Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Anonymous
Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
Peer Reviewed

The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)

The Famous Victories
of Henry the fifth, Conteining the Hono-
rable Battell of Agin-court.

1Enter the yoong Prince, Ned, and Tom.

Henry the fifth.

COme away Ned and Tom.
Both. Here my Lord.
5Henr.5. Come away my Lads:
Tell me sirs, how much gold haue you got?
Ned. Faith my Lord, I haue got fiue hundred pound.
Hen.5. But tell me Tom, how much hast thou got?
Tom. Faith my Lord, some foure hundred pound.
10Hen.5. Foure hundred poundes, brauely spoken Lads.
But tell me sirs, thinke you not that it was a villainous
part of me to rob my fathers Receiuers?
Ned. Why no my Lord, it was but a tricke of youth.
Hen.5. Faith Ned thou sayest true.
15But tell me sirs, whereabouts are we?
Tom. My Lord, we are now about a mile off London.
Hen.5. But sirs, I maruell that sir Iohn Old-Castle
Comes not away: Sounds see where he comes.
Enters Iockey.
20How now Iockey, what newes with thee?
Iockey. Faith my Lord, such newes as passeth,
For the Towne of Detfort is risen,