Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Anonymous
Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
Peer Reviewed

The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)

of Henry the fifth.
The Crowne with all rights, to remaine to King Henry
1660Of England, and to his heires for euer.
Hen.5. Well my good brother of France,
There is one thing I must needs desire.
Fr. King. What is that my good brother of England?
Hen.5. That all your Nobles must be sworne to be true to me.
1665Fr. King. Whereas they haue not stucke with greater
Matters, I know they wil not sticke with such a trifle,
Begin you my Lord Duke of Burgondie.
Hen.5. Come my Lord of Burgondie,
Take your oath vpon my sword.
1670Burgon. I Philip Duke of Burgondie,
Sweare to Henry King of England,
To be true to him, and to become his league-man,
And that if I Philip, heare of any forraigne power
Comming to inuade the said Henry or his heires,
1675 Then I the saide Philip to send him word,
And aide him with all the power I can make,
And thereunto I take my oath.
He kisseth the sword.
Hen.5. Come Prince Dolphin, you must sweare too.
1680He kisseth the sword.
Hen.5. Well my brother of France,
There is one thing more I must needs require of you.
Fr. King. Wherein is it that we may satisfie your (Maiestie?
Hen.5. A trifle my good brother of France.
1685I meane to make your daughter Queene of England,
If she be willing, and you therewith content:
How saist thou Kate, canst thou loue the King of England?
Kate. How should I loue thee, which is my fathers enemy?
Hen.5. Tut stand not vpon these points,
1690Tis you must make vs friends:
I know Kate, thou art not a litle proud, that I loue thee:
What wench, the King of England?