Not Peer Reviewed
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
Edward the third.
1639Der: Welcome braue Prince.
fathers hand
1642Lords I regreet you all with harty thanks,
1643And now behold after my winters toyle,
1645Of warres deuouring gulphes and steely rocks,
1646I bring my fraught vnto the wished port,
1648And heere with humble duety I present,
1650Cropt and cut downe euen at the gate of death:
1652Whom you sayd, had intrencht me round about,
1653And laye as thicke vpon my battered crest,
1654As on an Anuell with their ponderous glaues,
1655Yet marble courage, still did vnderprop,
1656And when my weary armes with often blowes,
1657Like the continuall laboring Wood-mans Axe,
1658That is enioynd to fell a load of Oakes,
1659Began to faulter, straight I would recouer:
1660My gifts you gaue me, and my zealous vow,
1661And then new courage made me fresh againe,
1665And done I hope the duety of a Knight
1667And therefore with thy sword, yet reaking warme,
1668With blood of those that fought to be thy bane,
1670This day thou hast confounded me with ioy,
2 Eleuen