Not Peer Reviewed
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
Edward the third.
2149To be the gallowes of an English theefe.
2151And warrant for my safetie through this land.
2152Ch. Villiers procurd it for thee, did he not?
2153Sal: He did.
2155En: Io: I freely to the gallows to be hangd,
2156Without deniall or impediment.
2157Awaie with him.
2160He hath my neuer broken name to shew,
2161Carectred with this princely hande of mine,
2162and rather let me leaue to be a prince,
2165Ki: Thou and thy word lie both in my command,
2167Which of these twaine is greater infamie,
2169Thy word nor no mans may exceed his power,
2170Nor that same man doth neuer breake his worde,
2171That keepes it to the vtmost of his power.
2174Thou art not charged with the breach of faith,
2175Go hang him, for thy lisence lies in mee,
2179Shall I not giue my girdle from my wast,
2180But with a gardion I shall be controld,
2181To saie I may not giue my things awaie,
2183Ingagde his word, writ downe his noble hand,
2184For all your knights to passe his fathers land,
2185The roiall king to grace his warlike sonne,
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