Peer Reviewed
Famous Victories of Henry V (Modern)
7.0.2Enter Derrick.
[Shouts to offstage] Thou art a stinking whore, and a whoreson stinking whore! 649Dost think I'll take it at thy hands?
Derrick, Derrick, Derrick! Hearest a? 652Do, Derrick, never while thou livest use that! 653Why, what will my neighbors say an thou go away so?
She's a narrant whore, and I'll have the law on you, John.
Why, what hath she done?
Marry, mark thou, John. 657I will prove it, that I will!
What wilt thou prove?
That she called me in to dinner -- 660John, mark the tale well, John â€"- and, when I was set, 661she brought me a dish of roots and a piece of barrel butter 662therein. And she is a very knave, 663and thou a drab if thou take her part.
Hearest a, Derrick, is this the matter? 665Nay, an it be no worse, we will go home again, 666and all shall be amended.
O John, hearest a, John, is all well?
Ay, all is well.
Then I'll go home before and break all the glass 670windows.