Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Anonymous
Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
Peer Reviewed

The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)

of Henry the fifth.
Hen.5. Now my good brother of France,
My comming into this land was not to shead blood,
But for the right of my Countrey, which if you can deny,
I am content peaceably to leaue my siege,
1455And to depart out of your land.
Charles. What is it you demand,
My louing brother of England?
Hen.5. My Secretary hath it written, read it.
Secretary. Item, that immediately Henry of England
1460Be crowned King of France.
Charles. A very hard sentence,
My good brother of England.
Hen.5. No more but right, my good brother of France.
French King. Well read on.
1465Secret. Item, that after the death of the said Henry,
The Crowne remaine to him and his heires for euer.
French King. Why then you do not onely meane to
Dispossesse me, but also my sonne.
Hen.5. Why my good brother of France,
1470You haue had it long inough:
And as for Prince Dolphin,
It skils not though he sit beside the saddle:
Thus I haue set it downe, and thus it shall be.
French King. You are very peremptorie,
1475My good brother of England.
Hen. And you as peruerse, my good brother of France.
Charles. Why then belike, all that I haue here is yours.
Hen.5. I euen as far as the kingdom of France reaches.
Charles. I for by this hote beginning,
1480We shall scarce bring it to a calme ending.
Hen.5. It is as you please, here is my resolution.
Charles. Well my brother of England,
If you will giue me a coppie,
We will meete you againe to morrow.
1485Exit King of France, and all their attendants.
F3 Hen.5.