Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: James D. Mardock
Peer Reviewed

Henry V (Quarto 1, 1600)

Enter King of France, Bourbon, Dolphin,
and others.
887.1King. Now you Lords of Orleance,
Of Bourbon, and of Berry,
You see the King of England is not slack,
For he is footed on this land alreadie.
Dolphin. My gratious Lord, tis meet we all goe (foorth,
And arme vs against the foe:
910And view the weak & sickly parts of France:
But let vs do it with no show of feare,
No with no more, then if we heard
England were busied with a Moris dance.
For my good Lord, she is so idley kingd,
915Her scepter so fantistically borne,
So guided by a shallow humorous youth,
That feare attends her not.
Con. O Peace Prince Dolphin, you deceiue your selfe,
C Question
The Chronicle Historie
920Question your grace the late Embassador,
With what regard he heard his Embassage,
How well supplied with aged Counsellours,
922.1And how his resolution andswered him,
You then would say that Harry was not wilde.
King. Well thinke we Harry strong:
938.1And strongly arme vs to preuent the foe.
Con. My Lord here is an Embassador
From the King of England.
Kin. Bid him come in.
960You see this chase is hotly followed Lords.
Dol. My gracious father, cut vp this English short,
Selfe loue my Liege is not so vile a thing,
As self neglecting.
Enter Exeter.
King. From our brother England?
970Exe. From him, and thus he greets your Maiestie:
He wils you in the name of God Almightie,
That you deuest your selfe and lay apart
That borrowed tytle, which by gift of heauen,
Of lawe of nature, and of nations, longs
975To him and to his heires, namely the crowne
And all wide stretched titles that belongs
Vnto the Crowne of France, that you may know
Tis no sinister, nor no awkeward claime,
980Pickt from the worm holes of old vanisht dayes,
Nor from the dust of old obliuion rackte,
He sends you these most memorable lynes,
In euery branch truly demonstrated:
Willing you ouerlooke this pedigree,
985And when you finde him euenly deriued
From his most famed and famous ancestors,
Edward the third, he bids you then resigne
Your crowne and kingdome, indirectly held
From him, the natiue and true challenger.
of Henry the fift.
990King. If not, what followes?
Exe. Bloody cōstraint, for if you hide the crown
Euen in your hearts, there will he rake for it:
Therefore in fierce tempest is he comming,
In thunder, and in earthquake, like a Ioue,
995That if requiring faile, he will compell it:
And on your heads turnes he the widowes teares,
1000The Orphanes cries, the dead mens bones,
The pining maydens grones.
For husbands, fathers, and distressed louers,
Which shall be swallowed in this controuersie.
This is his claime, his threatning, and my message,
1005Vnles the Dolphin be in presence here,
To whom expresly we bring greeting too.
1010Dol. For the Dolphin? I stand here for him,
What to heare from England.
Exe. Scorn & defiance, slight regard, contempt,
And any thing that may not misbecome
The mightie sender, doth he prise you at:
1015Thus saith my king. Vnles your fathers highnesse
Sweeten the bitter mocke you sent his Maiestie,
Heele call you to so loud an answere for it,
That caues and wombely vaultes of France
1020Shall chide your trespasse, and return your mock,
In second accent of his ordenance.
Dol. Say that my father render faire reply,
It is against my will:
For I desire nothing so much,
As oddes with England.
1025And for that cause according to his youth
I did present him with those Paris balles.
Exe. Heele make your Paris Louer shake for it,
Were it the mistresse Court of mightie Europe.
And be assured, youle finde a difference
1030As we his subiects haue in wonder found:
C 2 Betweene
The Chronicle Historie
Betweene his yonger dayes and these he musters now,
Now he wayes time euen to the latest graine,
Which you shall finde in your owne losses
If he stay in France.
1034.1King. Well for vs, you shall returne our answere backe
To our brother England.
Exit omnes.