follows?
Bloody constraint: for if you hide the crown
For the dauphin? 1011I stand here for him,
Scorn and defiance, slight regard, contempt,
Say that, my father render fair reply,
He'll make your Paris Louvre shake for it,
Well, for us, you shall return our answer back
1118.1[Scene 6]
Before God, here is hot service.
'Tis honor, and there's the humor of it.
God's plood, up to the breaches, 604you rascals! Will you not up to the breaches?
Abate thy rage, sweet knight, 606abate thy rage.
6.7.1[Exeunt Nym, Bardolph, and Pistol.]
[To audience] Well, I would I were once from them. 1163608They would 1164have me as familiar 609with men's pockets as their gloves 1165and their 610handkerchers. 1158They will steal 1159anything. 611Bardolph stole a lute case, 1160carried it three mile, 612and sold it for three ha'pence. 1162613Nym stole a fire-shovel. 614I knew by that, 1163.1they meant to carry coals. 1168615Well, if they will not leave me, 616I mean to leave them.
Look you, tell the duke it is not so 1176good 622to come to the mines. The 1178concavities is otherwise, 1179623you may discuss to the duke. The enemy is digged 1180624himself, five yards under, the countermines. 625By Jesus, 1181I think he'll blow up all 626if there be no better 1182direction.
How yet resolves the governor of the town?
Our expectation hath this day an end:
6.29.1[Exeunt omnes.]
1319.1[Scene 7]
Alice, venez ici. Vous avez quarante ans; 649vous parlez fort bon 1322l'anglais d'Angleterre. 1325650Comment appelez-vous la main en anglais?
La main, madame? De han.
Et le bras?
De arma, madame.
Le main, da han le bras, de arma.
Oui, madam.
Et comment appelez-vous le menton et le col?
Ecoutez: je raconterai tout celle que j'ai appris: 662de han, de arma, de neck, du cin, et de bilbo.
De elbo, madame!
O Jesu, j'ai oublié! Ma foi! Ecoutez; je raconterai: 1373665de han, de arma, de neck, de cin, et de elbo. Est-ça bon?
Par la grace de Dieu, en petit temps je parle meilleur. 1366669Comment appelez-vous le pied et la robe?
Le foot,et le con.
Le fot, et le con? O Jesu! 1370Je ne veux point parler 1371672ce plus devant les chères chevaliers de France 673pour un million! Ma foi!
Madame, de foot, et le con.
C'est fort bon, madame.
Allons-y a dîner.
1377.1[Scene 8]
'Tis certain he is past the river Somme.
Mort de ma vie! Shall a few sprangs of us,
Normans, bastard Normans.
Why, whence have they this mettle?
Constable, dispatch. Send Montjoy forth
Not so, I do beseech your majesty.
Well, I say it shall be so.
1448.1[Scene 9]
How now, Captain Flewellen, come you from 1452the bridge?
By Jesus, there's excellent service 1454committed at the bridge.
Is the Duke of Exeter safe?
The Duke of Exeter is 1457a man whom I love, and I honor, 712and I worship, with my soul, 1458and my heart, and my life, 713and my lands and my livings, 1459714and my uttermost powers. 715The duke is, look you, 716God be praised and 1460pleased for it, no harm in the worell. 717He is maintain the bridge 1461very gallantly. There is an 1462ensign 718there, I do not know how you call him, but by Jesus I think 1463719he is as valiant a man as Mark Antony. He doth maintain 720the bridge most gallantly. Yet 1464he is a man of no reckoning, 721but I did see 1465him do gallant service.
How do you call him?
His name is Ancient Pistol.
I know him not.
Do you not know him? Here comes the man.
Ay, and I praise God I have merited some love at 1474his hands.
Bardolph, a soldier, 1476one of buxom valor, 732hath, by furious fate 733and giddy 1477Fortune's fickle wheel, 734that goddess blind that 1478stands upon the rolling restless stone --
By your patience, Ancient Pistol, 737Fortune, look you, is 1480painted 738plind, with a muffler before her eyes, 739to signify 1481to you that fortune is plind; 740And she is moreover painted 1482with a wheel, 741which is the moral 1483that Fortune is turning, 742and inconstant, and variation, 1484and mutabilities; 743and her fate is fixed at a 1485spherical stone 744which rouls, and rouls, and rouls. 1486745Surely the poet is make an excellent 1487description of Fortune. 746Fortune, look you, is an excellent moral.
Fortune is Bardolph's foe and frowns on him, 1489748for he hath stolen a pax, and hanged must he be, 749a damnèd 1490death. Let gallows gape for dogs; 750let man go free, 1491and let not death his windpipe stop. 751But Exeter 1492hath given the doom of death, 752for pax of petty price, 1493753therefore go speak -- the duke will hear thy voice -- 1494754and let not Bardolph's vital thread be cut 755with edge of 1495penny-cord and vile approach. 756Speak, captain, for 1496his life, and I will thee requite.
Ancient Pistol, I partly understand your 1498meaning.
Why then, rejoice therefore!
Certainly, Ancient Pistol, 'tis not a thing to rejoice 1501at. 760For if he were my own brother, I would wish 1502the duke 761to do his pleasure, and put him to 1503executions; for look you, 762disciplines ought to be kept. They ought to be kept.
Die and be damned, and figa for thy friendship!
That is good.
The fig of Spain within thy jaw!
That is very well.
I say the fig within thy bowels and thy dirty maw.
Captain Gower, cannot you hear it lighten and thunder?
By Jesus, he is utter as prave words upon the bridge 1511773as you shall desire to see in a summer's day. But it's all 1512one; 774what he hath said to me, look you, is all one.
Why this is a gull, a fool, a rogue that 1515goes to the wars 776only to grace himself at his return 1516to London, 777and such 1517fellows as he 778are perfect in great commanders' names. 1518779They will learn by rote where services were done: 780at such and such a sconce, at such a breach, 781at such a 1520convoy; who came off bravely, who was shot, 782who 1521disgraced; what terms the enemy stood on. 783And this they 1522con perfectly in phrase of war, 784which they trick 1523up with new-tuned oaths. And what a beard 785of the 1524general's cut and a horrid shout of the camp 786will do 1525among the foaming bottles and ale-washed wits 787is 1526wonderful to be thought on. But you must learn 788to know such 1527slanders of this age, 789or else you may marvelously be 1528mistook.
Certain, Captain Gower, 1530it is not the man, look you, 791that I did take him to be, but when time shall serve, 792I shall tell 1532him a little of my desires. Here comes his majesty.
How now, Flewellen, come you from the bridge?
What men have you lost, Flewellen?
An it shall please your majesty, 1546799the partition of the adversary hath been 1547great, 800very reasonable great, but for our own parts, like you now, 801I think 1548we have lost never a man, unless it be one 1549802for robbing of a church: one Bardolph, if your 1550majesty 803know the man. His face is full of whelks, 1551and knubs, 804and pumples, and his breath blows at his 1552nose 805like a coal, sometimes red, 1553sometimes plue. 806But, God be praised, now his nose is executed and his fire 1554out.
We would have all offenders so cut off, 1556808and we here give express commandment 1557809that there be nothing taken from the 1558villages but paid for, 810none of the French 1559abused 811or upbraided with disdainful language. 812For when 1560cruelty and lenity play for a kingdom, 813the gentlest 1561gamester is the sooner winner.
You know me by my habit.
Well then, we know thee. What should we know of 1565thee?
My master's mind.
Unfold it.
"Go thee unto Harry of England, and tell him 1570820advantage is a better soldier than rashness. 1569821Although we did seem dead, we did but slumber. 1573822Now we speak upon our cue, and our voice is 1574imperial. 823England shall repent her folly, see her 1575rashness, 824and admire our sufferance, 1576which to ransom, 825his 1579pettiness would bow under. 1580826For the effusion of our blood, his army is too weak; 1581827for the disgrace we have borne, himself 1582828kneeling at our feet a weak and 1583worthless satisfaction. 829To this, add defiance." 1585So much from the king my master.
What is thy name? We know thy quality.
Thou dost thy office fair. Return thee back
[Gives money]
There is for your pains.
I shall deliver so: thanks to your 1618majesty.
My liege, I hope they will not come upon us now.
We are in God's hand, brother, not in theirs.
1623.1[Scene 10]
Tut, I have the best armor in the world.
Now you talk of a horse, I have a steed like the 1628.2867palfrey of the sun, 1646nothing but pure air and fire, 868and hath none of this dull element 1647of earth within him.
He is of the color of the nutmeg.
And of the heat o' the ginger. 1660871Turn all the sands into eloquent tongues, 1661872and my horse is argument for them all. 1665873I once writ a sonnet in the praise of my horse, 1666874and began thus: "Wonder of nature --"
Why, then did they imitate that 878which I writ 1670in praise of my horse, 879for my horse is my mistress.
Tut, thou wilt make use of anything.
Yet I do not use my horse for my mistress.
Will it never be morning? 889I'll ride tomorrow a mile, 1707890and my way shall be paved with English faces.
Well, I'll go arm myself. Hay!
The Duke of Bourbon longs for morning.
Ay, he longs to eat the English.
I think he'll eat all he kills.
Oh, peace. Ill will never said well.
Doing his activity, and he'll still be doing.
He never did hurt as I heard of.
No, I warrant you, nor never will.
I hold him to be exceeding valiant.
I was told so by one that knows him better 1731than you.
Who's that?
Who hath measured the ground?
The lord Grandpré.
A valiant man, and an expert gentleman. 2235924Come, come away. 2236925The sun is high, and we wear out the day.
10.36.1Exeunt omnes.
1881.1[Scene 11]
Ke ve la?
A friend.
No sir, I am a gentleman of a company.
Trail'st thou the puissant pike?
Even so, sir. What are you?
As good a gentleman as the emperor.
Oh, then thou art better than the king?
The king's a bago, and a heart of gold, 937a 1893lad of life, an imp of fame, 938of parents good, of fist 1894most valiant. 939I kiss his dirty shoe, and from 1895my heartstrings 940I love the lovely bully. What is thy name?
Harry le Roy.
Leroy: a Cornishman. 943Art thou of Cornish crew?
No sir, I am a Welshman.
A Welshman. Know'st thou Flewellen?
Ay, sir, 1906he is my kinsman.
Art thou his friend?
Ay, sir.
Figa for thee, then. My name is Pistol.
It sorts well with your fierceness.
Pistol is my name.
Captain Flewellen.
In the name of Jesu, speak lower. 956It 1915is the greatest folly in the worell, when the auncient 957prerogatives of the 1916wars be not kept. 958I warrant you, if you 1918look into the wars of the Romans, 959you shall find 1919no tittle-tattle, nor bible-bable there, 1920960but you shall find 1921the cares, and the fears, 1923961and the ceremonies, to be otherwise.
Why the enemy is loud; you heard him all night.
God-so! Loud! If the enemy be an ass, and a fool, 964and a 1927prating coxcomb, is it meet that we be also a fool, 965and a prating 1928coxcomb, in your conscience now?
I'll speak lower.
I beseech you do, good Captain Gower.
Is not that the morning 1937yonder?
Well, I think the king could wish himself 1965976up to the neck in the middle of the Thames, 977and so I would he were, 1965.1at all adventures, and I with him.
Now, masters, good morrow. What cheer?
Why, fear nothing, man. The king is frolic.
Ay, he may be, for he hath no such cause as we.
Nay, say not so. He is a man as we are. 1953984The violet smells to him as to us, 1958985therefore if he see 1959reasons, he fears 1960as we do.
But the king 1983hath a heavy reckoning to make 987if his cause be not good, when all those souls 1984988whose bodies shall be slaughtered here 1985989shall join together at the latter day, 990and say "I 1986died at such a place," some swearing, 1987991some, their wives rawly left, 1988992some leaving their children poor behind them. 1991993Now if his cause be bad, 1992I think it will be a grievous matter to him.
Why, so you may say if a man send his servant 1998.1996as factor into another country, 1998.2997and he by any means miscarry, 2001998you may say the business of the master 999was 2002the author of his servant's misfortune. 19951000Or if a son be employed by his father, 19961001and he fall into any lewd action, 1997you may say the father 1002was the author of his son's damnation. 20031003But the master is not to answer for his servants, 20041004the father for his son, nor the king for his subjects, 20051005for they purpose not their deaths when 2006they crave their services. 20091006Some there are that have the guilt of 2010premeditated 1007murder on them; 1008others 2011the broken seal of forgery, in beguiling maidens. 20141009Now if these outstrip the law, 20161010yet they cannot escape God's punishment. 1011War is 2017God's beadle; war is God's vengeance. 20241012Every man's service is the king's, 1013but 2025every man's soul is his own. 1014Therefore I would have 2026every soldier examine himself 20271015and wash every mote out of his conscience, 20281016that in so doing he may be the readier for death, 1017or not dying, 2029why the time was well spent 1018wherein such preparation was 2030made.
I'faith, he says true: 1020every man's fault on 2035his own head. 20361021I would not have the king answer for me, 20371022yet I intend to fight lustily for him.
Well, I heard the king. He would not be ransomed.
Ay, he said so, to make us fight, 20411025but when our throats be cut, he may be ransomed 1026and we never the wiser.
If I live to see that, I'll never trust his word 2044again.
Mass, you'll pay him then. 'Tis a great displeasure 20461029that an elder-gun can do against a cannon, 20471030or a subject against a monarch. 20491031You'll ne'er take his word again! You're an ass. Go.
Why let it be a quarrel if thou 2054wilt.
How shall I know thee?
11.46.1[They exchange gloves.]
Thou dar'st as well be hanged.
Be friends, you fools. 1042We have French quarrels enough 2071.1in hand; 2071.21043we have no need of English broils.
'Tis no treason to cut 2077French crowns, 1045for tomorrow the King himself will 2078be a clipper. --
My lord.
My brother Gloucester's voice.
My lord, the army stays upon your presence.
Stay, Gloucester, stay, and I will go with thee.
2164.1[Scene 12]
My lords, the French are very strong.
There is five to one, and yet they all are fresh.
Of fighting men they have full forty 2244thousand.
The odds is all too great. Farewell, kind lords.
[To Salisbury] Farewell, kind lord. Fight valiantly today.
Oh, would we had 2260but ten thousand men 22611082now, at this instant, that doth not work in England.
Who's that, that wishes so, my cousin Warwick? 22751084God's will, I would not lose the honor 22761085one man would share from me, 22771086not for my kingdom.
Why all things are ready if our minds be so.
Perish the man whose mind is backward now.
Thou dost not wish more help from England, 2318cousin?
God's will, my liege, would you and I alone
Why well said. That doth please me better
Once more I come to know of thee, King Henry,
Who hath sent thee now?
The Constable of France.
I prithee bear my former answer back:
I shall deliver so.
12.89.2[Enter York.]
My gracious lord, upon my knee I crave
Take it, brave York. -- Come soldiers, let's away,
2383.2[Scene 13]
O diable!
Mort de ma vie!
Oh, what a day is this!
Aujourd'hui haute. All is gone; all is lost.
We are enough yet living in the field
A plague of order! Once more to the field,
Disorder that hath spoiled us, right us now.
2482.1[Scene 14]
Yield, cur! Yield, cur!
O Monsieur, je vous en prie, avez pitié de moi!
Comment êtes-vous apellé?
Monsieur Fer.
He says his name is Master Fer.
Bid him prepare, for I will cut his throat.
On y est ma foy! Couple la gorge! 23951209Unless thou give to me egregious ransom, 2394die. 1210One point of a fox.
[To Boy] Que dit-il, monsieur?
Oh! Je vous en prie, petit gentilhomme, parlez 2422.11215a ce grand capitaine pour avez merci 2422.21216a moi, et je donnerai pour mon rançon 24241217cinquante écus. Je suis un gentilhomme de France.
What says he, boy?
Marry, sir, he says he is a gentleman 2427of a great 1220house of France, and for his ransom 1221he will give you five 2428hundred crowns.
My fury shall abate, 1223and I the crowns 2430will take, 24441224and as I suck blood, I will some mercy show. 24451225Follow me, cur.
2456.1[Scene 15]
What, the French retire?
15.2.1[Enter Exeter.]
The Duke of York commends him to your grace.
Lives he, good uncle? Twice I saw him down,
In which array, brave soldier, doth he lie,
I blame you not,
Couple gorge.
15.35.1Exeunt omnes.
God's plood! Kill the boys and the luggage? 25271266'Tis the arrant'st piece of 2528knavery as can be desired in the worell 1267now! In your conscience now --
'Tis certain there is not a boy left alive, 1269and the 2531cowardly rascals that ran from the battle 1270themselves have done 2532this slaughter. 1271Beside, they have carried away and burnt 25331272all that was in the king's tent, 1273whereupon the king 2534caused every prisoner's 25351274throat to be cut. Oh, he is a worthy king.
Ay, he was born at Monmorth. 1276Captain Gower, 2537what call you the place where 1277Alexander the 2538Big was born?
Alexander the Great.
Why, I pray, is nat "big" great? 1280As if I say, big, or 2541great, or 2542magnanimous, 1281I hope it is all one reckoning, 1282save the phrase is a little 2543variation.
I think Alexander the Great 1284was borne at 2545Macedon. 1285His father was called Philip of Macedon, 1286as I 2546take it.
I think it was Macedon indeed where Alexander 1288was 2548born. Look you, Captain Gower, 1289and if you look into the maps of 2549the worell well, 1290you shall find little difference 2550between 1291Macedon and Monmorth. 2551Look you, there is 1292a river in Macedon, and there 2552is also a river 1293in Monmorth. The river's name at 2553Monmorth 1294is called Wye, 1295but 'tis out of my brain what is the name 2554of the other. 1296But 'tis all one; 'tis so like as my fingers 2555is to my fingers, 1297and there is salmons in both. 1298Look you, Captain Gower, an you 2556mark it, 1299you shall find our king is 2557come after Alexander. 25581300God knows, and you know, that Alexander in his 25591301bowls, and his ales, and his wrath, and his displeasures, 25621302and indignations, was kill his friend 2563Cleitus.
Look you, 'tis not well done to take the 2567tale out 1306of a man's mouth ere it is made an end and finished. 1307I speak 2568in the comparisons: as Alexander is 2569kill 1308his friend Cleitus, so 2570our king, being in his ripe 1309wits and 2571judgments, is turn away the fat knight 1310with the 2572great-belly doublet. 2573I am forget his name.
Sir John Falstaff.
Ay, I think it is Sir John Falstaff indeed. 1313I can tell you, there's good men born 2576at Monmorth.
I was not angry since I came into France,
I come, great king, for charitable favor,
I tell thee truly, herald, I do not know whether 26131334the day be ours or no, 26141335for yet a many of your French do keep the field.
The day is yours.
Praisèd be God therefore.
We call it Agincourt.
Then call we this the field of Agincourt,
Your grandfather of famous memory, 2622.11343if your grace be remembered, 26251344is do good service in France.
'Tis true, Flewellen.
Your majesty says very true. 2627.11347An it please your majesty, 26281348the Welshmen there was do good service 1349in a 2629garden where leeks did grow. 26311350And I think 2632your majesty will take no scorn 1351to wear a leek in your cap upon 2633Saint Davy's day.
No, Flewellen, for I am Welsh as well as you.
All the water in Wye will not wash your 2637Welsh 1354blood out of you. 2638God keep it, and preserve it, 1355to his 2639grace's will and pleasure.
Thanks, good countryman.
By Jesus, I am your majesty's countryman. 1358I 2642care not who know it, 2644so long as your majesty is an honest man.
God keep me so. -- 2647Our herald go with him, 26481360and bring us the number of the scattered French.
You, fellow, come to the king.
Fellow, why dost thou wear that glove in thy hat?
An't please your majesty, 'tis a rascal's that 2657swaggered 1366with me the other day, and he hath one of mine, 26611367which if ever I see, I have sworn to strike him. 2661.11368So hath he sworn the like to me.
How think you, Flewellen, is it lawful 2663he keep his oath?
An it please your majesty, 'tis lawful he keep his vow. 2663.21371If he be perjured once, he is as arrant a beggarly knave 26721372as treads upon two black shoes.
His enemy may be a gentleman of worth.
And if he be as good a gentleman as Lucifer, 26691375and Belzebub, and the devil himself, 26701376'tis meet he keep his vow.
Under Captain Gower.
Go call him hither.
I will, my lord.
16.52.1Exit Soldier.
Captain Flewellen, when Alençon and I was 26851385down together, I took this glove off from his helmet. 26831386Here, Flewellen, wear it. [Gives him 2 Soldier's glove] If 2686any do challenge it, 1387he is a friend of Alençon's, 1388and an 2687enemy to me.
Your majesty doth me as great a favor 1390as can be 2690desired in the hearts of his subjects. 1391I would see 2691that man now that should 2692challenge this glove, 26931392an it please God of his grace. I would but see him, 1393that is all.
Flewellen, know'st thou Captain Gower?
Captain Gower is my friend, 1396and if it like your majesty, I know him very well.
Go call him hither.
I will, an it shall please your majesty.
[To the lords] Follow Flewellen closely at the heels,
2711.1[Scene 17]
Captain Gower, in the name of Jesu, 27171408come to his majesty. There is more good 2718toward you 1409than you can 2719dream of.
Do you hear you, sir? Do you know this glove?
I know the glove is a glove.
Sir, I know this, and thus I challenge it.
How now, what is the matter?
An it shall please your majesty, 1419here is 2737the notablest piece of treason come to light 27381420as you shall desire to see in a summer's day. 27411421Here is a rascal -- beggarly rascal -- 2742is strike the glove 1422which 2743your majesty took out of the helmet of 2744Alençon, 27521423and your majesty will bear me witness, and 2753testimony, 1424and avouchments, that this is the glove.
An it please your majesty, that was my glove. 27461426He that I gave it to in the night 1427promised me to wear 2747it in his hat; 1428I promised to strike him if he did. 1429I met 2748that gentleman with my glove in his hat, 1430and I think I have been 2749as good as my word.
Let me see thy glove. 2757Look you, 1434this is the fellow of it. 27581435It was I indeed you promised to strike, 27591436and thou hast given me most bitter words. 27621437How canst thou make us amends?
My liege, all offences come from the heart. 27641441Never came any from mine to offend your 2765majesty. 1442You 2768appeared to me as a common man -- 1443witness the 2769night, your garments, your lowliness -- 1444and whatsoever 2770you received under that habit, 1445I beseech your majesty 2771impute it to your own fault 1446and not mine, for 2767yourself came not like yourself. 1447Had you 2772been as you seemed, I had made no offence. 1448Therefore I 2773beseech your grace to pardon me.
Uncle, fill the glove with crowns, 27751450and give it to the soldier. Wear it, fellow, 27761451as an honor in thy cap, till I do challenge it. 27771452Give him the crowns. Come, Captain Flewellen, 27781453I must needs have you friends.
By Jesus, the fellow hath 2780mettle enough 1455in his belly. -- Hark you, soldier, there is a shilling for 2781you, 1456and keep yourself out of 2782brawls, and brabbles, and dissentions, 1457and 2783look you, it shall be the better for you.
I'll none of your money sir, not I.
Why, 'tis a good 2788shilling, man. 27861460Why should you 2787be queamish? Your shoes are not so good; 1461it will serve you to mend your shoes.
[To Exeter] What men of sort are taken, 2794uncle?
Charles, Duke of Orléans, nephew to the king;
This note doth tell me of ten thousand 1468French
17.33.1[Takes a paper]
17.3728261482O God, thy arm was here, 28271483and unto thee alone 2828ascribe we praise. 1484When, without stratagem 28291485and in even shock of battle, 2830was ever heard 1486so great and little loss 2831on one part and another? 1487Take it, God, 2832for it is only thine.
'Tis wonderful.
Come, let us go on procession through the camp.
Yes, in my conscience, he did us great good.
Let there be sung Non nobis and Te Deum.
2896.1[Scene 18]
There is occasion, Captain Gower, 1507look you, why, and wherefore. 29031508The other day, look you, Pistols, 1509which you 2904know is a man of no 2905merits 1510in the worell, is come where I was the other day, 1511and brings bread and 2906salt, and bids me 1512eat my leek. 2907'Twas in a place, look you, 1513where I could move no dissentions, 29091514but if I can see him, I shall tell him 1515a little 2910of my desires.
Here a comes, swelling like a turkey-cock.
'Tis no matter for his swelling and his 2915turkey-cocks. -- 1519God pless you, Ancient Pistol, you scall, 29161520beggarly, lousy knave, God pless you.
Ha, art thou bedlam? 1522Dost thou thirst, base 2918Trojan, 1523to have me fold up Parca's fatal web? 1524Hence! 2919I am qualmish at the smell of leek.
Ancient Pistol, I would desire you, 2922because 1526it doth not agree with your stomach, 2923and your appetite, 1527and your 2924digestions, 2925to eat this leek.
Not for Cadwallader and all his goats.
There is one goat for you, Ancient Pistol.
Base Trojan, thou shall die.
Enough, captain. You have astonished him.
Astonished him? By Jesu, I'll beat his head 1536four days and four nights, 2937but I'll 1537make him eat some part of my leek.
Well, must I bite?
18.14.1He makes Ancient Pistol bite of the leek.
Good, good.
Ay, leeks are good, Ancient Pistol. 1543There is a shilling for you 2955to heal your bloody coxcomb.
18.16.1[Offers money]
Me a shilling?
I take thy shilling in earnest of reckoning.
If I owe you anything, I'll pay you in 2961cudgels. 1549You shall be a woodmonger, 1550and buy 2962cudgels. God b'wi' you, 1551Ancient Pistol, God bless you, 1552and heal your 2951broken pate. 1553Ancient Pistol, if you see 2952leeks another time, 1554mock at them, that is all. God b'wi' you.
All hell shall stir for this.
2983.1[Scene 19]
29841568Enter at one door the King of England[, the Duke of Exeter] 2985and his [other] lords, and at 1569the other door, 2986the King of France, Catherine, [Alice,] the 1570Duke of Bourbon, [the Duke of Burgundy,] and 2987others.
Peace to this meeting, wherefore we are met,
Brother of England, right joyous are we to behold
With pardon unto both, your mightiness,
If, Duke of Burgundy, you would have peace,
We have but with a cursenary eye,
Go, lords,
With all our hearts.
Now, Kate, you have a blunt wooer here 3087.21596left with you. 31261597If I could win thee at leap-frog, 1598or with 3127vaulting with my armor on my back 1599into my saddle, 31281600without brag be it spoken, 3128.11601I'd make compare with any. 3128.21602But leaving that, Kate, 32191603if thou tak'st me now, 1604thou shalt have me at 3220the worst, 1605and in wearing, thou shalt have me 3221better and better. 31361606Thou shalt have a face that is not worth 3137sunburning. 31941607But dost thou think that thou and I, 1608between Saint Denis 1609and Saint 3195George, shall get a boy 31961610that shall go to Constantinople 1611and take the great Turk by 3197the beard, ha, Kate?
No Kate, 'tis unpossible 1615you should love the 3161enemy of France, 31621616for Kate, I love France so well 1617that I'll 3163not leave a village; 1618I'll have it all mine. 3164Then, Kate, 1619when France is mine 1620and I am yours, 1621then France is yours 31651622and you are mine.
I cannot tell what is dat.
No, Kate? 1625Why I'll tell it you in French, 1626which 3168will hang upon my tongue like a bride 31691627on her new-married husband. 31711628Let me see -- Saint Denis be my speed! -- 31701629Quand France est mon, --
Dat is, when France is yours.
-- et vous êtes à moi, --
And I am to you.
-- donc France êtes à vous, --
Den France sall be mine.
-- et je suis à vous.
And you will be to me.
Wilt believe me, Kate? 'Tis easier for me 1638to conquer the kingdom than 3174speak so much 1639more French.
I cannot tell.
No? Can any of your neighbors tell? 1646I'll 3185ask them. 1647Come, Kate, I know you love me, 1648and soon, 3186when you are in your closet, 1649you'll question this 3187lady of me. 31891650But I pray thee, sweet Kate, use me mercifully, 31901651because I love thee cruelly. 31401652That I shall die, Kate, is sure, 1653but 3141for thy love, by the Lord, never. 31471654What, wench, 31481655a straight back will 3149grow crooked, 31501656a round eye will grow hollow, 3148.11657a great leg will wax 3151small, 3149.11658a curled pate prove bald; 1659but a good heart, Kate, is the sun and the 3152moon, 1660and rather the sun and not the moon. 31541661And therefore, Kate, take me, 31551662take a soldier. Take a soldier, 1663take a king. 32331664Therefore tell me, Kate, wilt thou 3234have me?
Dat is as please the king my father.
Nay, it will please him. 1667Nay, it shall please 3237him, Kate, 32391668and upon that condition, Kate, I'll kiss you.
O mon Dieu! Je ne voudrai faire quelque chose 3239.21670pour tout le monde. 32471671Ce n'est point votre façon en faveur.
What says she, lady?
Dat it is not de fasion en France 1674for de maids, before dey be married, to -- 32501675Mais foi! J'oublie what is to baiser!
To kiss, to kiss. 3253Oh, that 'tis not the 1677fashion in France for the maids to 3254kiss 1678before they are married.
Oui, sauf votre grace.
Well, we'll break that custom. 32621681Therefore, Kate, patience perforce, and yield. [Kisses her] 32631682Before God, Kate, you have witchcraft 1683in your kisses, 32661684and may persuade with me more 32651685than all the French council. 32671686Your father is returned.
Brother of England, 1691we have o'erread the articles, 33201692and have agreed to all that we in schedule had.
Only he hath not subscribed this: 33271694where your majesty demands 1695that the king of France, 3328having any occasion 1696to write for matter of grant, 1697shall 3329name your highness in this form 1698and with this 3330addition, in French: 1699Notre très cher fils Henri, Roi d'Angleterre, 1700et 3331heir de France; and thus in Latin: 1701Praecarissimus 3332filius noster Henricus, Rex Angliae 1702et heres Franciae.
Nor this have we so nicely stood upon,
Why then, let this among the rest 1706have his full course, 3337and withal, 1707your daughter Catherine in marriage.
This, and what else 1709your majesty shall crave.
Why then, fair Catherine, 1712come, give me thy hand.