The Chronicle Historie
23211127Why well
said. That doth plea
se me better,
23221128Then to wi
sh me one. You know your charge,
23241130Enter the Herald from the French. 23251131Herald. Once more I come to know of thee king
23261132What thou wilt giue for raun
23371135Kin. I prethy beare my former an
swer backe:
23381136Bid them atchieue me, and then
sell my bones.
23391137Good God, why
should they mock good fellows
(thus? 23401138The man that once did
sell the Lions skin,
23411139While the bea
st liued, was kild with hunting him.
23421140A many of our bodies
shall no doubt
23431141Finde graues within your realme of
France: 23461142Tho buried in your dunghils, we
shalbe famed,
23471143For there the Sun
shall greete them,
23481144And draw vp their honors reaking vp to heauen,
23491145Leauing their earthly parts to choke your clyme:
smel wherof,
shall breed a plague in
23511147Marke then abundant valour in our Engli
23521148That being dead, like to the bullets cra
23531149Breakes forth into a
second cour
se of mi
23541150Killing in relaps of mortalitie:
23591152Ther's not a peece of feather in our campe,
23601153Good argument I hope we
shall not
23611154And time hath worne vs into
23621155But by the mas, our hearts are in the trim,
23631156And my poore
souldiers tel me, yet ere night
23641157Thayle be in fre
sher robes, or they will plucke
23651158The gay new cloathes ore your French
souldiers eares,
23661159And turne them out of
seruice. If they do this,
shall our ran
soone be leuied.