Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Cymbeline (Folio 1, 1623)
  • Editor: Jennifer Forsyth
  • ISBN: 1-55058-300-X

    Copyright Jennifer Forsyth. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Jennifer Forsyth
    Peer Reviewed

    Cymbeline (Folio 1, 1623)

    Actus Quintus. Scena Prima.
    Enter Posthumus alone.
    Post. Yea bloody cloth, Ile keep thee: for I am wisht
    Thou should'st be colour'd thus. You married ones,
    2860If each of you should take this course, how many
    Must murther Wiues much better then themselues
    bbb 2 For
    392The Tragedy of Cymbeline.
    For wrying but a little? Oh Pisanio,
    Euery good Seruant do's not all Commands:
    No Bond, but to do iust ones. Gods, if you
    2865Should haue 'tane vengeance on my faults, I neuer
    Had liu'd to put on this: so had you saued
    The noble Imogen, to repent, and strooke
    Me (wretch) more worth your Vengeance. But alacke,
    You snatch some hence for little faults; that's loue
    2870To haue them fall no more: you some permit
    To second illes with illes, each elder worse,
    And make them dread it, to the dooers thrift.
    But Imogen is your owne, do your best willes,
    And make me blest to obey. I am brought hither
    2875Among th' Italian Gentry, and to fight
    Against my Ladies Kingdome: 'Tis enough
    That (Britaine) I haue kill'd thy Mistris: Peace,
    Ile giue no wound to thee: therefore good Heauens,
    Heare patiently my purpose. Ile disrobe me
    2880Of these Italian weedes, and suite my selfe
    As do's a Britaine Pezant: so Ile fight
    Against the part I come with: so Ile dye
    For thee (O Imogen) euen for whom my life
    Is euery breath, a death: and thus, vnknowne,
    2885Pittied, nor hated, to the face of perill
    My selfe Ile dedicate. Let me make men know
    More valour in me, then my habits show.
    Gods, put the strength o'th' Leonati in me:
    To shame the guize o'th' world, I will begin,
    2890The fashion lesse without, and more within.