Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Anonymous
Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
Peer Reviewed

The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)

of Henry the fifth.
But neighbour say nothing of that.
Law. No, no, neighbour, I warrant you.
Iohn. Neighbour, me thinkes you begin to sl}eepe,
If you will, we will sit down,
130For I thinke it is about midnight.
Law. Marry content neighbour, let vs sleepe.
Enter Dericke rouing.
Dericke. Who, who there, who there?
Exit Dericke.
135Enter Robin.
Robin. O neighbors, what mean you to sleepe,
And such ado in the streetes?
Ambo. How now neighbor, whats the matter?
Enter Dericke againe.
140Dericke. Who there, who there, who there?
Cobler. Why what ailst thou? Here is no horses.
Dericke. O alas man, I am robd, who there, who there?
Robin. Hold him neighbor Cobler.
Robin. Why I see thou art a plaine Clowne.
145Dericke. Am I a Clowne, sownes maisters,
Do Clownes go in silke apparell?
I am sure all we gentlemen Clownes in Kent scant go so
Well: Sownes you know clownes very well:
Heare you, are you maister Constable, and you be speake?
150For I will not take it at his hands.
Iohn. Faith I am not maister Constable,
But I am one of his bad officers, for he is not here.
Dericke. Is not maister Constable here?
Well it is no matter, ile haue the law at his hands.
155Iohn. Nay I pray you do not take the law of vs.
Der. Well, you are one of his beastly officers.
Iohn. I am one of his bad officers.
Der. Why then I charge thee looke to him.
Cobler. Nay but heare ye sir, you seeme to be an honest
160 Fellow, and we are poore men, and now tis night: