Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Sonia Massai
Not Peer Reviewed

Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)

The Raigne of King
Eleuen Princes of esteeme, Foure score Barons,
1675A hundred and twenty knights, and thirty thousand
Common souldiers, and of our men a thousand.
Our God be praised, Now Iohn of Fraunce I hope,
Thou knowest King Edward for no wantonesse,
No loue sicke cockney, nor his souldiers iades,
1680But which way is the fearefull king escapt?
Pr: Towards Poyctiers noble father, and his sonnes,
King. Ned, thou and Audley shall pursue them still,
Myselfe and Derby will to Calice streight;
And there begyrt that Hauen towne with seege:
1685Now lies it on an vpshot, therefore strike,
And wistlie follow whiles the games on foote.
Ki. What Pictures this.
Pr: A Pellican my Lord,
Wounding her bosome with her crooked beak,
1690That so her nest of young ones might be fed,
With drops of blood that issue from her hart,
The motto Sic & vos, and so should you, Exeunt.
Enter Lord Mountford with a Coronet in his hande, with him
the Earle of Salisbury.
1695Mo: My Lord of Salisbury since by our aide,
Mine ennemie Sir Charles of Bloys is slaine,
And I againe am quietly possest,
In Btittaines Dukedome, knowe that I resolue,
For this kind furtherance of your king and you,
1700To sweare allegeance to his maiesty:
In signe where of receiue this Coronet,
Beare it vnto him, and with all mine othe,
Neuer to be but Edwards faithful friend.
Sa: I take it Mountfort, thus I hope eare long,
1705The whole Dominions of the Realme of Fraunce
Wilbe surrendred to his conquering hand: Exit
Now if I knew but safely how to passe,
I would to Calice gladly meete his Grace,
Whether I am by letters certified,