Not Peer Reviewed
The Comedy of Errors (Folio 1, 1623)
The Comedie of Errors. 91
744If a crow help vs in sirra, wee'll plucke a crow together.
745Ant. Go, get thee gon, fetch me an iron Crow.
747Heerein you warre against your reputation,
749Th' vnuiolated honor of your wife.
750Once this your long experience of your wisedome,
754Why at this time the dores are made against you.
755Be rul'd by me, depart in patience,
756And let vs to the Tyger all to dinner,
757And about euening come your selfe alone,
761A vulgar comment will be made of it;
764That may with foule intrusion enter in,
765And dwell vpon your graue when you are dead;
768Anti. You haue preuail'd, I will depart in quiet,
769And in despight of mirth meane to be merrie:
771Prettie and wittie; wilde, and yet too gentle;
772There will we dine: this woman that I meane
774Hath oftentimes vpbraided me withall:
775To her will we to dinner, get you home
776And fetch the chaine, by this I know 'tis made,
777Bring it I pray you to the Porpentine,
779(Be it for nothing but to spight my wife)
781Since mine owne doores refuse to entertaine me,
785 Exeunt.
786 Enter Iuliana, with Antipholus of Siracusia.
787Iulia. And may it be that you haue quite forgot
790Shall loue in buildings grow so ruinate?
796Be not thy tongue thy owne shames Orator:
798Apparell vice like vertues harbenger:
799Beare a faire presence, though your heart be tainted,
800Teach sinne the carriage of a holy Saint,
802What simple thiefe brags of his owne attaine?
803'Tis double wrong to truant with your bed,
804And let her read it in thy lookes at boord:
805Shame hath a bastard fame, well managed,
806Ill deeds is doubled with an euill word:
807Alas poore women, make vs not beleeue
808(Being compact of credit) that you loue vs,
810We in your motion turne, and you may moue vs.
811Then gentle brother get you in againe;
813'Tis holy sport to be a little vaine,
816 know not;
817Nor by what wonder you do hit of mine:
819Then our earths wonder, more then earth diuine.
820Teach me deere creature how to thinke and speake:
821Lay open to my earthie grosse conceit:
822Smothred in errors, feeble, shallow, weake,
823The foulded meaning of your words deceit:
825To make it wander in an vnknowne field?
826Are you a god? would you create me new?
827Transforme me then, and to your powre Ile yeeld.
828But if that I am I, then well I know,
830Nor to her bed no homage doe I owe:
831Farre more, farre more, to you doe I decline:
832Oh traine me not sweet Mermaide with thy note,
834Sing Siren for thy selfe, and I will dote:
835Spread ore the siluer waues thy golden haires;
836And as a bud Ile take thee, and there lie:
838He gaines by death, that hath such meanes to die:
841Ant. Not mad, but mated, how I doe not know.
843Ant. For gazing on your beames
faire sun being by.
845 your sight.
851Mine eies cleere eie, my deere hearts deerer heart;
852My foode, my fortune, and my sweet hopes aime;
853My sole earths heauen, and my heauens claime.
856Thee will I loue, and with thee lead my life;
858Giue me thy hand.
861 Enter Dromio, Siracusia.
863 fast?
865 your man? Am I my selfe?
866Ant. Thou art Dromio, thou art my man, thou art
867 thy selfe.
869 my selfe.
871 selfe?
873One that claimes me, one that haunts me, one that will
874haue me.
Ant. What