Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: James D. Mardock
Peer Reviewed

Henry V (Quarto 1, 1600)

Enter Gower, Flewellen, and the Souldier.
Flew. Captain Gower, in the name of Iesu,
Come to his Maiestie, there is more good toward you,
Then you can dreame off.
2720Soul. Do you heare you sir? do you know this gloue?
Flew. I know the the gloue is a gloue.
Soul. Sir I know this, and thus I challenge it.
He strikes him.
Flew. Gode plut, and his. Captain Gower stand away:
Ile giue treason his due presently.
Enter the King, Warwicke, Clarence, and Exeter.
2735Kin. How now, what is the matter?
Flew. And it shall please your Maiestie,
Here is the notablest peece of treason come to light,
As you shall desire to see in a sommers day.
Here is a rascall, beggerly rascall, is strike the gloue,
Which your Maiestie tooke out of the helmet of Alonson:
And your Maiestie will beare me witnes, and testimony,
And auouchments, that this is the gloue.
2745Soul. And it please your Maiestie, that was my gloue.
He that I gaue it too in the night,
Promised me to weare it in his hat:
I promised to strike him if he did.
I met that Gentleman, with my gloue in his hat,
And I thinke I haue bene as good as my word.
2750Flew. Your Maiestie heares, vnder your Maiesties
Manhood, what a beggerly lowsie knaue it is.
Kin. Let me see thy gloue. Looke you,
This is the fellow of it.
It was I indeed you promised to strike.
of Henry the fift.
And thou thou hast giuen me most bitter words.
How canst thou make vs amends?
2762.1Flew. Let his necke answere it,
If there be any marshals lawe in the worell.
Soul. My Liege, all offences come from the heart:
Neuer came any from mine to offend your Maiestie.
You appeard to me as a common man:
Witnesse the night, your garments, your lowlinesse,
2770And whatsoeuer you receiued vnder that habit,
I beseech your Maiestie impute it to your owne fault
And not mine. For your selfe came not like your selfe:
Had you bene as you seemed, I had made no offence.
Therefore I beseech your grace to pardon me.
Kin. Vncle, fill the gloue with crownes,
2775And giue it to the souldier. Weare it fellow,
As an honour in thy cap, till I do challenge it.
Giue him the crownes. Come Captaine Flewellen,
I must needs haue you friends.
Flew. By Iesus, the fellow hath mettall enough
2780In his belly. Harke you souldier, there is a shilling for you,
And keep your selfe out of brawles & brables, & dissentiōs,
And looke you, it shall be the better for you.
Soul. Ile none of your money sir, not I.
2785Flew. Why tis a good shilling man.
Why should you be queamish? Your shoes are not so good:
It will serue you to mend your shoes.
2790Kin. What men of sort are taken vnckle?
2795Exe. Charles Duke of Orleance, Nephew to the King.
Iohn Duke of Burbon, and Lord Bowchquall.
Of other Lords and Barrons, Knights and Squiers,
Full fifteene hundred, besides common men.
This note doth tell me of ten thousand
2800French, that in the field lyes slaine.
Of Nobles bearing banners in the field,
F 3 Charles
The Chronicle Historie
Charles de le Brute, hie Constable of France.
Iaques of Chattillian, Admirall of France.
The Maister of the crosbows, Iohn Duke Alōson.
Lord Ranbieres, hie Maister of France.
The braue sir Gwigzard, Dolphin. Of Nobelle Charillas,
Gran Prie, and Rosse, Fawconbridge and Foy.
2818.1Gerard and Verton. Vandemant and Lestra.
2820Here was a royall fellowship of death.
Where is the number of our English dead?
Edward the Duke of Yorke, the Earle of Suffolke,
Sir Richard Ketley, Dauy Gam Esquier:
And of all other, but fiue and twentie.
O God thy arme was here,
And vnto thee alone, ascribe we praise.
When without strategem,
And in euen shock of battle, was euer heard
2830So great, and litle losse, on one part and an other.
Take it God, for it is onely thine.
Exe. Tis wonderfull.
King. Come let vs go on procession through the camp:
2835Let it be death proclaimed to any man,
To boast hereof, or take the praise from God,
Which is his due.
Flew. Is it lawful, and it please your Maiestie,
To tell how many is kild?
2840King. Yes Flewellen, but with this acknowledgement,
That God fought for vs.
Flew. Yes in my conscience, he did vs great good.
King. Let there be sung, Nououes and te Deum.
2845The dead with charitie enterred in clay:
Weele then to Calice, and to England then,
Where nere from France, arriude more happier men.
Exit omnes.