Not Peer Reviewed
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
Edward the third.
214Cry out enough, spare England now for pittie,
215Farewell, and tell him that you leaue vs heare,
217Euen when we had that yeelded to our hands,
218Lor: take my leaue and fayrely will returne
219Your acceptable greeting to my king. Exit Lor.
220K. D: Now Duglas to our former taske again,
222Dou: My liege I craue the Ladie and no more,
225Da. Why then my liege let me enioy her iewels,
227And who inherits her, hath those with all.
228Enter a Scot in hast.
229Mes: My liege, as we were pricking on the hils,
230To fetch in booty, marching hitherward,
233A field of plate, a wood of pickes aduanced:
234Bethinke your highnes speedely herein,
235An easie march within foure howres will bring,
236The hindmost rancke, vnto this place my liege.
242King: She mocks at vs Duglas, I cannot endure it.
244And which her iewels, I am sure my Lords
247And now that comfort makes her scorne at vs.
248Annother messenger.
2 After