Not Peer Reviewed
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
Edward the third.
716If she remember to embrace the king,
719Ile say it is true charitie to loue,
720But not true loue to be so charitable;
722But not his kingdome can buy out the sinne;
725Enter Countesse.
726See where she comes, was neuer father had,
729My mother and the Peeres importune you,
731And do your best to make his highnes merrie.
733I must not call her child, for wheres the father,
736No hees my friend, and where is found the friend
738Neither my daughter, nor my deare friends wife,
739I am not Warwike as thou thinkst I am,
740But an atturnie from the Court of hell:
742To do a message to thee from the king:
743The mighty king of England dotes on thee:
744He that hath power to take away thy life,
745Hath power to take thy honor, then consent,
746To pawne thine honor rather then thy life;
747Honor is often lost and got againe,
748But life once gon, hath no recouerie:
750The king that would distaine thee, will aduance thee:
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