Not Peer Reviewed
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
The Raigne of King
825Which I accordingly haue done and bring them hither,
826In faire aray before his maiestie:
827King: What newes my Lord of Derby from the Emperor.
829Hath yeelded to his highnes friendly ayd,
830And makes our king leiuetenant generall
831In all his lands and large dominions,
835The king is in his closet malcontent,
836For what I know not, but he gaue in charge,
837Till after dinner, none should interrupt him:
838The Countesse Salisbury, and her father Warwike,
839Artoyes, and all looke vnderneath the browes.
841Enter the King.
843Ar. Hhere comes his highnes.
846Der. The Emperour greeteth you.
850Au. All loue and duety to my Lord the King.
851Kin. Well all but one is none, what newes with you?
853According as your charge, and brought them hither.
855According too our discharge and be gonne:
856Darby Ile looke vpon the Countesse minde anone,
858Kin. I meane the Emperour, leaue me alone.
859Au. What is his mind?