Peer Reviewed
Henry V (Folio 1, 1623)
The Life of Henry the Fift. 77
1008To morrow shall you beare our full intent
1009Back to our Brother of England.
1010Dolph. For the Dolphin,
1011I stand here for him: what to him from England?
1013And any thing that may not mis-become
1014The mightie Sender, doth he prize you at.
1016Doe not, in graunt of all demands at large,
1019That Caues and Wombie Vaultages of France
1020Shall chide your Trespas, and returne your Mock
1021In second Accent of his Ordinance.
1022Dolph. Say: if my Father render faire returne,
1024Nothing but Oddes with England.
1025To that end, as matching to his Youth and Vanitie,
1026I did present him with the Paris-Balls.
1030As we his Subiects haue in wonder found,
1031Betweene the promise of his greener dayes,
1036 Flourish.
1039For he is footed in this Land already.
1043Actus Secundus.
1044Flourish. Enter Chorus.
1046In motion of no lesse celeritie then that of Thought.
1048The well-appointed King at Douer Peer,
1049Embarke his Royaltie: and his braue Fleet,
1051Play with your Fancies: and in them behold,
1052Vpon the Hempen Tackle, Ship-boyes climbing;
1054To sounds confus'd: behold the threaden Sayles,
1055Borne with th'inuisible and creeping Wind,
1056Draw the huge Bottomes through the furrowed Sea,
1057Bresting the loftie Surge. O, doe but thinke
1058You stand vpon the Riuage, and behold
1059A Citie on th'inconstant Billowes dauncing:
1062Grapple your minds to sternage of this Nauie,
1063And leaue your England as dead Mid-night, still,
1064Guarded with Grandsires, Babyes, and old Women,
1066For who is he, whose Chin is but enricht
1067With one appearing Hayre, that will not follow
1069Worke, worke your Thoughts, and therein see a Siege:
1070Behold the Ordenance on their Carriages,
1071With fatall mouthes gaping on girded Harflew.
1073Tells Harry, That the King doth offer him
1074Katherine his Daughter, and with her to Dowrie,
1075Some petty and vnprofitable Dukedomes.
1076The offer likes not: and the nimble Gunner
1078 Alarum, and Chambers goe off.
1079And downe goes all before them. Still be kind,
1080And eech out our performance with your mind. Exit.
1082Alarum: Scaling Ladders at Harflew.
1083King. Once more vnto the Breach,
1084Deare friends, once more;
1086In Peace, there's nothing so becomes a man,
1088But when the blast of Warre blowes in our eares,
1089Then imitate the action of the Tyger:
1093Let it pry through the portage of the Head,
1094Like the Brasse Cannon: let the Brow o'rewhelme it,
1095As fearefully, as doth a galled Rocke
1096O're-hang and iutty his confounded Base,
1097Swill'd with the wild and wastfull Ocean.
1099Hold hard the Breath, and bend vp euery Spirit
1101Whose blood is fet from Fathers of Warre-proofe:
1102Fathers, that like so many Alexanders,
1103Haue in these parts from Morne till Euen fought,
1104And sheath'd their Swords, for lack of argument.
1106That those whom you call'd Fathers, did beget you.
1107Be Coppy now to men of grosser blood,
1108And teach them how to Warre. And you good Yeomen,
1111That you are worth your breeding: which I doubt not:
1113That hath not Noble luster in your eyes.
1115Straying vpon the Start. The Game's afoot:
1116Follow your Spirit; and vpon this Charge,
1117Cry, God for Harry, England, and S. George.
1118 Alarum, and Chambers goe off.
1119Enter Nim, Bardolph, Pistoll, and Boy.
1120Bard. On, on, on, on, on, to the breach, to the breach.
1122hot: and for mine owne part, I haue not a Case of Liues:
1123the humor of it is too hot, that is the very plaine-Song
1124of it.
1126bound: Knocks goe and come: Gods Vassals drop and
1127dye: and Sword and Shield, in bloody Field, doth winne
1128immortall fame.
1130would giue all my fame for a Pot of Ale, and safetie.
Pist. And