Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Anonymous
Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
Peer Reviewed

The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)

The famous victories
What say you my good Lord of Oxford?
860Oxf. And And please your Maiestie,
I agree to my Lord Archbishop, sauing in this,
He that wil Scotland win, must first with France begin:
According to the old saying.
Therefore my good Lord, I thinke it best first to inuade (France,
865For in conquering Scotland, you conquer but one,
And conquere France and conquere both.
Enter Lord of Exeter.
Exe. And please your Maiestie,
My Lord Embassador is come out of France.
870Hen.5. Now trust me my Lord,
He was the last man that we talked of,
I am glad that he is come to resolue vs of our answere,
Commit him to our presence.
Enter Duke of Yorke.
875York. God saue the life of mysoueraign Lord the king.
Hen.5. Now my good Lord the Duke of Yorke,
What newes from our brother the French King?
York. And please your Maiestie,
I deliuered him my Embassage,
880Whereof I tooke some deliberation,
But for the answere he hath sent,
My Lord Embassador of Burges, the Duke of Burgony,
Monsieur le Cole, with two hundred and fiftie horsemen,
To bring the Embassage.
885Hen.5. Commit my Lord Archbishop of Burges
Into our presence,
Enter Archbishop of Burges.
Now my Lord Archbishop of Burges,
We do learne by our Lord Embassador,
890That you haue our message to do
From our brother the French King:
Here my good Lord, according to our accustomed order,
We giue you free libertie and license to speake,