Peer Reviewed
Cymbeline (Folio 1, 1623)
838Actus Secundus. Scena Prima.
839Enter Clotten, and the two Lords.
842dred pound on't: and then a whorson Iacke-an-Apes,
376The Tragedy of Cymbeline.
8451. What got he by that? you haue broke his pate
846with your Bowle.
8472. If his wit had bin like him that broke it: it would
848haue run all out.
850not for any standers by to curtall his oathes. Ha?
8512. No my Lord; nor crop the eares of them.
853he had bin one of my Ranke.
856pox on't. I had rather not be so Noble as I am: they dare
858ther: euery Iacke-Slaue hath his belly full of Fighting,
859and I must go vp and downe like a Cock, that no body
860can match.
8612. You are Cocke and Capon too, and you crow
862Cock, with your combe on.
865Companion, that you giue offence too.
867offence to my inferiors.
8701. Did you heere of a Stranger that's come to Court
872Clot. A Stranger, and I not know on't?
8741. There's an Italian come, and 'tis thought one of
875Leonatus Friends.
877whatsoeuer he be. Who told you of this Stranger?
880derogation in't?
8812. You cannot derogate my Lord.
884being foolish do not derogate.
886to day at Bowles, Ile winne to night of him. Come: go.
888That such a craftie Diuell as is his Mother
889Should yeild the world this Asse: A woman, that
890Beares all downe with her Braine, and this her Sonne,
891Cannot take two from twenty for his heart,
892And leaue eighteene. Alas poore Princesse,
893Thou diuine Imogen, what thou endur'st,
894Betwixt a Father by thy Step-dame gouern'd,
895A Mother hourely coyning plots: A Wooer,
896More hatefull then the foule expulsion is
897Of thy deere Husband. Then that horrid Act
898Of the diuorce, heel'd make the Heauens hold firme
899The walls of thy deere Honour. Keepe vnshak'd