Not Peer Reviewed
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
The Raigne of King
680 Say that my greefe is no way medicinable,
685War: I cannot nor I would not if I could.
688That breake the sacred warrant of an oath,
690War. That hee hath broke his faith with God and man,
691And from them both standes excommunicat,
693To breake a lawfull and religious vowe.
696Or breake thy oth or cancell all the bondes,
698And therefore Warwike if thou art thy selfe,
699The Lord and master of thy word and othe,
700Go to thy daughter and in my behalfe,
701Comaund her, woo her, win her anie waies,
703I will not stand to heare thee make reply,
708To breake a vowe made by the name of God,
709What if I sweare by this right hand of mine,
710To cut this right hande of the better waie,
711Were to prophaine the Idoll then confound it,
712But neither will I do Ile keepe myne oath,
713And to my daughter make a recantation,
714Of all the vertue I haue preacht to her,