Is there no way for men to be but women
2.5.31339Must be half-workers? We are all bastards,
2.5.51341Did call my father was I know not where
2.5.61342When I was stamped. Some coiner with his tools
2.5.71343Made me a counterfeit, yet my mother seemed
2.5.81344The Dian of that time; so doth my wife
2.5.91345The nonpareil of this. Oh, vengeance, vengeance!
2.5.111347And prayed me oft forbearance, did it with
2.5.141351As chaste as unsunned snow. Oh, all the devils!
2.5.151352This yellow Iachimo in an hour, was't not?
2.5.161353Or less? At first perchance he spoke not but
2.5.181355Cried "Oh" and mounted; found no opposition
2.5.191356But what he looked for should oppose, and she
2.5.201357Should from encounter guard. Could I find out
2.5.211358The woman's part in me -- for there's no motion
2.5.231360It is the woman's part -- be it lying, note it,
2.5.241361The woman's; flattering, hers; deceiving, hers;
2.5.251362Lust and rank thoughts, hers, hers; revenges, hers;
2.5.261363Ambitions, covetings, change of prides, disdain,
2.5.281365All faults that [have a] name, nay, that Hell knows,
1366Why, hers, in part, or all -- but rather all,
2.5.301367They are not constant but are changing still,
2.5.321369Not half so old as that. I'll write against them,
2.5.331370Detest them, curse them, yet 'tis greater skill
2.5.341371In a true hate to pray they have their will:
2.5.351372The very devils cannot plague them better.