Peer Reviewed
Cymbeline (Folio 1, 1623)
2080Scena Sexta.
2081Enter Imogen alone.
2083I haue tyr'd my selfe: and for two nights together
2085But that my resolution helpes me: Milford,
2087Thou was't within a kenne. Oh Ioue, I thinke
2089Where they should be releeu'd. Two Beggers told me,
2090I could not misse my way. Will poore Folkes lye
2092A punishment, or Triall? Yes; no wonder,
2095Is worse in Kings, then Beggers. My deere Lord,
2097My hunger's gone; but euen before, I was
2098At point to sinke, for Food. But what is this?
2100I were best not call; I dare not call: yet Famine
2101Ere cleane it o're-throw Nature, makes it valiant.
2102Plentie, and Peace breeds Cowards: Hardnesse euer
2103Of Hardinesse is Mother. Hoa? who's heere?
386The Tragedy of Cymbeline.
2105Take, or lend. Hoa? No answer? Then Ile enter.
2106Best draw my Sword; and if mine Enemy
2108Such a Foe, good Heauens. Exit.