Not Peer Reviewed
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
Edward the third.
1003And with this other, Ile dispatch my loue,
1005When they are gone, then Ile consent to loue:
1006Stir not lasciuious king to hinder me,
1007My resolution is more nimbler far,
1008Then thy preuention can be in my rescue,
1010And heare the choyce that I will put thee to:
1012And neuer hence forth to solicit me,
1016Or I will strike and die before thee heere.
1019I neuer meane to part my lips againe,
1022May better boast of then euer Romaine might,
1024The vaine indeuor of so many pens:
1025Arise and be my fault, thy honors fame,
1026Which after ages shall enrich thee with,
1027I am awaked from this idle dreame,
1028Warwike, my Sonne, Darby, Artoys and Audley,
1029Braue warriours all, where are you all this while?
1030Enter all.
1031Warwike, I make thee Warden of the North,
1032Thou Prince of Wales, and Audley straight to Sea,
1034My selfe, Artoys and Darby will through Flaunders,
1035To greete our friends there, and to craue their aide,
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