Not Peer Reviewed
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
Edward the third.
1351How gently had we thought to touch thy brest,
1352And set our foot vpon thy tender mould,
1353But that in froward and disdainfull pride
1354Thou like a skittish and vntamed coult,
1356But tel me Ned, in all thy warlike course,
1358Pri. Yes my good Lord, and not two owers ago,
1360Vppon the one side with the riuers banke,
1361And on the other both his multitudes,
1362I feard he would haue cropt our smaller power,
1363But happily perceiuing your approch,
1365Where as it seemeth by his good araie.
1366He meanes to byd vs battaile presently,
1368Enter King Iohn, Dukes of Normanndy and Lorraine, King of
1369Boheme, yong Phillip, and Souldiers.
1370Iohn. Edward know that Iohn the true king of Fraunce,
1372And in thy tyranous proceeding slay,
1374Spits in thy face, and in this manner folowing,
1375Obraids thee with thine arrogant intrusion,
1376First I condeme thee for a fugitiue,
1377A theeuish pyrate, and a needie mate,
1378One that hath either no abyding place,
1380Where neither hearb or frutfull graine is had,
1381Doest altogether liue by pilfering,
1384I hould thee for a false pernitious wretch,
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