Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Sonia Massai
Not Peer Reviewed

Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)

The Raigne of king
Ki. Make vp once more with me the twentith part
Of those that liue, are men inow to quaile,
2265The feeble handfull on the aduerse part.
Ch. Then charge againe, if heauen be not opposd
We cannot loose the daie.
Kin. On awaie. Exeunt
Enter Audley wounded, & rescued by two squirs.
2270Esq. How fares my Lord;
Aud. Euen as a man may do
That dines at such a bloudie feast as this.
Esq. I hope my Lord that is no mortall scarre,
Aud. No matter if it be, the count is cast,
2275and in the worst ends but a mortall man,
Good friends conuey me to the princely Edward
That in the crimson brauerie of my bloud,
I may become him with saluting him,
Ile smile and tell him that this open scarre,
2280Doth end the haruest of his Audleys warre. Ex.
Enter prince Edward, king Iohn, Charles, and all
with Ensignes spred.
Retreat sounded.
Pri. Now Iohn in France, & lately Iohn of France,
2285Thy bloudie Ensignes are my captiue colours,
and you high vanting Charles of Normandie,
That once to daie sent me a horse to flie,
are now the subiects of my clemencie.
Fie Lords, is it not a shame that English boies,
2290Whose early daies are yet not worth a beard,
Should in the bosome of your kingdome thus,
One against twentie beate you vp together.
Kin. Thy fortune, not thy force hath conquerd vs.
Pri. an argument that heauen aides the right,
2295See, see, Artoys doth bring with him along,
the late good counsell giuer to my soule,
Welcome Artoys, and welcome Phillip to,
Who now of you or I haue need to praie,
Now is the prouerbe verefied in you,
2300Too bright a morning breeds a louring daie.