Peer Reviewed
Henry V (Folio 1, 1623)
2984 Enter at one doore, King Henry, Exeter, Bedford, Warwicke,
2985and other Lords. At another, Queene Isabel,
2986the King, the Duke of Bourgongne, and
2987other French.
2988King. Peace to this meeting, wherefore we are met;
2989Vnto our brother France, and to our Sister
2990Health and faire time of day: Ioy and good wishes
2992And as a branch and member of this Royalty,
2993By whom this great assembly is contriu'd,
2994We do salute you Duke of Burgogne,
2995And Princes French and Peeres health to you all.
2996Fra. Right ioyous are we to behold your face,
2997Most worthy brother England, fairely met,
2998So are you Princes (English) euery one.
3000Of this good day, and of this gracious meeting,
3001As we are now glad to behold your eyes,
3002Your eyes which hitherto haue borne
3003In them against the French that met them in their bent,
3004The fatall Balls of murthering Basiliskes:
3005The venome of such Lookes we fairely hope
3006Haue lost their qualitie, and that this day
3007Shall change all griefes and quarrels into loue.
3008Eng. To cry Amen to that, thus we appeare.
3010Burg. My dutie to you both, on equall loue.
3011Great Kings of France and England: that I haue labour'd
3012With all my wits, my paines, and strong endeuors,
3014Vnto this Barre, and Royall enterview;
3017That Face to Face, and Royall Eye to Eye,
3018You haue congreeted: let it not disgrace me,
3019If I demand before this Royall view,
3020What Rub, or what Impediment there is,
3021Why that the naked, poore, and mangled Peace,
3022Deare Nourse of Arts, Plentyes, and ioyfull Births,
3023Should not in this best Garden of the World,
3024Our fertile France, put vp her louely Visage?
3025Alas, shee hath from France too long been chas'd,
3026And all her Husbandry doth lye on heapes,
3027Corrupting in it owne fertilitie.
3028Her Vine, the merry chearer of the heart,
3029Vnpruned, dyes: her Hedges euen pleach'd,
3030Like Prisoners wildly ouer-growne with hayre,
3031Put forth disorder'd Twigs: her fallow Leas,
3032The Darnell, Hemlock, and ranke Femetary,
3033Doth root vpon; while that the Culter rusts,
3036The freckled Cowslip, Burnet, and greene Clouer,
3037Wanting the Sythe, withall vncorrected, ranke;
3038Conceiues by idlenesse, and nothing teemes,
3040Loosing both beautie and vtilitie;
3041And all our Vineyards, Fallowes, Meades, and Hedges,
3044Haue lost, or doe not learne, for want of time,
3045The Sciences that should become our Countrey;
3046But grow like Sauages, as Souldiers will,
3047That nothing doe, but meditate on Blood,
3048To Swearing, and sterne Lookes, defus'd Attyre,
3049And euery thing that seemes vnnaturall.
3050Which to reduce into our former fauour,
3052That I may know the Let, why gentle Peace
3053Should not expell these inconueniences,
3054And blesse vs with her former qualities.
3055Eng. If Duke of Burgonie, you would the Peace,
3057Which you haue cited; you must buy that Peace
3058With full accord to all our iust demands,
3060You haue enschedul'd briefely in your hands.
3061Burg. The King hath heard them: to the which, as yet
3062There is no Answer made.
3064Lyes in his Answer.
France. I
The Life of Henry the Fift. 93
3066O're-glanc't the Articles: Pleaseth your Grace
3068To sit with vs once more, with better heed
3072And Brother Clarence, and you Brother Gloucester,
3073Warwick, and Huntington, goe with the King,
3074And take with you free power, to ratifie,
3076Shall see aduantageable for our Dignitie,
3077Any thing in or out of our Demands,
3079Goe with the Princes, or stay here with vs?
3080Quee. Our gracious Brother, I will goe with them:
3081Happily a Womans Voyce may doe some good,
3082When Articles too nicely vrg'd, be stood on.
3084She is our capitall Demand, compris'd
3085Within the fore-ranke of our Articles.
3087Manet King and Katherine.
3089Will you vouchsafe to teach a Souldier tearmes,
3090Such as will enter at a Ladyes eare,
3091And pleade his Loue-suit to her gentle heart.
3093your England.
3095with your French heart, I will be glad to heare you con-
3097like me, Kate?
3099King. An Angell is like you Kate, and you are like an
3104to affirme it.
3108men are full of deceits?
3110ceits: dat is de Princesse.
3116Crowne. I know no wayes to mince it in loue, but di-
3123Dance for your sake, Kate, why you vndid me: for the one
3124I haue neither words nor measure; and for the other, I
3126strength. If I could winne a Lady at Leape-frogge, or by
3127vawting into my Saddle, with my Armour on my backe;
3129quickly leape into a Wife: Or if I might buffet for my
3130Loue, or bound my Horse for her fauours, I could lay on
3132before God Kate, I cannot looke greenely, nor gaspe out
3133my eloquence, nor I haue no cunning in protestation;
3134onely downe-right Oathes, which I neuer vse till vrg'd,
3135nor neuer breake for vrging. If thou canst loue a fellow
3139to thee plaine Souldier: If thou canst loue me for this,
3141for thy loue, by the L. No: yet I loue thee too. And
3142while thou liu'st, deare Kate, take a fellow of plaine and
3144because he hath not the gift to wooe in other places: for
3147out againe. What? a speaker is but a prater, a Ryme is
3148but a Ballad; a good Legge will fall, a strait Backe will
3149stoope, a blacke Beard will turne white, a curl'd Pate will
3150grow bald, a faire Face will wither, a full Eye will wax
3151hollow: but a good Heart, Kate, is the Sunne and the
3152Moone, or rather the Sunne, and not the Moone; for it
3154truly. If thou would haue such a one, take me? and
3155take me; take a Souldier: take a Souldier; take a King.
3157and fairely, I pray thee.
3161mie of France, Kate; but in louing me, you should loue
3162the Friend of France: for I loue France so well, that I
3163will not part with a Village of it; I will haue it all mine:
3164and Kate, when France is mine, and I am yours; then yours
3165is France, and you are mine.
3166Kath. I cannot tell wat is dat.
3167King. No, Kate? I will tell thee in French, which I am
3168sure will hang vpon my tongue, like a new-married Wife
3173It is as easie for me, Kate, to conquer the Kingdome, as to
3175French, vnlesse it be to laugh at me.
3180needes be graunted to be much at one. But Kate, doo'st
3183Kath. I cannot tell.
3184King. Can any of your Neighbours tell, Kate? Ile
3185aske them. Come, I know thou louest me: and at night,
3187Gentlewoman about me; and I know, Kate, you will to
3189heart: but good Kate, mocke me mercifully, the rather
3193must therefore needes proue a good Souldier-breeder:
3194Shall not thou and I, betweene Saint Dennis and Saint
3195George, compound a Boy, halfe French halfe English,
k that
94The Life of Henry the Fift.
3201doe but now promise Kate, you will endeauour for your
3203take the Word of a King, and a Batcheler. How answer
3204you, La plus belle Katherine du monde mon trescher & deuin
3209in true English, I loue thee Kate; by which Honor, I dare
3213Fathers Ambition, hee was thinking of Ciuill Warres
3216to wooe Ladyes, I fright them: but in faith Kate, the el-
3217der I wax, the better I shall appeare. My comfort is, that
3218Old Age, that ill layer vp of Beautie, can doe no more
3223auouch the Thoughts of your Heart with the Lookes of
3227land is thine, Ireland is thine, France is thine, and Henry
3228Plantaginet is thine; who, though I speake it before his
3232thy English broken: Therefore Queene of all, Katherine,
3233breake thy minde to me in broken English; wilt thou
3234haue me?
3237him, Kate.
3257Deare Kate, you and I cannot bee confin'd within the
3259kers of Manners, Kate; and the libertie that followes
3261will doe yours, for vpholding the nice fashion of your
3262Countrey, in denying me a Kisse: therefore patiently,
3263and yeelding. You haue Witch-craft in your Lippes,
3264Kate: there is more eloquence in a Sugar touch of
3265them, then in the Tongues of the French Councell; and
3267generall Petition of Monarchs. Heere comes your
3269Enter the French Power, and the English
3278the Heart of Flatterie about me, I cannot so coniure vp
3279the Spirit of Loue in her, that hee will appeare in his true
3283make a Circle: if coniure vp Loue in her in his true
3285blame her then, being a Maid, yet ros'd ouer with the
3288(my Lord) a hard Condition for a Maid to consigne
3290King. Yet they doe winke and yeeld, as Loue is blind
3291and enforces.
3293not what they doe.
3295consent winking.
3297will teach her to know my meaning: for Maides well
3298Summer'd, and warme kept, are like Flyes at Bartholo-
3299mew-tyde, blinde, though they haue their eyes, and then
3300they will endure handling, which before would not abide
3301looking on.
3302King. This Morall tyes me ouer to Time, and a hot
3305Burg. As Loue is my Lord, before it loues.
3308French Citie for one faire French Maid that stands in my
3311tiuely: the Cities turn'd into a Maid; for they are
3312all gyrdled with Maiden Walls, that Warre hath en-
3314England. Shall Kate be my Wife?
3323West. The King hath graunted euery Article:
Exet. Onely
The Life of Henry the Fift. 95
3327Where your Maiestie demands, That the King of France
3330on, in French: Nostre trescher filz Henry Roy d'Angleterre
3331Heretere de Fraunce: and thus in Latine; Praeclarissimus
3335England. I pray you then, in loue and deare allyance,
3336Let that one Article ranke with the rest,
3337And thereupon giue me your Daughter.
3339Issue to me, that the contending Kingdomes
3341With enuy of each others happinesse,
3343Plant Neighbour-hood and Christian-like accord
3345His bleeding Sword 'twixt England and faire France.
3346Lords. Amen.
3348That here I kisse her as my Soueraigne Queene.
3351Combine your hearts in one, your Realmes in one:
3352As Man and Wife being two, are one in loue,
3355Which troubles oft the Bed of blessed Marriage,
3357To make diuorce of their incorporate League:
3359Receiue each other. God speake this Amen.
3360All. Amen.
3361King. Prepare we for our Marriage: on which day,
3362My Lord of Burgundy wee'le take your Oath
3363And all the Peeres, for suretie of our Leagues.
3365And may our Oathes well kept and prosp'rous be.