Not Peer Reviewed
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
The Raigne of king
469Like to a flattering glas doth make more faire,
470The yelow Amber like a flattering glas,
471Comes in to soone: for writing of her eies,
473And thence the hot reflection doth rebounde,
476Vpon this voluntarie ground of loue,
477Come Lodwick hast thou turnd thy inke to golde,
478If not, write but in letters Capitall my mistres name,
479And it wil guild thy paper, read Lorde, reade,
480Fill thou the emptie hollowes of mine eares,
481With the sweete hearing of thy poetrie.
484Which apprehend such violent extremes,
485That they disdaine an ending period.
486Her bewtie hath no match but my affection,
491Then wherefore talkest thou of a period,
492To that which craues vnended admiration.
493Read let vs heare,
496Comparest thou her to the pale queene of night,
499But like a fading taper dym and dead.