Not Peer Reviewed
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
2281Enter prince Edward, king Iohn, Charles, and all
2282with Ensignes spred.
2283Retreat sounded.
2284Pri. Now Iohn in France, & lately Iohn of France,
2285Thy bloudie Ensignes are my captiue colours,
2286and you high vanting Charles of Normandie,
2291Should in the bosome of your kingdome thus,
2292One against twentie beate you vp together.
2293Kin. Thy fortune, not thy force hath conquerd vs.
2294Pri. an argument that heauen aides the right,
2295See, see, Artoys doth bring with him along,
2297Welcome Artoys, and welcome Phillip to,
2298Who now of you or I haue need to praie,
2299Now is the prouerbe verefied in you,
2300Too bright a morning breeds a louring daie.
Edward the third.
2303Alas what thousand armed men of Fraunce,
2304Haue writ that note of death in Audleys face:
2307As if thou wert enamored on thyne end,
2309And lopt a true friend from my louing soule:
2311Is as a morneful knell to one dead sicke.
2312Pr: Deare Audley if my tongue ring out thy end:
2314To win thy life, or to reuenge thy death,
2315If thou wilt drinke the blood of captyue kings,
2316Or that it were restoritiue, command
2317A Heath of kings blood, and Ile drinke to thee,
2319The neuer dying honor of this daie,
2320Share wholie Audley to thy selfe and liue.
2323If I could hold dym death but at a bay,
2324Till I did see my liege thy loyall father,
2326This mangled tribute with all willingnes;
2329To yeeld her Citie for one little breach,
2332Lo, to repaire thy life, I giue to thee,
2334Au: I take thy gift to pay the debts I owe:
2336With lusty & deer hazzard of their liues;
2337What thou hast giuen me I giue to them,
The Raigne of king
2340Pr: Renowned Audley, liue and haue from mee,
2342But liue or die, what thou hast giuen away,
2345With in an easie Litter, then wele martch.
2346Proudly toward Callis with tryumphant pace,
2347Vnto my royall father, and there bring,
2348The tribut of my wars, faire Fraunce his king. Ex.