Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Anonymous
Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
Peer Reviewed

The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)

415Enter Dericke and Iohn Cobler.
Der. Sownds maisters, heres adoo,
When Princes must go to prison:
Why Iohn, didst euer see the like?
Iohn. O Dericke, trust me, I neuer saw the like.
420Der. Why Iohn thou maist seewhat princes be in chol=(ler,
A Iudge a boxe on the eare, Ile tel thee Iohn, O Iohn,
I would not haue done it for twentie shillings.
Iohn. No nor I, there had bene no way but one with (vs,
We should haue bene hangde.
425Der. Faith Iohn, Ile tel thee what, thou shalt be my
Lord chiefe Iustice, and thou shalt sit in the chaire,
And ile be the yong prince, and hit thee a boxe on the eare,
And then thou shalt say, to teach you what prerogatiues
Meane, I commit you to the Fleete.
430Iohn. Come on, Ile be your Iudge,
But thou shalt not hit me hard.
Der. No, no.
Iohn. What hath he done?
Der. Marry he hath robd Dericke.
435Iohn. Why then I cannot let him go.
Der. I must needs haue my man.
Iohn. You shall not haue him.
Der. Shall I not haue my man, say no and you dare:
How say you, shall I not haue my man?
440Iohn. No marry shall you not.
The famous victories
Der. Shall I not Iohn?
Iohn. No Dericke.
Der. Why then take you that till more come,
Sownes shall I not haue him?
445Iohn. Well I am content to take this at your hand,
But I pray you, who am I?
Der. Who art thou, Sownds, doost not know thy self?
Iohn. No.
Der. Now away simple fellow,
450Why man, thou art Iohn the Cobler.
Iohn. No, I am my Lord chiefe Iustice of England.
Der. Oh Iohn, Masse thou saist true, thou art indeed.
Iohn. Why then to teach you what prerogatiues mean
I commit you to the Fleete.
455Der. Wel I will go, but yfaith you gray beard knaue, (Ile course you.
Exit. And straight enters again.
Oh Iohn, Come, come out of thy chair, why what a clown
weart thou, to let me hit thee a box on the eare, and now
thou seest they will not take me to the Fleete, I thinke that
460thou art one of these Worenday Clownes.
Iohn. But I maruell what will become of thee?
Der. Faith ile be no more a Carrier.
Iohn. What wilt thou doo then?
Der. Ile dwell with thee and be a Cobler.
465Iohn. With me, alasse I am not able to keepe thee,
Why thou wilt eate me out of doores.
Der. Oh Iohn, no Iohn, I am none of these great slou-
ching fellowes, that deuoure these great peeces of beefe and
brewes, alasse a trifle serues me, a Woodcocke, a Chicken,
470or a Capons legge, or any such little thing serues me.
Iohn. a Capon, why man, I cannot get a Capon once a
yeare, except it be at Christmas, at some other mans house,
for we Coblers be glad of a dish of rootes.
Der. Rootes, why are you so good at rooting?
475Nay Cobler, weele haue you ringde.
of Henry the fifth.
Iohn. But Dericke, though we be so poore,
yet wil we haue in store a crab in the fire,
With nut-browne ale, that is full stale,
Which wil a man quaile, and laie in the mire.
480Der. A bots on you, and be but for your Ale,
Ile dwel with you, come lets away as fastas we can.